Wednesday, August 7, 2024

The Infernal Machine BITES!!

 Good Morning!!!  Did that sound all bright and cheery?  It's hard to be bright and cheery when you were up 19 out of 24 hours, worked Bingo at the Magic Castle, then woke up again at 4:00.  Ugh ... so if this blog doesn't really make any sense ... try again tomorrow!

First things first ... the HAY BARN installation began at 6 am ... right on time.  I'll relate that story tomorrow.  Nancy was a good girl and kept out of their way.  

In a very short time after that, I became exceedingly frustrated with the computers, when in a flash, it was time to visit the Magic Castle of Bingo.

First things first ... I listened to several complaints on the way into the building.  I love these folks, but they haven't been members long enough to figure out you've just got to let things slide.  I was the same way for years ... you see stuff you think should be done a better way.  It takes awhile to realize this is an old time organization that is stuck in the 1950's.  

Anyway .... on to the arrival of the peasants and their big bags of chatchkeys and good luck charms.  The dobbers are another thing altogether.  They carry special BAGS in order to bring along twelve different colors with them.  The color they use to play each particular game is mandatory in their eyes ... because three years ago they won a game with THAT color.  

But first ... let's get completely frustrated by the Infernal Machine.  I came THAT close to smashing it on the floor.  I think that was computer frustration.  The cash drawer would NOT open.  It's happened before and we just tip it up, slam it down and VOILA ... it opens.  Not this time.  I worked with it for 25 minutes. NOTHING.  We should have started selling twenty minutes ago ... so the pitchforks and flaming torches were OUT in full force.

I finally got a screwdriver and began the destruction of the machine.  My favorite Knight came over to help and discovered an ink pen in the far reaches, along with one quarter.  No kidding ... that's all it takes to bring Bingo to a crashing halt.  

More work with my screwdriver and FINALLY the drawer was removed completely.  I reached inside it's guts and pulled out the pen and the quarter.  I put it all back together and held my breath ............. EUREKA!!!  It worked once again.  

Now we're late and I'm working like crazy to get the flames put out and the pitchforks put away.  Whew .... that was a CLOSE one!!  They were about to burn the building down!!

Luckily cool heads prevailed and the rest of the night went by without any problems.  Well, maybe a couple when some new folks kept calling BINGO when they didn't HAVE Bingo.  That always brings a rousing BOOOOO from the crowd.  

I balanced to the penny ... except I had an extra quarter that I gave away.  NO MORE change left in the infernal machine EVER!!  It cannot digest what it eats!

I made it home but not in time to get any real amount of sleep.  I was greeted with this when I opened my computer this morning.  Actually, I'm on the OLD machine right now and it knows exactly who I am.  Google is the problem ... it wants to know everything I ever did my entire life before it will let me into this blogger account, and then it still thinks I am anonymous.  

I've had to change every password I have because my old machine saves them ... but they did not transfer over to the new machine.  Anyone remember what their passwords are?  I have a book FULL of passwords, and it didn't like ANY of them.  So now we have to come up with all NEW ones!  If only I had a drop of unicorn blood ... I have everything else!!


  1. That sounds frustrating. Don't you just hate it when a simple object like that becomes lodged and creates nothing but troubles!?!?!?

    1. Boy oh Boy ... especially when you have pitchforks aimed at you!!

  2. Oh my goodness how frustrating that must be.
    Hopefully your new computer will be clicking right along.
    Happy Wednesday!

    1. So far I only have one problem with it ... it still won't recognize my google account.

  3. Overstocking the utensil drawer in the kitchen has the same effect as the pen and quarter.
    You have to learn a few Blue Words, aimed directly at your computer, then shut it down and start over.
    Be Safe and Enjoy some sleep.

    It's about time.

    1. Exactly the same! I'll keep working on it.

  4. Isn’t it frustrating when you don’t have ☁️☁️👍
    It remembers all things. Including the things you forgot.
    (and the next level of storage is $,mo.)

    1. That won't help in this case, and as you know, iCloud is a no-no for photographers.

  5. Speaking of "stuck in the 1950's", after being the Pres of Rotary Club I saw an opportunity to save the club over 2K a year by putting out a digital newsletter put onto a website AND emailed to members. It took 5 years to convert all but 6 members to the digital which point we stopped putting out a hard copy. Now they just use Facebook and email...

    As for your browser there is a setting to make an exception in which you list the websites you want exception for. With Firefox it is called EXCEPTIONS FOR ENHANCED TRACKING PROTECTION. Not sure what apple browser would be, but probably close wording to this. You just put the base web address of the site you want exception for...such as

    1. I'll look that up ... but the problem here is this google account originally had someone else's name on it as Administrator, and even though he gave me Admin status, it is not recognizing it for some reason. Only with blogger since that is a Google product.

  6. Computers something most people use and something most want to toss out a window in frustration, we get a new one and just trying to set up and get it to work how we like can make us want to throw a 2yr old tantrum.

    I keep a record of my passwords and still have times when I am told my password is wrong and I know it isn't, so bloody frustrating, usually this happens because I made a typo but still bloody frustrating.

    1. Same here Joanne ... the weird thing is it still works just fine on my OLD computer, but doesn't work at ALL on this one, and I can't figure out why.

  7. Well, I think we all know where that extra quarter came from!
    Passwords, don't get me started. I change one of those little special digits and if it is happy, I'm happy. Not on secure things though. :0

    1. Thanks to hackers, my passwords are now almost unrecognizable.

  8. Hi Nancy,you will drive yourself nuts with all the issues that one can encounter with computers. Call Apple Support at 1-800-275-2273 they will walk through each issue you have plus with your permission can access your screen & show you each step to take.After all you spent the extra money for Apple & they do make every effort to take care of you_ sorry that won't extend to Bingo,lol.All the best.

    1. Good advice. I've actually done that in the past and they were very good. I think this is an app problem, but they may still know the answer. I'll give it a shot.
