Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Dave Burdick ... Where Are You???

OH BOY .... it's a FABULOUS 61 degrees here this morning.  I'm enveloped in COOL and it feels SO nice.  The back door is open and the fan is bringing in all the wonderfulness.  It makes the days much more palatable!

So here's Dave again .... I'll try to explain.  Google wants to know every tiny little thing about your business.  If you do not accept their COOKIES (not the sweet kind), they will not let you have admin rights to your OWN account.  The only way my name would show up if I commented on mine (or any other blog) was to accept the cookies and let them track my every move.  They suck!!

When I allowed that, Dave Burdick's name began to show up.  On this account, I have added my email address to receive an email every time someone comments, including myself.  Not my choice, it's just how they have it configured.  All of a sudden, all of those emails from this Google Account have Dave Burdick's name on them.  There are several Dave Burdick's, so maybe it's a hacker ... I've no idea.   Today I'll just remove that email notice and see what happens.  

This actually happened once many moons ago.  It added the name of a friend I met in Oregon.  All of my google account email notices were coming from a lady I met up there.  There's no way she could or WOULD have done such a thing ... so I think it's just a glitch in their system.  Makes you wonder though .....

On with the day ..... I took the quilt off the frame, still needing the side borders to be done.  At the suggestion of ladies with much more experience on the same machine, I turned it sideways and pinned it back on.  Notice I said PINNED.  There was no way I could use the red snappers with the weight, and it needed to be as straight as possible. 

I can't believe I did it!!  I was actually able to figure out how to flip the border so it looked the same on both sides.  WOOHOO!!  Not sure I could ever do it again ... AND I skewed it so it fit perfectly in the "box".  It was even COOPER APPROVED!!!

I have two more quilts to practice on, so maybe I'll get a little more proficient at red snappers and quilting within the lines!!  

When lunchtime came around, I was trying so hard to be good.  As you know, I'm terrible at decision making.  Here's what it looks like on paper.

And so I whipped up a HUGE grilled cheese sandwich with extra sharp cheese ... LOTS of it.  It smelled so good I didn't even take time for a picture until it was almost gone.  YUM YUM!!  So much for healthy eating.

It was kind of a weird day ... the ghosts of Kissack Kastle were out in force.  My TV suddenly died with a message NO SATELLITE CONNECTION.  What?  It just quit?  I thought it was the Cowboy Channel, who has trouble on occasion, but NO ... it was the entire system.  Well that's not good!

Of course my first question is "is it ME or THEM".  I tried to find the signal strength section, but it was elusive.  In a last ditch effort, I unplugged the entire thing and plugged it back in.  There was the usual six minute wait time for it to load and VOILA ... I had TV once again.  What the heck was that?  No clouds, no wind, no nothing ... just complete signal loss.  Maybe a sun flare .... they blame a lot of things on that nowadays.

And SO I went back to SEWING on this quilt.  Progress!!  Though there was a big OOPS when I stuck the last row up ... it was upside down ... but it was fixable.  No sewing today ... I have to gear up for the ever wonderful and exciting pitchforks and flaming torches for tonights session of Bingo.

Dinner looked surprisingly familiar.  Ummm wait ... didn't I just have Dutch pork with carrots and potatoes?  I'm pretty sure this is the EXACT same meal, with a different name.  

It actually turned out quite tasty.  I am getting a little tired of all the carrots, but I guess it's easy to include ... they will last forever in that box they send everything in.  Maybe a Habit Burger is in order ... or TACOS!!

The night ended with another bit of a sunset.  Any sunset is a good sunset around here, since we rarely have clouds.  When they say sunny California, they mean it.  

Time to put on my steel underwear and body armor vest in preparation for a rousing night of BINGO.  Maybe I need to borrow a couple of good luck charms for my desk.  It might help with Google.


  1. Daves blog is GoingRVway. There IS a Dave Burdick. I follow his blog.

    1. Yes there is ... and I know him well. Just wondering if the one listed on my emails is someone else! LOL

  2. The quilt and Mr. Cooper look GREAT!!
    Google changed my location to a different city about 3 months ago.....WHY? Looking forward to BINGO recap tomorrow!

    1. Mine says I live about 300 miles away! LOL. I didn't tell them any different!

  3. Our Dish TV goes wonky once in a while, and the cure is to unplug it and and let it sit for a while. Turning it on and off doesn't help, has to be unplugged. Leaving it sit unplugged for awhile apparently drains all the capacitors in the electronics and makes it return to its default settings. That is the first thing the Dish folks tell you to try if you call in. There is no rhyme or reason for this, it is just the electronic version of "tommyknockers" at work. Google tommyknockers mining for an interesting read. You may never get real close to your TV again.

    1. AHA!! I never heard that one before. I guess that's what happened to mine! Thankfully, it's working again now.

  4. Yep, big solar flare arrived yesterday. Level 8! About 1pm UTC, that's 8 am/ET I believe. It was actually all day yesterday, but that major peak was the level 8. Aurora all the way down to AZ the night before. It's back down today so hopefully the Bingo folks won't be too crazy. Made for some crazy dreams and tiredness for me.

  5. Your quilt is adorable and so is Cooper!
    Have fun a Bingo!

    1. Thank you Frances ... unfortunately my pile of Needs-Binding is beginning to look like a MOUNTAIN!

  6. Ok I thought I read and commented on this but maybe not, I wasn't all with it yesterday morning. Internet cookies do suck and sometimes if you decline them you have issues with the site you're visit which also sucks. I like the quilt and Mr Cooper is so cute

    1. Hope you are feeling better today Joanne. I think I felt your pain ... no sleep for moi!

  7. That's crazy about the Dave Burdick thing. Even funnier that he hasn't commented today and he always does!!
    Good job on the quilt and your meal looks exactly like the picture. Yay!

  8. Busy day... Nancy knows that I would never scam her even if I knew how. All I can say is that the email address these go to is hers. Why/how my name got attached is the mystery. I did an extensive Google search to no avail...as a former Public Library Director I know how to search. I hope Nancy that by eliminating the notice and redoing it.

    On another front Nancy I ordered a pair of mattresses toppers from Amazon which turned out to be more like a mattress pad. So over to WALLY WORLD and got a Queen 3" foam gel topper to put on top of the very uncomfortable mattress, then added the new "pad" from Amazon, then the fitted bottom sheet. Tonight will tell, but I am betting on a much better sleeping experience.

    1. I definitely know my friend Dave would never do anything like that. Weird that it happened to me once before with someone else. It's just crazy. Boy do I hope you two get a good nights sleep tonight. Don't you just love that those sheets fit perfectly??

    2. Got up for good at 9:30!!!! Let Indy out at 6:15 for her morning routine and Arny Treat, back into van at 6:45, slept another 2 1/2 hours! WOW!!!!
