Monday, December 11, 2023

Just Stay In Bed

Well hello California.  It's warmed up a tad ... all the way to 37 degrees this morning and just a twinge over 60 during the day.  Sitting on the couch isn't all that fun since my nose turns into an icicle.  That's when I finally, begrudgingly, turn the heat up.  Believe it or not, using the heater is much cheaper than using the gas fireplace.  How did THAT happen???  Yeah, I know the answer to that one.

My foxy twins have turned into FOUR.  I'm not sure the feisty one is mom or dad, but like in some households, the kids eat last.  It's funny how delicately they eat.  One little piece at a time.  This one got lucky with a chicken leg, due to my mismanagement of the leftovers.

It was one of those days.  Sometimes I just can't win.  I was out of bread ... and decided to make the only recipe that called for milk.  I knew it was there and needed to be used up.  I grabbed my measuring cup and began to pour.  PLOP PLOP PLOP!!  What?  

One little whiff told the story.  I looked at the date.  RATS!  I thought I bought this just last week.  Oooweeee ... have you ever smelled this stuff when it's thicker than chocolate pudding?  Into the trash it went while I decided on another recipe.

This one uses water and powdered milk.  Funny how recipes change, which is also why it never tastes like it did in the old days.  We never EVER used powdered milk on the ranch.  Oh it's good ... and useable ... but it doesn't taste like the bread of my childhood one little bit.  I'm thinking I may just dig out my grandmother's recipe and try it instead.

I should have quit while I was ahead.  But nooooo ... let's make some banana bread WITHOUT tiny chocolate chips so Jonathan can have some.  This is one of his favorites.  I'm not sure what went wrong with this recipe.  Okay ... I admit ... I do know.  

First off, you need ripe bananas.  Everything at the store was kinda green.  It will be fine I told myself.  No, no it's not.  Do not use anything but very ripe bananas.  

This is Hawaiian banana bread, with pineapple.  Too bad Dole isn't canning any crushed pineapple around here.  The only alternative is the store brand ... and it's terrible.  

Anyway, ding ding ding ... time to take it out of the oven.  I had a hotpad, but somehow it missed my finger.  It burned so badly I instantly dropped the pan on the floor.  NOOOOOOO!!  The little loaf only fell out halfway under the edge of the counter.  You know, where all the dirt and junk collects.  I brushed it off and went for the next load.

I'll try two this time.  Never EVER try two.  I'm really not that clumsy, but the pan caught on the edge of the oven and went flying through the air.  The loaf came OUT of the pan and landed under the same dirty counter.  I was so mad!!!!  

FIVE SECOND RULE ... I picked it up and brushed it off.  It will be fine.  It's overcooked anyway, so nothing was going to stick to the top.  Big sigh.  

I eyed the last two loaves.  JUST STOP IT!!!  Don't do that again!!  I guess they knew they were in trouble, because they came out just fine and landed on the cooling rack.  Sometimes I should just stay in bed!!

I figured I better thank my lucky stars I didn't set the house on fire.  There would be no more cooking or baking going on.  Remember this tomato soup I got from Walmart?  

I finally ate the last of it.  I got five full meals from this box of soup ... the best tomato soup I've ever eaten.  Be sure to shake it up before pouring into a pan to heat.  If you microwave it, do it slowly or be ready for a mess to clean up.  Ask me how I know!

I spent the evening watching the third round of the National Finals Rodeo.  If you want to see what a cowboy does today that they did back in the 1800's, just watch a bit of this.  It's the most patriotic sport you'll find, with more action than a football game.  And yes, I watched the 49'ers win!!

Sadly, not only is my favorite Stetson hurt, he's hurt beyond belief.  You have three tendons running down the back of your leg that are attached to the pelvis.  He has torn all three of those completely loose.  He literally can't use that leg at all, yet he got on two broncs and one bull before being convinced by his dad (also a champion bull rider) to quit for this year. Now that's a TOUGH cowboy.  

And so we are on to Monday.  I'm waiting in high anticipation for the Christmas decorations I ordered to be delivered.  Lucky for me a ladder is not required.  I'm afraid I would end up just like my baking ... in the dirt under the eave of the house.  I'm not sure the 5 second rule works when it comes to that.


  1. Those kind of baking days are no fun.
    Can't wait to see your Xmas decorations!

    1. I have definitely had better baking days, but it's still better than store bought!

  2. That is one tough cowboy. Gotta wonder just how many Cowboys like him fought in WW2 when men were real days, you just don't know what you might find under that loincloth....

    1. You can definitely find real men in the rodeo circuit!!

  3. You do cook a lot for one person....some of my single
    friends hardly cook at all and eat dinners from the
    freezer section. Your banana, pineapple bread
    makes my mouth water.... think I’ll be making some.
    Happy you didn’t get hurt too badly in all your mishaps!
    Always have so much fun reading your posts!!
    Linda a.

    1. Cooking is sort of a pastime. It keeps me busy when things are slow and I do like tasty food ... when it turns out right that is.

  4. Sounds like you had one of those days. The banana bread does sound good. I have a vague memory of reading something about if you do not have ripe bananas you can substitute banana baby food. Looking forward to the pictures of your decorations.

    1. Baby food? Well that's a new one on me!! I just might try that next time!!!

  5. Did you know you can freeze ripe bananas? Not only that, you can turn them into a frozen treat kind of like ice cream. Lots of videos out there. You need a good blender/chopper of some kind. Add your favorite fruit, nuts, choc. chips or cocoa and a bit of liquid. (Milk or substitutes) I like to cut up the bananas into smaller pieces, freeze on parchment on a baking sheet, then to containers or bags. You could also thaw them for bread. Or do like some and just freeze the ripe bananas in a freezer bag. The skin turns black but the inside is still good. Don't wreck your blender by using whole frozen bananas without breaking them up or letting them thaw a bit.

    1. To clarify: Puree the bananas first with the liquid before adding extras. Can use frozen or fresh fruit. My favorite is dark sweet cherries and chocolate chips.

    2. Or coconut and pineapple! Sorry :o)

    3. I have frozen them before ... guess I should buy some, let them sit and freeze them for the next batch. Thanks for the hints!!

  6. Wow! I think you sold have read a book instead!! Just kidding, it just wasn't your day for baking. 😅
