Friday, August 9, 2024


I HATE GOOGLE!!!  A good way to start the day, yes?  On this day Google decided if I did not allow their cookies to follow everywhere I go on the internet, they will not allow pictures to be uploaded.  What the heck??  The computer works GREAT ... it's the programs you use that are the problem!!!  

I finally figured out all my email accounts that refused to load.  I had to delete every one and add them again, but I got that fixed.  I'm still working on Google recognizing "I" am the administrator of this account.  At one time it was someone else.  Google didn't care on my OLD computer, but it won't let me comment as ME on this one.  I haven't figured that one out yet.  

Nothing like being frustrated at 5:00 in the morning!  Here's the solution ..... this guy!!  He makes me laugh every day.  Who could be mad when you look into those eyes?  At least for the moment, because he doesn't know what's coming up.  It's haircut time!! 

Yeah, not so happy in this picture, but he's MUCH cooler as evidenced by less panting.

Next up ... now that there is dog hair all over the counter ... let's fix some breakfast!!  This one came in the box for free.  Yup FREE food ... I'll take it.  

I wasn't too hot on spending this much time on this many ingredients, but what the heck.  Always the servings are for two people, which equals four for me.  Corn chips?  For breakfast?  I've no idea how that is going to work.

Look at the cute little egg carton!!  I was very surprised the eggs were not broken.  

Scrambled egg with cheese and onions, tomatoes, corn chips, all smothered in guacamole on a brioche bun.  Oh ... with chipotle mayo.  It sounded terrible to me, so I was VERY surprised when it tasted downright GOOD.  Even the crunchy chips in the sandwich were a tasty treat.  I'll have the second one today for lunch.

Now substantially energized, I drug out the ladder to replace a light bulb on the patio.  The spiders are out in full force!  I got the light bulb out and spent the next 30 minutes flailing a duster around trying to clean out the webs while keeping them from falling on my head.  

I killed a dozen or more spiders, when I looked a little closer and saw thousands of EGGS!!  Little white pearls covering every square inch!!  I went into race car mode .... fast and furious .... with the push broom from the garage.  These guys have GOT to GO!  I'm sure they are probably all back again by now, but hopefully I made a dent in the population.  Yes, it gives me the creeps, even if they are only daddy long legs!

I'm pretty sure I STILL have cobwebs in my hair, even after a long hot shower!!  Mr. Cooper kept watch over the driveway.  He was SURE an Amazon truck would be pulling up!

I spent the rest of the day sewing since I had an Elks Meeting in the afternoon.  Truth be told, I spent more time tearing out the stitches than I did putting them in.  These directional things are a pain in the patoo.  I kept sewing them on wrong and tearing them apart, to sew them on wrong again.  I think it took four hours to get this one square done.  The good news is I like it!!  And I LOVE the pattern!!

The rest of the night was spent problem solving and trying to take care of business.  It surprises me just how big this Elks organization really is and what is involved in keeping it running smoothly, even if it does act like a 1950 pickup truck on its last leg, running on one cylinder.  

First things first today ... I'll be starting up the generator in the rig for a test drive and filling up the DEF tank.  After about 700 miles up and over the mountains, I've used not quite half a tank.  How much that is, I've no idea, so it's time to find out.  Then I'll be back to sewing and ripping and sewing!!


  1. DEF ? Check on the Backpage glossary of your owners manual. you will probably average about 275/300 miles per gallon.

    1. Well I didn't know that!! I went about 700 miles, so Im guessing 2 gallons are required. That seems like a lot to me compared to my Phaeton diesel engine.

  2. Once again you have created a beautiful quilt!
    Enjoy your Friday!

    1. Thank you Frances. I just need to get sewing more!

  3. Check out the blog below for a possible solution to your spider/insect problem on the porch. Hope the link works. A lot of southern folks seem to swear by this solution. Might work

    One thing I have against organizations, not just the Elks, once they find out you can get things done, they never quit trying to pile on one more little "job".

    1. That is a new one on me. I've never heard of painting the ceiling blue, but it might just work!! Who knew?? As for the Elks, I have learned to say NO. Surprised? Me too!!

  4. Hey, those are my eggs! Can't you see the P on them? :)
    That face, those eyes and that little butt. I understand all about that and the laughter that ensues every day.
    Daddylong legs don't bother me as long as they don't get in my hair. It's any other kind that makes me nutty.

    1. They DO have a P on them. Where do you hide the chickens??? I'm with you on long legs ... I don't mind as long as they stay OUTSIDE.

  5. Just checked my patio ceiling - all good!! WHEW! Mr. Cooper on the couch - mine laid across the back of couch looking out the window! (Neighborhood Watch - doggy style) :))

    1. Hahaha ... a big yes on the neighborhood watch!! Glad your ceiling is not a spider nursery!!

  6. I painted mine sky blue. No spiders, but the mud daubers and wasps don't care. I just keep knocking them down and they give up. I do spray the wasps first.

    1. Really ... that is so weird. I'm going for the blue!! Wasps here want to nest in the cupola that I can't reach.
