Saturday, August 10, 2024

Just A Lazy Friday

 FINALLY  Mother Nature has found her hot flash pills!!  It's a cool 66 degrees this morning, even going all the way down to 58 every day this next week.  WOOHOO!!  I'm not saying anything else ... I don't want to jinx it!

I called Patty Chance at the Last Chance Ranch yesterday to see if she remembered where we went first on our Alaska trip.  She wasn't sure, but said "why don't you check your pictures"?  Okay then.  I grabbed both of my old computers and went to work.

That didn't last long since the computer I needed was all out of shape ... just like me after 10 years.  Sadly, the battery has exploded inside.  So here's my question ... what do I do with it now?  Just throw it in the trash can?  What about any sensitive information on it ... not that I remember if there IS anything important on it.

The next suggestion was to check out Dan's old blog.  Yup ... it's still there!!  AND MINE TOO!  I had no idea all those years would still be around.  Here's a picture of our rigs.  

That's me on the left.  After walking to the edge, Dan asked if Miss Jessie ever got into the drivers seat.  Why yes, she does.  Watch out he said ... his sweet puppy got into the drivers seat and pushed down on the air brake release.  YIKES!!  In a panic, I ran back to the rig to find her with her foot ON the brake release.  From then on, I put a clothespin under it and a doggie gate so as not to allow access.  What a trip this was!!

It brought back lots of memories of driving in the wet snow, GREAT friends and the magnificence of Alaska.  My plan is to take the same trip next year.  I had marked our entire route on an atlas, but I did not remember if we were coming or going.  Now I know the exact route.

So ... on to breakfast!!  I had the second breakfast sandwich ..... WAY too much food for one meal.

Then it was time to figure out the DEF thing.  I used to carry those big boxes around, but there's no room for that here.  I bought a one gallon container for a ridiculous amount of money to keep in the rig in case it needs an emergency drink.  I think the rig holds 3 gallons.

Here's a shocker ... I used to buy this stuff by the 2.5 gallon container at Walmart for $11.00.  At the most it was $13.00.  Right now it's $26.00.  That's inflation for you!!  The problem is no place to carry it.  I guess the question is, do they have it at every gas station in Canada?  I know most carry it here, but I've found they only carry the big heavy containers, which I'm not supposed to be lifting up to chest height where the input is.

Sadly, I didn't have a funnel.  Good grief ... they give you a hole 1" around in which to pour almost three gallons of product.  It went everywhere.  

Okay ... off to Wally World I go for once again, Jonathan food, and a funnel.  Wally World carries very FEW funnels, especially the collapsible one I want for ease of storage.  As much as I love the prices, I'm beginning to hate the self checkout more and more.  Every single time you have to call someone.

The good news is I hear they are pulling the self checkout stations out and actually putting people back in.  They are losing too much from stealing.  No kidding ... I could have told them THAT would happen.  If every one of probably 500 folks walked out with only $5.00 worth of product, it would amount to a $525,000 loss every month at EVERY store.  Duh .......

Anyhoo ... I got a funnel and put in one gallon.  It hardly made a dent on the gauge.  It appears I will be buying those big heavy containers after all.  I will just have to sweet talk some nice guy into lifting it for me.

Onward ... these are RED SNAPPERS.  I thought that was a FISH!  Who knew?  The round pieces fit together and slide into the fabric on my machine that holds the quilt for quilting.  This is what Ray uses on his machine that he SWEARS by.  I have always liked the process of pinning, but he says I will hate it after using these.

The grooved ones fit right over the rods and SNAPS into place, holding the fabric tight.  We shall see if that holds true for my machine.  I have two quilts ready to go ... I just need to gather up the BRAVE in me, in order to give it a shot.  Unless you quilt every day, remembering how to do all this can be a problem.

Today I'll try it and see how it goes.  

While in Wally World, I just happened to go down the ice cream aisle and saw my favorite Marie's pot pies.  I fixed one for dinner.  Not so very appetizing, yeah?  This is another microwave special for six minutes.  I almost didn't eat it, it looked SO unappealing.  From now on I'll be cooking them in my Breville Oven.  

Maybe, just MAYBE, some ice cream slipped into my cart.  I won't show you a picture because you will just run out and buy some.  I bought the cheapest Great Value one I could find.  It seems ice cream has doubled in price also.  It's such a shame that this wonderful country has come down to this level in the last four years.  

I don't know how people are making it.  I'm one of the lucky ones who worked hard for the County, for less money, for a total of 25 years in order to get a good retirement.  I'm so very thankful for that!  I tell people every day ... get a job with the City, the County or the State.  You'll hate it, but you'll love the retirement.

So just a lazy Friday ended on a good note with a LARGE bowl of ice cream, as my Watch Pup kept a sharp eye on the street.  This morning we may even be able to go for a nice walk in the COOL air!!  Mr. Cooper will be a happy camper!!!


  1. Everything has gotten so expensive.
    Glad we don't have a large family to feed.
    Happy Saturday!

    1. Me too Frances, me too. A dog and a parrot are expensive enough! LOL

  2. Sorry, no iCloud ... they charge WAY too much and I don't trust them. I have hard drives for that. I probably have that one around somewhere, I just don't know where. I can however, take it to a computer place and have them remove the hard drive for me. That's a great idea!! Thank you!

  3. Hope you found DEF to be cheaper when you went to Walmart. I bought a 2.container for $8.88 at Walmart when in Oregon No need to buy Blue DEF as Def is Def. Comes with a funnel but I do need help putting it in..


    1. There is a difference between standard DEF and blue, DEF if your NEW vehicle manufacturer requires regular or blue def what you put in could alter your warranty . however, if you’re out of warranty, think of it as regular gas or high test there is a difference The last thing you wanna do is have a regen code

    2. The only thing Walmart sells here is blue def. And it's expensive. Seems to me, Def is Def, but I'll check the book.

  4. You can get DEF at the pump when you get gas at almost all of the truck stops now. Then you don’t have to fuss with anything but a pump (which is not easy in the beginning). DEF first so that it all goes on one bill but check with an attendant the first few times. It wills a save space and be easy.

    1. Ive only seen Def at the truck pumps in back. Not sure they would appreciate me taking up their space and time, nor do I think that nozzle will fit in this teeny tiny hole.


  5. Check on the price of DEF. It sometimes pays to shop online At Walmart it’s $15 at Lowe’s. It’s $16. At AutoZone is nine dollars at tractor supply. It’s $10. At Amazon crap it’s all over the gamut.

  6. We thought we did everything right for retirement. But it doesn't apply to today's prices. Kinda wish we would have thrown caution (living frugal) to the wind.

    1. I'm still doing okay, but frugal is the name of the game around here.

  7. The cost of living is ridiculously high and retirement funds do not go very far at all

  8. I don't know anything about DEF and I like my pot pies in the microwave, and I once herd of a lady bleaching the hard drives in her old computers. Something to think about, worked for her. Vern

    1. That "lady" (NOT) would be Hillary Clinton when told to give the information to Congress. Call the witch out every chance you get.

    2. Well that's an interesting turn of events. I never knew that little tidbit! LOL. I admit, I like pot pies ANY way they are cooked, but crispy from the oven is better.

  9. You missed the part that says she "doesn't trust them". Too much scraping of every piece of data we put on the internet. And they use it against us for their benefit. Your choice.
