Friday, August 16, 2024

Some Times You WIN!!

 We are hanging out on the patio this morning in the 60's!!  Boy oh boy does it feel nice.  Even better, my fan brought in enough COOL to last until 3:00 when the AC finally came on.  I'm loving it!!!  I'm pretty sure wonderful friend Elva is parked under a blanket!!

I was met with this shining face this morning ... let's play the ball game Mom!!  I smile every time I see him.  He's becoming an old man with all his grunts and groans every morning.  Just like his Mom!!

First things first ... the computer of course.  I finally called Apple Support ... a free service with folks who are better at the NEW than I am.  The reason I GOT a new computer is because the latest and greatest banking apps (which I use almost exclusively now) do NOT work with old computers.  Their firewalls and security measures will not connect.  I can't connect unless I upgrade the computer.  I can't upgrade the computer because it is incapable of working with the new technology.  Believe me I tried, because as you know, new computers are pricey.

While roaming around in the depths of that old computer, I happened upon this image that brought back lots of memories.  I ran this marathon five years in a row ... back when I was a young 55 years old.  It was held in San Francisco every year, when it was a fabulous place to visit.  I don't have the patience for the practice now!!  Yes they let men run too, but very few ever did.  Far as I know, it's been discontinued.

So here's the computer update.  Most all of my problems are because I do not have a good internet connection.  Once they showed me how to hook up with my phone ... now a completely different way than I was doing previously (which made all the difference in the world) ... most of my email problems disappeared.  

As for Google and blogger, they are not quite as compatible with the NEW computer since they use older technology.  No one has any idea how or why Dave Burdick's name is showing up on my blogger comment emails.  I deleted that portion altogether, so maybe I'll add it back in a few days and see if it continues.   YAY ... SUCCESS!  

But NOT with the doggie ramp!  I went to Home Depot first and picked out the board I wanted.  I asked for someone to cut it and they pointed to two kids.  They were putting long fence pickets on a cart ... stacking them quite high.  The kid said he would help me in one minute.  Then they took the boards OFF the cart and put them back.  I waited.  They moved a bit and did it again.  I waited.  By the time they completely loaded and unloaded that cart THREE times while I stood there, I had seen enough.  There's certainly no SERVICE around here!!  

I headed out the door to Lowes where I got instant service from a nice kid who cut the boards for me.  Not that it mattered, because no matter what I did, I could NOT make them work like the guys told me.  Let's face it ... I do not have a MAN brain that can figure out stuff like this.  Carpentry is beyond my skills.

These two pieces should be connected by a hinge, but I couldn't fit the screwdriver in there to screw it down, and it should have metal side braces.  No matter HOW I put those braces on, they would not work.

No kidding, I think I spent four hours on this dumb thing and got nowhere!!  Yes, it looks steep here, but it's not really.  I spent the next hour hoping to find something on the internet I could just buy.  The problem is I only have an 8" wide space.  They don't make them that narrow.  

Since my carpenter friend is off on a 6 week vacation back East, I guess this will have to wait.  Actually, I'm thinking I'll just get one long board with a block on the end to hook on to the couch.  Anyway, that was a nice failure for the day.

This gave me a good chuckle.  I swear, it happens to me every time!!!

After watching lots of rodeo for the evening, I was tired enough to fall asleep on the couch.  NOT Mr. Cooper's favorite place since he likes to really stretch out.  He woke me up with some really good barks, making me think someone was at the door.  Sneaky little kid!!  We headed off to bed where he stretched out as far as he could.

It's FRIDAY and another week has flown by.  Actually HALF A MONTH has flown by.  Time to put another quilt on the frame for one of two things ..... frustration or SUCCESS!!!  I vote for success!!


  1. Mr. Ed said even if you have dedicated Internet as a precaution you should be using a VPN it uses encryption they’re not expensive about it much is a cup of coffee per month if you need faster Internet speed why not take it to the castle or the library that’s where your VPN will come in if you’re looking for a secure search engine duck duck is a search engine that does not save or sell any information unlike ALL the others

    1. if you search enter - wi-Fi hot spots near me. - You’ll come up with a lot a hotspot sites you can use. All you do is enter your ZIP Code it can be used anywhere in the US

    2. The problem is I want to use the computer at my house. If I'm on the road, that's an option for sure.

  2. Hee hee. You turn the fan on to suck in cool air. I turn the heater on to "take the chill out". Yesterday I also turned the AC on at 3pm!

  3. Cooper is so cute!
    Enjoy the cooler mornings!

    1. I have definitely been doing that. Coffee on the patio!!

  4. No "free wifi" for banking purposes....never...don't do it no matter what protection you have on your computer... Would one of these work for you and Cooper?

    1. Yes, but it's too wide. I only have 8-9 inches of width. Long is good, narrow is a must. Thanks Dave!

  5. Computers a modern day headache many of us can't live without. The internet here is pretty average, some parts of Australia have shocking internet mine is just average and during bad weather will drop out which is frustrating.

    1. It's the same here Joanne. I live in an area with little to no coverage.

  6. Could the small portion be tucked in under the couch cushion? It would be a long walk but no attacking. 🤔
