Monday, August 12, 2024

I DID IT .... Nope ..... Maybe .... Kinda Sorta

 Good Morning to every wonderful blog reader out there!!  It's a FABULOUS 64 degrees this morning.  WOOHOO!!  Maybe, just MAYBE the last example of Hell is over and done with.  We get it ... we are all trying to mind our P's and Q's because none of us can take THAT kind of heat!!

I splurged right off the bat!  I discovered I still had half a bag of these pastries from THAT store in Utah.  Obviously, I almost left them in the air fryer too long, but can you say crispy crunchy and delicious??  I was a big piggy and ate every single one.

First things first ... let's say hello to Dave Burdick.  No kidding Dave, every time I comment on my blog, I get an email from you.  If I click on your name, it says NANCY KISSACK.  This happened to me once before many moons ago.   I never could figure out how or why.  The emails come from Google.

I'm pretty sure it's a bug from something I opened by mistake.  I would give anything to know how to do it in return to whoever sent it to me.  I changed the email address in blogger several times, to no avail.  And so every morning I just say HELLO DAVE.  At this point I'm just thankful I was able to figure out how to get Blogger to work.

Done with that for the time being, I headed out to start the generator in the rig.  I prayed that I didn't have the same troubles with this thing.  Can you imagine???  

I unplugged and started the generator, then after a few minutes, very tentatively hit the AC button ... the snowflake on the bottom.  It came on.  YAY!   It died.  NOT YAY!  Apparently that is a good sign that the generator does not run on diesel.  I went outside and turned the propane on.  Holding my breath ... please please work ... I turned the generator on and let it run for a bit once again.  I tapped the snowflake and sure enough, the AC unit came on.  It's weird because it's a soft start.  

I let it run for about 15 minutes, then shut everything down.  You probably heard me sigh ... thank goodness SOMETHING is working right!  

Taking that as a sign that the ghosties had left the property, I headed straight for the longarm.  Let's see if I can mess THIS up!

I decided to start out slow.  I would do the borders in one pattern and the entire center in an edge to edge pattern.  The first border actually went fairly well.  There is a SKEW button that puts the border in the area you outlined, even if it isn't straight as an arrow.  It makes it fit perfectly with one tap of my finger.  

So far so good.  On to the center portion.  I had to do a little fudging here and there because the fabric was not perfectly square in spite of all my pulling and tugging.  What can I say, it was 1/4" off in one spot.  I know, I'm a perfectionist!!  I did think it was appropriate that the spider landed right on her head!!

There were a couple hiccups like running out of bobbin thread and trying to figure out where it was in the pattern.  Well actually, it was ME trying to figure out where to start.  How do you know unless you are standing there watching it every second?  

At long last I was at the bottom.  Here comes the BEST PART!  The pattern was 7 inches long.  I only had 5 inches to quilt.  Figuring out how to cut the bottom off is HARD.  It's called cropping.  BUT ... lookie here!  Beginners luck I think, because it came out just fine.  

I finished up the bottom border and took it off the machine.  Now to turn it sideways and do the other two borders.  It's much easier than trying to sew a vertical border.  

By the end of the day, sitting out on the patio admiring the rare sunset, I decided that all the computer problems can't be all ME.  After all, that quilting machine is all computer operated too!  

And so ended another day of feeling accomplished ... sort of ... at least I'm getting better at it!!

Happy Monday to everyone ... I hope your day is cool and problem free.  Maybe a margarita will help!!

Now to figure out why my computer can't find my AT&T hotspot.  It can only find my not-so-great Verizon MiFi.  What's up with that??


  1. That is so weird how Dave's name is showing up like that!

    1. It's completely crazy. I think one time it happened with a friend from Oregon. Maybe she accidentally got into my account? Maybe it's a bug? I've really no idea.

  2. That quilt is so dang cute. I love it!
    Enjoy the cooler weather.

  3. mr. Ed👉. Would like you to introduce you to Dave Burdick.
    go to Google type in Dave Burdick. Hit enter and meet Mr. Dave. Dave this is Nancy, Nancy, this is Dave read his bio

    1. if I read correctly that’s about 8.2 gallons tank of LP that’s about 30 gallons which is about a 2 1/2 to 41/2 gallon burn rate. Not too bad. But my other question is heating does the air conditioner have a heat strip or do you have a webasto or espar air heater

    2. I actually know Dave and Marcia. I met them many years ago on the road. Two of the nicest folks around ... so it's weird that his name shows up on my emails! The heater? We haven't gone there yet! LOL. It's a separate entity that lives under one of seats in the back.

  4. That is the weirdest thing about Dave Burdick showing up on your blog. I am still marvelling at your quilts and all that work that goes into creating them.

    1. It is just the craziest ... and now I think maybe it's not the Dave Burdick I KNOW!!

  5. You don’t always need your Wi-Fi puck look for a Wi-Fi hotspot in your area , some apps available that can help you find free Wi-Fi hotspots in your area. Some populars include WiFi Map, Wi-Fi Finder, and Free WiFi by Instabridge. These apps use crowdsourced data to locate and map out available Wi-Fi networks near you
    or just simply type in free Wi-Fi my area use your area code .. also why not the Lodge I’m sure it’s fast
    Just make sure you use a VPN service

    1. I'm pretty leery of using those wi-fi hotspots. Your device and your data aren't exactly safe while using them.

  6. I think all the other guys are jealous that I show up at your house each day! LOL.

    1. This is a hoot Dave. I just can't figure it out unless it's another Dave Burdick that somehow hacked my account.

  7. That's a beautiful sunset. I tried to sit outside yesterday evening but it was too cool.

    1. I'm going to knit you a nice sweater to wear outside. It's beautifully cold this morning. I'm loving it!

  8. Propane generators are also quieter and require less maintenance than diesel generators, but, Diesel generators are more fuel efficient than propane generators, requiring about 67% less fuel to produce the same amount of power. For how little you will need to run it, I think you are lucky to have a propane generator. Did research on the email thing, I have no least your name shows up when you comment on other blogs.

    1. It's a Google thing. As fas as the name, I blocked some of their cookies on my new computer and it made them mad. They took away my admin access.

  9. Those pastries look like mini sausage rolls, what's in them?
    You're doing good with the quilt

    1. Joanne ... they are full of APPLE PIE FILLING. Oh yeah ... quite tasty and right up my sugar alley.

  10. Love that first pic. My thinking is not respond to Dave Burdick it shows them (whoever them is) that they got a real acct and person. Sort of like those annoying robot calls. But heck I know nothing, and I can prove it! Lol Dee

    1. It's weird ... I'll try to explain a little more of it today. Obviously I'm with you Dee ... I don't know much either! LOL
