Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Da Da Daaaaaaaa! Hear the Shark?

Well I'm still alive, so I guess that's worth something.   I'm surprised my head hasn't exploded yet with all the new computer STUFF.  You know how it is.   It's the same computer, but nothing works the same.

So I was off to the local store (45 minutes away) to have my old computer transferred to the new one.  What a hassle from the get go.  The sharks were swimming the moment I walked in the door.

There was no one to "check" me in, so I sat for 30 minutes playing games on my phone.  I finally went to the counter at my appointed time.  Silly me, I actually thought I would be waited on.  I get it though ... you never know how long someone else's appointment will take.

Twenty minutes passed before I finally say HEY ... I have an appointment ... can someone help me please?  Why yes ... you have to leave your computer here for two days to have this done.  Uh no ... they did not tell me that.  I drove all this way .......... blah blah blah .....

The kid finally told me I could do it myself.  Nope ... been there, done that with bad results.  It's easy he said ... especially since you have a backup hard drive.  I'll show you.  And so he plugged it in and showed me which buttons to push.  I left reluctantly.  I'm going to have a million questions, I just know it.

To make me feel a little better, I stopped in at Habit Burger for this baby.  I thought maybe it would increase my brain capacity enough to actually make this thing work.  No such luck, but the burger was YUMMY!!

So was the $6.00 apple pie milkshake.  Note to self ... Habit Burger does NOT make good milkshakes.  

And then I plugged the computer in and waited ... and waited.  I knew there would be email problems, but so many?  Really?  Nothing works in that department.  At least it found my mifi quickly, though it took me fifteen minutes to get the mouse to work.

It took me the next four hours to get it to quit yelling at me about none of the email passwords working.  There are four ... and they are correct ... so quit yer bitching!!  Now it seems I have to show it my fingerprint in order to get passwords to appear.  What the heck?

It didn't get any better when I tried to get into Blogger.  Same password problems.  This morning however, it is fast as lightning.  So maybe all these "problems" are from internet connection issues, which of course I know I have.  Every solution will cost me more, not that I haven't spend a bundle already!

More news ... the car cover guys are coming at 6:00 this morning, followed by the gardener and then of course BINGO ... so there's no figuring anything out for the next day or so.  

If you don't hear from me in a couple of days, send out the cavalry!  I'm sure the shark will get me before I get him!!!


  1. https://connecteninternet.com/
    Disregard the one in the post,

  2. I'm sorry your computer is driving you nuts.
    Wish you lived closer to Bakersfield Id have our daughter help you with it.
    You will get it you catch on quickly.
    Happy Tuesday!

    1. I think that's what computers are for. To make us crazy!!

  3. The last upgrade we did with our computers was the easiest I ever did. It can be (is) a very FRUSTRATING ordeal. At the library I would get one new computer just as I wanted it, then clone it to the others...but it still took days to complete the task.

    1. It would be fine if it just recognized my account. I'm on the old one now and it is just fine. Go to the new one and it wants me to log in, but not as administrator.

  4. Already did that. New computer works fine, it just doesn't recognize my name or account any more.

  5. Sounds like one long frustrating headache

  6. Never something I enjoy doing. Laptop or phone. Good luck! You'll get it. We have faith.

    1. It just takes so long to get stuff straightened out. Im on the old computer and it works just fine. Go to the new one and it doesn't know who's typing! LOL

  7. Major reason why I keep using my old computer and hoping it doesn't die on me. Not sure I could survive the frustration. Good luck.

    1. Yup ... that was me. It's a pain when nothing works any more!
