Saturday, August 24, 2024

We Are Getting Robbed!!

 What a GREAT day!!!  My oh my it never even got up to 80 degrees.  It was overcast and gloomy, but I was cool as a cucumber!!  It's supposed to be the same today, which is maybe why Mr. Cooper completely refused to go outside this morning.  Or maybe the fox kids were frolicking on the lawn.  He acted really scared, so we came back inside.  Always believe the doggo's nose!!

After blogging, we usually hang out on the couch for awhile.  I can't turn him down ... he's such a love bug nowadays.

While Cooper snoozed, I had my morning wakeup pill.  Talk about shrinkage ... anyone notice just how small the Oreos have become?  This is the regular size package, but LOOK!  They have cut the amount of frosting in HALF!  Seriously?  No wonder I couldn't taste it.  I guess I'll have to go for double stuff, which has probably ALSO been minimized!!  We are getting robbed!!!

I did a bit of cleanup in the back yard, filling up the green trash bin with weeds from the flower beds.  They have completely taken over with this hot weather.  Time to get out the backpack sprayer too.  This is what I use ... rather large ... in fact, TOO large.  With my back the way it is, I can only fill it 1/4 full, but it gets the job done.

I sprayed the entire front entrance, pulled tumbleweeds out (yup we have them too), and generally wreaked havoc on anything and everything I could reach without killing the GOOD bushes.  The lawn grass had almost completely taken over one flowerbed.  

With that FUN chore done, I thought I should hit the fabric store while there was a little bit of time waiting for the grass to die.  This tiny quilt was a headache.  None of the fabric colors I wanted would work with the strangely colored blocks.  I ended up with pink.  Some little girl will probably love it.

This was the hardest one to work with.  It's very old Civil War fabric in odd caramel colors that do not exist today.  The gal at the shop and I went round and round until we picked this one.  I'm not a fan of light colors on a quilt back ... they get dirty too fast.  It was this or black.  Black fabric is the scourge of quilters ... you can't see it very well .... so cream it is!!

On the way back, I wanted to stop in for you guessed it ..... more sprinkler repair parts.  Several of the ones in the back yard have sunk into the depths of the ant hills and need to be raised up.  This will also repair the broken one.

Traffic was the worst I've seen in my entire lifetime.  This one back road used to be like a ghost town.  There was never ANY traffic between the main thoroughfare and that ONE stop sign.  It literally took me 30 minutes to go half a mile due to the stop light at the other end.  Note to self:  Don't go this way EVER again!

When I got home, I went straight to the back yard to fix that sprinkler.  DONE!!!  I turned on the water for a test.  NOTHING.  What?  The thing popped up, but no water came out.  Big sigh!!  I changed out the little gizzy on top and we'll see if it works today.  If not, I will have to dig it up yet again.  Sprinklers are not my forte!!!!!

The rest of the day was spent hand sewing the binding on this quilt.  In spite of several knots in this very old spool of thread that was the only one to match the color of the binding, I finished it in one day.  I love it!!  I may just have to make a few more of these big square quilts!

Happy that I woke up yet again, my to-do list is getting shorter ... kind of.  That sprinkler is still hanging out there, I've got lots of bushes with dead leaves to clean up, Mr. Cooper wants to go for a walk and there are not one, but TWO quilts to quilt!!  It's going to be another lovely cool day too.  What more could you ask for!!


  1. Love your quilts do beautiful work.

  2. That Oreo is ridiculous. That, accompanied with price gouging!?!

    1. Isn't it crazy? Makes you suspicious of everything!!

    2. Price gouging is Kackles new word for the inflation Joe caused. Controlling prices is what commies do first. It leads to shortages and people going hungry. Kamala=price controlling=death.

  3. Mr. Ed doesn’t eat Oreo cookies that like all other products have a high cost however, shrinkage Doesn’t translate into savings When you pay 4 dollars for a box of 100 cookies, And today you pay 4 dollars for a box of 80 cookies So the manufacturer comes up with a good excuse According to Mondelez International, the parent manufacturer of Oreo cookies, has admitted to inflation-driven changes in Oreos over the years. Cocoa and sugar are more expensive than they used to be (everything is). It's raised wholesale prices, slashed discounts, and even shrunk package sizes. Go check the price of sugar and flour. Even your potato chips you’re paying the same but getting less I like the new trick in a lot of the grocery stores where they ask you if you want to round up so they don’t have to give you any change. My reply is round down, they replace sorry can’t do that

    1. And you know why all that is happening, right???

  4. Beautiful quilt!
    I can't believe how those cookies have shrunk.
    I bake a lot for family and friends...the price of flour and sugar has gone crazy.
    Enjoy your Saturday!

    1. The price of EVERYTHING has gone crazy ... hopefully soon that will be corrected.

  5. Saw the pic of the Oreo before reading and my thought was...NANCY HAS AN OREO MOUSE IN HER I too think you should leave the driveway crack alone because you get little to no ground freeze in Merced area so water won't expand the crack very quick...not in your lifetime most likely.

    1. It looked like a mouse, yes?? I'll leave the crack alone I guess ... one less thing I have to repair.

  6. Mr. Ed....rounding up? I haven't heard of that trick!

    1. Walmart McDonald’s our local Publix grocery and Dunkin’ Donuts

    2. Every store I go to now, they ask if you want to round up to the next dollar, which they SAY they will donate to some charity. I always say no ... I donate enough already.

  7. So many food products are getting smaller and smaller and costing more and more it is so wrong but what can we do

  8. You've been busy. Even if the water is not coming through the pressure will pop the sprinkler up. Most have an internal plug to keep debris from getting inside.
    Nice Quilts.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. Hope you are feeling better Rick. Yup the plug came up, but no water. Had to replace the entire thing.

  9. if you’re adding risers to your sprinklers turn the water on for one minute after you shut it off then put the heads on. Clean any debris out. no sprinkler working you know which headed is bad

    1. That I did ... and nothing. I finally replaced the entire sprinkler and now it works.
