Saturday, December 2, 2023

Twelve Days Of Christmas!

 And we're OFF!!  It's December 2nd and Santa will be coming around the moon and through the fog in no time at all.  If you haven't bought any of those must-have Christmas presents, you better get on the ball.  Time is running out faster than Rudolph's nose can light up.

Having been otherwise occupied for the last few days, and no sign of that slowing down for a week or two, I had to get in some play time with Cooper.  He's definitely a ball fanatic and will return it every single time.  Of course he may not GIVE it to you, but he will return it.  Eventually he rolls it to you with his nose so the game will continue.  I love this kid!!

Lucky for me, I got a reprieve yesterday morning.  Accounting free for an entire four hours.  Just to be sure I could keep my fingers moving, I worked on this quilt a little more.  It's not all sewn together yet, but it's getting there.  The top row is done, I just can't reach that high to stick it up there.  I think this is one of the prettiest patterns I've made.  

But wait ... it's far from done.  Not only do I have to sew it together, but there are FOUR borders that have to be cut and sewn on.  It will take even longer to finish since this quilt is too big for my machine.  It will spend a month at the quilt shop where they will quilt it on their mega machine.  

Then it was back to work, typing and calculating my fingers to the bone.  It's end of the year tax time, which always brings about a flurry of finding all those records and helping people stay out of the black fingers of the IRS.

It's also DECEMBER ... which means it's time for the Twelve Days of Christmas.  You know, like the song ... On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, a partridge in a pear tree.  Yeah, you're going to be singing that all day long!!

Well the King and his lovely Queen Deb (we do seem to have a lot of Debs, yes?) or Debbie as I call her, have come up with a great idea to get together with friends.  For the next twelve days, skipping over bingo nights of course, everyone is invited to a different eating establishment for some Christmas cheer.  Everyone drinks the same thing.  

Take this Rudolph Martini for example.  Who would ever order this unless it was a crazy group of people singing the Twelve Days of Christmas.

The next night, at the next location, maybe it will be a cranberry something or other.  There are any number of cranberry drinks this time of year.  Luckily one night will be at the Elks Lodge so the drinks will be affordable.  This fancy restaurant stuff comes with a hefty price tag.

Two years ago when the flu was going on, they did this in their garage with only three people.  You can imagine all the leftover booze.  It's probably on the menu this year.  This chocolate martini would be on my list.

How about a s'mores glass of chocolate alcohol and toasted marshmallows?  Yummmm ... I would have to be sure and not miss THIS night!!  

The problem is, I'm not a drinker.  One of these would probably knock me on my butt!  Maybe they can make a LIGHT version, or just leave the alcohol out ... replace it with hot cocoa!!

At any rate, what a great way to celebrate the season.  You might even start a new tradition and do this with your friends.  It would be fun to play bartender and fix them at your house too.  Just be sure the smoke alarms are working if you are toasting marshmallows!!

I'll be back to the numbers game today .... maybe I'll have another cup-o-joe so I can stay awake.  It's all worth it in the end because I get PAID!!!!


  1. Your right, it's a beautiful quilt, great job !

    1. Thank you Cheryl! I only wish I had the talent to pick those colors and make it work.

  2. Nancy that quilt is gorgeous!
    Those drinks look fabulous!

    1. Thank you Frances ... I think when I finish the quilt, I may just have one or two of those drinks!!

  3. Nancy that quilt is have a lot of talent to make such pretty quilts.

    1. I appreciate that Sue, but the talent is in the people who can make up those patterns out of the air and then pick the perfect fabric.

  4. Your quilt is beautiful, but they all are in my opinion. ♥
    Those drinks, oh my!!

    1. Don't those drinks look yummy? I'll have to get a couple recipes for you to try!!

  5. Love the slo-mo video. The 12 days sound fun as well, but I don't think I could do all of them!

    1. One drink a day doesn't sound bad ... if you can stop at one drink!! LOL Maybe you have a slo-mo you can post?

  6. Ditto all the previous comments...especially the slow mo video.

  7. Wowsers! That is a beautiful quilt and a lot of work! Nice job. I hope you are keeping it for yourself.

    1. Yup I'm definitely keeping this one. Beauty does not come cheap, even when the sewing is free.

  8. Funny how dogs want to play, but then they CONTROL the ball, the stuffed animal, whatever it is they are playing with. They "MIGHT" let you have it to throw again....they might not.

    1. That's it totally!!!! Most are very possessive ... even the ones I've trained to DROP IT.

  9. I'm not a drinker either, but the drinks sure look good.
    I can see why you love your little dogie. :O)

    1. I'm guessing they wouldn't be quite as good without alcohol.

  10. Okay, that Twelve days of Christmas as a way to celebrate the season sounds like a fun idea. I will be suggesting that at our next neighborhood Another beautiful quilt!!!!

    1. That would be perfect fun ... let each one come up with a new tasty treat, maybe using the same alcohol. That would make it less expensive to buy just one bottle... and wine is on our list twice, just so you know!! Oh ... and cheap champagne with loads of fruit! Oh the possibilities!
