Tuesday, August 27, 2024


Bad news ... FALL has run away once again and summer is back.  According to the weather guessers, we'll be in the high 90's for the next ten days.  That means lots of inside work, though my schedule seems to be full of meetings and eye appointments.

The BEST part of yesterday was this little guy.  It was yet again NATIONAL DOG DAY!!  My sweet little Cooper has kept me company for FIFTEEN years and still acts like a little puppy.  

I tried to get a couple pictures while on the floor.  When he crawls on my lap and gets nose to nose, you know it's time to play.  That of course means a Yoga workout on the carpet.  Not the best of pictures with bad light.  

He's just too fast for me!!  One foot is always on the toy ... while I try to steal it.  Funny how I always lose.  This kid ... he makes me smile every single day!!

I am happy to say my arm is better ... little by little.  It got crazy itchy yesterday, so I took another Benadryl and went outside for a little revenge.  I wanted to see if they had left the roost.  Two years ago it was full of wasps.  I sprayed it to death and they all died.  I never thought they would come back to a dead nest.  

I wasn't going close at all ... just stood back and emptied the last can of spray.  Believe it or not, MORE started coming out.  There is an entire can of spray in there!!  Needless to say, I RAN LIKE THE WIND, only FASTER this time.  

I'm going to buy a few more cans of spray and empty at least one more into it before I toss it in the trash.  I'm having no more of this nonsense!!

Suddenly I heard the sound of gravel on the ground.  I'm sure I mentioned somewhere along the way that I worked at a rock crushing plant for about 10 years.  You know .... loaders, big trucks, excavators, caterpillars ... I was in heaven with all that heavy equipment.  

Mostly however, I ran the office and the scales.  I definitely know that sound.  We crushed several different sizes of rock and spec roadbase for the State.  Thousands of trucks got loaded and weighed.

As I ran outside, I met the son of the contractor.  This kid (maybe 20 years old) ... someone brought him up right.  He can drive that tractor like a pro and place rock perfectly every time.  He took maybe three quick breaks to check his phone and that was it.  I think he started at 1:30 and finally left at 7:30 at night!  No kidding ... there's some major work ethic there!!  Boy do I love seeing that nowadays!

I'll get a few more pictures today.  It looks so good I think I may have to do more on the other side.  Even my nice neighbor came out to see how it was going ... and I may have even MORE good news later.

In the meantime, not one to sit for more than 30 minutes, I was in the sewing room most of the day cutting out this new quilt.  This isn't a REAL pattern, it's just one I made up to help get rid of all the scrap fabric I have laying around.  

I kind of got carried away since it's almost a quilt-in-a-day kind of thing.  It won't get done for awhile however.

I'm going to be busy for the next few days, though I think my arm is a good excuse not to be TOO busy.  Bingo is tonight once again, followed by an 8:00 a.m. eye appointment for new glasses.  Ugh ... that's way too early after a late night of Bingo.  That will be followed by an Elks Lodge dinner and meeting.  Maybe I can excuse myself from that one since we are now back to meetings twice a week.  

I can actually see my elbow this morning ... and SOME of the redness has subsided.  I guess I won't be winning any arm wrestling contests after all.  No worries ... next time ... if there IS a next time, I'll be dialing 911 and telling them I'm deathly allergic.  Maybe an epi-pen will be forthcoming.  I can only hope!!  

As to going to the doctor ... they have all retired.  We have two urgent care facilities, not open on weekends, and one hospital with a 5-6 hour wait and a good chance of NO survival.  That's rural ag living for ya!!  


  1. Cooper is such a sweet little guy and always looks so perky.
    Last month we had to send our old boy to doggie heaven and sure miss him.
    Glad to hear your arm is starting to get better.

    1. Ohhhhh ... that is just SO sad. I'm afraid that's not too far around the corner for me too.

  2. Mr. Ed said I think I’d have some fun and go out there with my Battery operated vacuum cleaner stick it right in the hole 🐝And watch them go round around in the dust collector Although I am a little sadistic, 👺
    Next time you go by the pharmacy or Walmart pick up 2 of Benadryl spray One for the RV emergency kit You could also use it for the puppy especially for the fire ants🐜
    Where are you able to open the unhingedrancher he certainly seems like my kind of guy and I definitely love his Verbal terminologies in all actuality, I learn two new phrases yesterday

    1. Yessiree ... I better be keeping a BIG bottle of Benadryl or Prednisone around in case it happens again!! I'll try the video again!!

  3. Glad your arm is doing better.
    Little Cooper is so dang cute.
    Enjoy your Tuesday!!

  4. So nice to have someone that is so much fun, and never stops loving you. Cooper is perfect. Glad to hear your arm is better. I didn't know you worked for a gravel company for 10 years. You're full of surprises.

    1. I've had a few different jobs over the years. I wrote then all down once and the list was LONG! Happy Dog Day to all your fur kids!!

  5. Back to email thing...check your email spam folder, they might be going there... A neighbor to my sister completely made her frontyard a rock garden with bushes that don't need much watering...it has been 4 years and looks better today than the day they finished.

    1. Not in spam. That's the first place I look every morning. It's just weird that that feature doesn't work any more at all. I love the gravel ... no mowing, no water, just blow off the leaves!!

  6. There is a national dog day, how cool dogs can be such a support and campaign to so many people. I have a headache and my thoughts are all over the place this morning

    1. I know the headache Joanne ... I hope you are feeling much better today!!

  7. This time of year I have lots of wasps around my place. Wasps return to the nest at dusk, so make sure it’s after dark before you unload that wasp spray…give it all you got! The next moving all the wasp should be dead. Spray the remaining nest with a strong stream of water until the nest falls to the ground. If wasps come out of the nest run like hell…if not stump the hell out of it. Good luck! Doris from Pa

    1. I will definitely do that Doris! Never thought of hitting it with water afterwards. Great idea!!

  8. I'm so glad your arm is better. I guess my penny trick wouldn't have worked. 🙄
    It's so hard to believe Coopers age, looking and acting like a puppy. Love that little bum.

    1. Ten years ago I think the penny would work. Not so much now! LOL. These kids of ours ... just love them like no other!!

  9. Sure do miss my mutts. Cooper is such a sweetie. So glad the arm is better. Sure glad you're throwing it in the garbage as soon as it's safe. The stonework looks great.
