Wednesday, December 20, 2023

The Solution

 SURPRISE!!!!  It was a NO BINGO night!!!  Can you believe it?  We all got a reprieve from the Magic Castle fun.  That's TWO in a row and it feels very weird.

First thing this morning ..... Ahmmmmmmm Ahmmmmmmm ... I was doing my morning meditation while trying to squeeze under the bed to retrieve the ball.  I'm so very well trained!!!  

Then it was outside in the rain.  Mr. Cooper has a timetable that is not up for discussion.  Wasn't I surprised when I found the temperature to be in the high 50's.  Quite nice actually!!

There was no other game playing however, since I had an appointment at the repair shop at 7:30.  Gosh golly gee ... that's EARLY for me.  Yes I get up at 4:00 every morning, but I don't leave the house until after 9:00 unless it's an emergency.

Here I am at 7:15, sitting in the waiting room.  This place has been in business for 20 years, so they must be doing something right.  They are actually the ones that put the big fuel tank on my truck.  And so I waited.

And waited ... and waited some more.  

Come to find out, the truck guy doesn't come in until 8:00.  But you said 7:30!!  They finally drove my truck into the stall at 8:15.  By 8:30 he was done.  YAY!!!  Or not .......  he thought the Boss should take a look.  I can't complain about that.

And so I waited another full hour before the boss took a look see.  It seems he was having trouble with their phone system.  I could feel my blood pressure rising.  I called ELVA!!!  Elva can talk me down off a cliff in no time.  I mean really, I was completely out of games to play on my phone!!

At long last the solution was to put new leaf springs on my truck, adjust the torsion bar as much as possible and realign everything.  A new torsion bar should be installed, but they are on back order for the next month or more.  All the while I was thinking NEW TRUCK, NEW TRUCK, NEW TRUCK.

And that's when the guy said he would buy a new truck, BUT they seem to be so cheaply made right now.  I thought about that ... that seems to have happened with lots of things, especially RV's.  In the last few years, parts and pieces have been made out of anything they could get their hands on due to lack of supply.   AND lack of good workers.  Quality is at an all time low.  That gave me pause.

I walked around the room for a few minutes and said okay ... let's fix it.  If nothing else, it will be a good selling point if I buy a new truck (selling my old one out right) and won't cost all that much.

I did not go look at a new truck.  I was afraid my head would explode when I saw that first salesman.  Instead, I went home and worked on this quilt yet again.  I got the top and bottom sewed on and added the first border.  There are three more to go.  Somebody else loves it too.

The solution to fixing this little tree escaped me.  My neighbor came and set it back up, but didn't plug it in.  I worked on spreading out the branches for a bit, but it's all so top heavy!  Add to that the section whose lights are not working at all, and it's a pretty sad little Charlie Brown Christmas tree.  

On the other hand, down the street is an amazing display of how to bankroll PG&E.  Woohoo!  In case you hadn't heard, since they have mandated so much solar in California, and encouraged everyone to install solar on their houses, it seems they are no longer making enough money to provide all the service and repair all the lines.  

Prices are going up another 20-25% in 2024.  They've declared bankruptcy once before and I see another one on the horizon.  Think about it ... I'm not paying them $3600 a year for electricity because I have solar and I'm just one house.  There are probably a million other homes doing the same thing.  That's a pretty big drop in income.  In the meantime, I am greatly enjoying the Christmas lights!!!

It's going to be a crazy day today.  Yes I plan on stopping by the Chevy dealership and pretending to look at a truck.  Then it's off to the Elks Lodge where four of us will prepare a Christmas dinner for 75-80 people at the local Senior's Home.  Ham, scalloped potatoes, veggies and all the fixings, followed up with apple pie.  It should be a fun day!!!


  1. My head would explode if I had to work on that quilt! So many pieces, there is no way.

    1. To be honest, I can't believe I actually MADE it!

  2. As far as not trading in your old truck, try a call to Carmax. Don't know if they buy trucks, but if they do, it will give you a pretty good idea of the WHOLESALE value of your truck. Personally, I don't like selling anything, don't want people coming to my house to look at things, etc, plus if it blows up next week, they will be hounding you for their $$$$ back.

