Monday, December 25, 2023

No Smoke Alarms Were Damaged


The real reason for the season ... He is born.

Good morning ... yes I'm up at the normal hour.  The fireworks that were set off last night woke me from a nice sleep.  Why oh WHY do you think it's necessary to set off fireworks and scare the heck out of all the critters in the neighborhood.  Sadly, no one will give up the culprit, and so it continues.  

Luckily, I fell back to sleep.  That's when I heard it.  VOICES!!  YAY!!!  It MUST be none other than SANTA CLAUS flying over my rooftop.  Wait ..... I don't think Santa Claus uses that kind of language.  The fight went on for an hour before it was completely silent.  I should probably have gone outside to see if anyone was dead, but my bed was too nice and warm.  No other peeps were heard.

And so I'm out on the dark patio with my morning cup of Joe, sucking in the fog that is blanketing the countryside. It's nice and quiet .... cold, but quiet.

I donned my running gear (not that I had any plans of actually RUNNING) and grabbed Cooper's leash.  He loves nothing more than a cruise through the neighborhood.  Looky here!  Santa has come to visit and brought all his friends with him.  How cute is that!

And then there's this ... Santa and his reindeer taking off into the sky.  Well, not quite.  That first reindeer is chained to the tree!!!  Cute idea and I'm sure it keeps the thieves from stealing him!!  

When Cooper was completely empty, we headed back to the house.  It's time to cook my Christmas dinner ... one day early.

I know, it's not Christmas yet ... but my plan was to at least have something to do Christmas Eve.  I knew it would take me all day to prepare and I couldn't wait any longer.  This is what I got from Walmart.  A twelve pounder for $29.00. Not so cheap, but it was Christmas Eve and I was splurging.  Actually, I had no idea whether this was good or bad, I just clicked on the picture because it was medium priced.

I followed the instructions to the letter.  Wrap it in foil and place in a pan.  Bake at 325 degrees.  Therein lies the problem.  I have no clue just how hot my oven is.  In spite of the little thing on the shelf, I'm completely guessing because it never reads above 250 degrees.  

Once done, take it OUT of the foil.  Ummmm with what?  I got it unwrapped but couldn't get it out of the pan.  It's hard to balance that much weight on two spoons.  Lucky for me all that juice did not runneth over the pan and all over the oven.

No smoke alarms were damaged during this process.  Pour drippings over the ham and sprinkle on the honey sugar glaze.  Broil for 8 minutes.  Broil means FIRE in my kitchen. 

As you can tell, I probably overcooked it a tad, in spite of that red letter warning in the instructions, but boy oh boy did it smell good!!!!!  

Here we go ... honey glazed ham with mashed red potatoes and asparagus smothered in butter.  WOW!!  That's the best meal I've cooked in a LONG time.  Cooper was shocked and dismayed at the tiny pieces I gave him.  He barked for more!!  I think this is the best ham I've ever had!!!  

I now have six packages in the freezer and two in the fridge.  Gosh ... that was a LOT of ham.  I better start gathering up some "ham" recipes.  A nice food coma ensued.  I didn't even eat dinner ... not one bite.  I did partake of some chocolate mousse ... one of the easier recipes ever.  I'll tell you about that one tomorrow, because right now ... we need to check our stockings.

I don't know how Santa arrived at YOUR house last night, but this is how he got to MINE!!!  On thundering hooves!!  I think there's a little surprise for Cooper, so off we go!!


Well not quite yet .... we are having HAM AND EGGS for breakfast ... and ham for lunch ... and ham for dinner!!!  It's going to be a HAMFUL good day!!


  1. It looks delicious! My mouth is watering. Much better than the ham slice I bought as others don't do ham:o( We're having spaghetti and garlic bread for a change. Yeah, I know. Merry Christmas, Nancy. Thanks for the laughs.

    1. Hey ... I LOVE spaghetti and garlic bread. I think I've only had ham maybe three times in my life!!

  2. Merry Christmas! The ham looks delicious ~ well done!!

  3. I cooked up a Rib Eye Roast, with carrots, celery, asparagus, sweet potato, mushrooms. We split the potato, all the rest is good healthy stuff. Put half the remaining roast in freezer, plan to make a beef soup with the remaining stuff, saving some of the meat for roll-ups (tortilla wrap). It was a quiet night and we both slept well. Have a good day Nancy, Merry Christmas to you and Cooper.

    1. Sounds delicious Dave ... and I know it was!! Good planning ... you won't waste any that way!!

  4. That ham looks delicious!
    Merry Christmas Nancy!

    1. It was pretty taste Frances. Hope you had a wonderful day.

  5. Merry Christmas Nancy! Your dinner looks amazing! :)

    1. Thank you Shirley ... I'm looking forward to your pictures!

  6. Merry Christmas Nancy!
    Save your ham bone and buy a bag of 15 Bean Soup (in the section where they have dry beans) and follow directions on the bag. Ham bone really flavors the broth and with added left over ham you have a delicious meal. JMHO.

    1. Yup that sounds like a great idea. I do love that 15 bean soup.

  7. That's a beautiful meal. Merry Christmas! Oh....Tom and I are looking forward to those cookies.

    1. I may have to bake another batch Elva. Someone has been sneaking them out of the freezer!!

  8. Your ham and while meal looks wonderful. We have one on the freezer. Did you know it said fully cooked? How long did you cook it for?
    Merry Christmas!

    1. Yes ... fully cooked. The problem is I have no idea what the temperature of my oven is. None of the sensors tell the correct temperature. I have to set it at 400 to get something close to 325. It was good though!!!!!

  9. A slightly over-cooked ham sounds delicious! We had ham last night as well, leftovers today. They are just as good as the first day!

    1. Luckily it was still juicy. Leftovers are the BEST!!

  10. A beautiful Christmas dinner. Merry Christmas!

    1. Thanks Doug. I hope you, Dolly and Yuma had a wonderful day.

  11. A Merry Christmas to you three ! Your dinner looks
    amazingly good. It seems I often over cook those
    hams even when I’m trying not too.
    You do eat well !
    Thank you for all your great posts..... I think
    you could write a book.... I’ll buy it !
    Linda a.

    1. Aww Linda .. kind of you to say. I don't do big meals often, but when I do, I eat them for weeks afterwards!

  12. Merry Christmas and Thanks for the memories Sam in the Ozarks

    1. Merry Christmas to you too!! Hope you had a wonderful day.
