Sunday, August 18, 2024

Just Another Day In Paradise

 There's nothing better than tearing something up when it's cool outside and you need a break.  My yard is falling a bit behind and SO much stuff needs to be trimmed up.  I took the branch cutters to this little tree that somehow grew into a monster.  It took me over an hour to get all the trash out of my hair.  Note to self .... next time wear a hat.

You know what I'll be doing THIS morning ... cutting it all up into tiny pieces to fit in the trash can.  Underneath it are two very old lavender plants that died, along with about 4 inches of trash, which also has to be raked up.  Oh the fun!!

Here's the good news of the day ... besides looking at this cute little face ... I got my PG&E bill.  Believe me, folks have been ranting and raving around here about their bills having doubled this year versus last year.  They were nice enough to give everyone a big rate hike just before summer, plus it's been hotter than normal.  

Apparently I had my solar panels cleaned at the exact right time.  Instead of the $2,000 bill my fiends got (NOT kidding, their bill was THAT much) ..... MY bill was a $168.00 CREDIT.  I can't believe it.  I ran my AC more than I EVER have because this is the first summer in seven years that I stayed here and the heat was the worst in TEN years.  I was pretty shocked to say the least.  I guess I'm doing something right!

Maybe I can even afford to buy Mr. Cooper another ball!!  Yup this is his favorite that he absolutely refuses to give up.  I threw it away once.  He stood at the trash can in the kitchen and barked until I gave it back.  He doesn't seem to care if it doesn't roll any more.

Once cleaned up and cooled off, I began to quilt the quilt.  I really don't have any cowboy appropriate patterns, but this Castle Scroll looked like the swirling wind kicked up by the horses.  I know, I have a weird imagination.  The second one is just circles that I was able to make fit (more or less) in the border space.  I'm actually having lots of fun being able to program the computer to do this!!

Instead of doing every square with something different, I decided to do the center with this longhorn pattern.  New patterns are $20.00 each, downloaded to your computer, then transferred to the longarm computer.  Apparently COWBOY is not a popular one unless it's stick horses.

Yessiree ... I spent an entire six hours quilting this thing.  There were a couple of minor errors, like forgetting to make this one a tad bit bigger, but I was able to FLIP it upside down for the bottom border.  As long as it was inside the edge, it was fine with me.  

TA-DA!!  It was finally done ... and of course Cooper approved.  I'm not thrilled with the backing since it couldn't be further from COWBOY, but it matches a couple of the squares, so there's that.  I'm loving the challenge of quilting different parts with different patterns.  Thanks RAY for the lessons and for poking me with a stick to figure it out.     

And so ...... on to the next quilt since you know Nancy cannot sit still for any length of time.  

Today I'm on a mission to contact PleasureWay about the rig and get solid answers as to the exact route electricity takes.  At this point all I know is to unplug from power and turn the inverter off.  I'm wondering if I'm plugged in, can I turn the inverter off so it's quiet at night?????  SO many questions!

It should be an even MORE exciting day since the CORRECT piano hinge should arrive for the doggo ramp.  Let's see if I can mess THAT up!!!


  1. Your cowboy quilt is amazing.
    Good job on your electric bill!
    Happy Sunday!

    1. It's really hard not turning that thermostat UP!

  2. Cooper is such a cutie! Doris from Pa

  3. Inverter needs to be on for you to have access to the panel is throwing me for a loop...that panel, in my mind, is a 12 volts system... inverter should not be needed for 12 volts. Inverter changes 12 volts to 110 volts. Hope someone can explain it to you...

    1. I'm tempted to "try" things out by turning off just the inverter, but I'm afraid I'll blow a fuse ... most of which are very hard to access. They told me to turn off the main panel first when parked for a long time unplugged... maybe because it's a big draw on the battery? AND I don't think the fridge will work without the inverter. I might try that once overnight just to see if it stays cold enough. Fridge is electric ONLY.

  4. Good luck getting answers on your rig. I seriously doubt they know the answers, but know your tenacity, you will hunt down the person with the answers! Great news on the electric bill. How cool is that!??!

    1. It is COOOOOOOL!! Truly, the electricity stuff cannot be THAT hard!

  5. Our PGE bill was $1072.00. I guess we were lucky it wasn't $2000.00!

    1. OMG Elva!! I would have had a heart attack, though to be honest, I expected mine would be about that much. It's just absolutely crazy!!! We aren't the only ones though ... with 8% inflation this last year, once it goes up, they are NOT going to bring it back down.

  6. If you have a switch to turn off the inverter, turn it off and plug in the 120V power from the grid and see if every thing works, won't hurt anything. Should work okay.

    1. According to the manual, the computers and the fridge are 12 volt. With the inverter off, I don't think they will work.

  7. Yard work is hard work which may be why I don't do it, that ball has seen better days and the quilt looks cool

    1. You are so right Joanne! I was able to sneak the ball away yesterday! LOL

  8. I'm glad you are learning to use the computer on your machine. It's always more fun. I still hope you learn to use the red snappers. they really are a lot faster than pinning.

    1. Red Snappers are MUCH faster ... I just need a lot more practice I guess! Learning how to use more of my quilting computer ... priceless!! Too bad they don't give you lessons when you buy it! LOL

  9. Dave is right, the inverter needs to be on when you are unplugged and off when you are plugged in.
    One possibility is that your inverter is an inverter/ charger and the noise you are hearing is from the charger side of the unit charging the batteries.
    Not saying that is the way, just a possibility.

    1. I agree Bill. It seems if I'm plugged in, something has to convert AC to DC to charge the batteries which run the 12 volt computers AND 12 volt fridge. If it's charging, I guess that's why it's running all the time? It may be time to tear the seat apart and take a look. Maybe I can insulate it with something to deaden the sound. If I'm NOT plugged in and it's just parked here, I can turn it off which they told me to do, because the solar will still charge the batteries so they don't die. Okay, I think I'm getting it little by little.

  10. I think Bill is correct-PWay went all lithium & big so that there was ample power offgrid,so the charge side requires the fan.Perhaps look through the manual & mark all items you need clarifying then give their customer service a call -write or record the response[s] in the manual margins if possible ,then you have it handy.Step by step you will resolve any issues & I'm sure enjoy the rig-all the best.

    1. I think you are BOTH correct. This just works differently from any other rig I've had ... plus the 12 volt fridge. I finally got the new manual, so I'll start reading.

  11. Mr. Ed said FYI.
    So if you don’t start the RV an unplug shore power and not use the generator.
    Sunlight Power goes to your solar. To the controller to your battery from your battery an run any 12 V system on the RV that system is also tied in to Your inverter, the inverter puts out 110 V and it will attempt to run. The microwave the TV and small appliances that’s OK. That’s what the inverter and lithium batteries are designed to do over a short period of time. it keep your refrigerator running. You could heat up a cuppa coffee or if you want to cook an English muffin that’s why you have a voltage management system on your LED screen in the top left
    it changes DC to AC

    Once you start the vehicle, or plug, in shore power or start your generator those three things will take over the inverter and bypass the batteries and give you true 110v which is better suited to run the microwave /appliances and the air conditioning over a 👉long length of time
    That is the way that system is designed to run

    1. Exactly ... but I want to turn the inverter off at night so I can sleep. It's just TOO noisy!! But it looks like that's not possible.