    I would get a price for the new truck for an all cash sale, no trade in, and then casually say, "Well, how much will you give me for my old truck?" If you have an idea from Carmax what the wholesale value is, you will be able to see if they are giving you a fair price.

    1. We have the exact same thoughts. Trade-ins always seem to up the price of what you want to buy.

  3. OMG...Nancy that quilt is gorgeous!
    Bet trucks are still dancing in your head!

    1. This quilt is my all time favorite. I can't believe I actually made it.

  4. I feel that my old truck GMC 2014 is a much better product even at 148000 miles than the new ones I see folks with in the campgrounds during the last couple of years.

    1. I totally agree. I think they were built better back then with better made parts.

  5. Back when they first started to 'sell solar' the utilities were asked about the ramifications of less income. Response was, "But solar users still have to pay the basic connection rate as everyone else. We don't make money on electricity usage rates, that is just a pass through from user to who we bought the energy from..." Well, now we all see that that last statement was a BIG FAT LIE! Yes, they do make money on the so called "pass through" charges...everyone gets a cut except for the user who pay through their nose.

    1. I don't think they will ever tell you the truth. If I watch my solar production and use, my bill is only $15.00 a month. I'm not sure how they can make money on that. Maybe most people end up using more. I think the difference is that I did not LEASE my solar.

  6. Love the quilt, you do such an amazing job ! Our neighbor sold their truck to Carvanna for $7,000 more than the dealer offered. She went online and got the quote.

    1. I have certainly seen their ads. Sounds like a good idea to at least get a bid. Thanks Cheryl!

  7. I love the colors on the quilt. And I always enjoy our conversations. Our current PGE bill is $261.00. And no one is there!!!

    1. It's crazy! I had the same problem when I was in Arizona for months at a time. The bill was still high.

  8. A very Charlie Brown Christmas tree, though very colourful. Gorgeous quilt, working on it would make me crossed eyed and dizzy. Lol.
    The truck comment is very informative when you consider the man works on them every day. While your truck may not be perfect you know the flaws and you know the truck. You have maintained it for years, so the history is not in doubt. New does not mean trouble free and you could just be exchanging one set of problems for another. You can keep thinking about for a while, ask the comment man if he would tow your rig with this truck or would he have worries and concerns. That may help with your decision. Just some food for thought. Good luck, whatever you decide to do.


    1. Thanks Deb. Yes, it's the old you know what you have versus something new and unknown. It's a big decision!!

  9. Mr Ed said please take the truck back to the first guy that you took it and insist have the mechanic adjust the torsion bar to spec it should cost you less than $100
    If you lived up in the Pacific Northwest for snow rain and sleet and salt or heavy use off-road maybe changing the torsion bar would be an option as a rule they last 30 years all the torsion bar is basically a coil spring stretched out an adjustable so my suggestion is bite the bullet have it adjusted and go from there I think you'll be surprised
    They may be back ordered in a Chevy dealership but they're not back ordered in the 4x4 industry their common as peach ice cream

    1. This place isn't a Chevy dealer ... that would cost me twice as much. This is a local shop that works on diesel trucks. They said they can adjust the torsion bar like you suggested, so that's what I'm having done.

  10. Nancy, your quilt is magnificent. When sewing on multiple borders, I sometimes use a cornerstone in each corner, then I can sew all three borders together and attach them to the quilt at one time. Try it some time, eliminates a lot of aggravation.

    1. Wow! That's a great idea! I never would have thought of that!!! So much easier than doing one at a time, especially when it's this big. Thank you!

  11. NO NO don't stop by the dealership. I stopped in on a Sunday thinking hey I can look around all I want and couldn't buy if I wanted to. Thier closed and I had froze my credit for just such a reason. Well darn they work Sundays and take personnel checks. Yes I have nice new Ford but I sure miss my baby I traded in. Oh and the check book sure doesn't look as good either. Sad part not the first time or even second time I've done this. Good luck
