Monday, December 18, 2023

Rain and Reasons

 Good grief ... did someone turn up the speed on the earth's rotation?  I can't believe how fast the hours are flying by.  Maybe it's just the Winter Solstice that's coming this Thursday.  It just seems like I was sitting here four hours ago!!

Our five days of rain has decided to come all at once.  I didn't mention it because every time they predict rain, it disappears in a puff of smoke.  Last night however, it came down in buckets.  Definitely shades of Arizona.  It woke me up about an hour after having finally fallen back asleep from Cooper throwing up on the bed.

Yessirree ... nothing will get me up faster than hearing that!  It rarely happens, but your brain knows!!!  That led to an hour of playing on the floor because he refused to go back to sleep.  Yes I could lock him up in a kennel for the night, but the crying would be epic.  Of course it happened the night when I could use the sleep the most.  C'est la vie!!

I actually got a lot accomplished.  The floors and mopboards are clean ... most of them anyway.  I got a little further on my paperwork shuffle and made some headway with the Elks reports, all before sitting down and placing a Walmart order for food.  I think I'm beginning to like this.  Apparently so do a lot of other people because the pickup parking area was full to the brim.  I had to wait for a spot.

I am once again surprised at their prices and the quality of the vegetables.  I also like the fact that all the checkers they got rid of are now back to work.  There were ten people bringing orders out.  I got a nice ham for Christmas dinner ... that will feed me for about 3 weeks.  Let's see how inventive I can get with leftovers.

There's more of that soup I love, but wait!  I thought I was ordering something like 2 pounds of potatoes.  I'm sure that is a 50 pound bag ... and it cost under $3.00.  I guess I better start looking for potato recipes I can freeze.

On the ride home, the sky got pretty dramatic, but at this point there was still no rain.  I'm hoping it lets up the rest of the day since I'm off to more southern parts of the state this morning.  By the way, that mirror on my truck doesn't work.  It should go in and out at the touch of a button.  It hasn't worked for about ten years.  The repair estimate was $1,000.  No, not kidding.  When towing I have to stand outside, push the button and PULL it out.  Let's see how many reasons I can count that might add up to a new truck!!

This nice wad of fabric is my gorgeous quilt.  I finally got into the mood and stitched on the top and bottom pieces, then part of the first border.  There are FOUR borders on this one.  As you can see, I really need to have more organizational skills when it comes to my sewing room.

Not such an exciting day, but I did get three things marked off my to-do list.  Yes, I actually make up a list and leave it sitting on the table in front of me.  It's the motivation I need to get things done ... and SO satisfying when I get to check one off.  

On my return today, I have yet another list ... all phone calls.  That should be fun!!!


  1. Just read yesterday's blog. Go for it Nancy!! :)

    1. Thank you for the support!!! I think I'm almost convinced.

  2. Ham is a good choice!
    Have a good day!
    Bet you had visions of trucks dancing in your head last night!

    1. Hahaha Frances ... yes I did!!! And I do love ham!

  3. I love the way you’re talking yourself into it .
    Why not solve three problems get rid of the jeep get rid of the pick up truck get rid of the fifth wheel. Buy a sprinter RV van
    You’ll probably check every box

  4. If you do get a new truck, you can probably get rid of the jeep. Some saving of $$$$ there, but overall insurance will probably remain about the same.

    One thing, if you do get a new truck, make sure it has the "blind spot" warning lights in the mirrors. Our Impala has them, and once you get the mirror adjusted and have a little experience with them, you can feel a lot better about changing lanes if the little light on the mirror is not lit. That is one of the best safety devices they have come up with. Of course, the LTZ will come with that. If you do go the new truck route, splurge and get the LTZ. You will love it. The Impala is 10 years old now (only 53K miles) and it has all the bells and whistles that GM offered at the time, and everything still works perfectly. Only been in the shop once for that 50K maintenance cycle. To those who say American made cars are inferior to foreign cars, I say BS. We had a BMW Z4 for a few years, and mechanically, it was great, but the rest of it was a piece of garbage. We had to replace the driver side electric door locks 4 times, the passenger side twice, and don't get me started on the windshield wipers and other controls. Stick with American made.

    My mother apparently got great joy out of looking at her bank book and the large amount of $$$$$ that was in there, but she never spent any of it, never went anywhere, and never got further away from CA than a trip to AZ. We did take her up to Banff in the motor home once, and she enjoyed that, but got sick on the way home and wouldn't go any more.

    The point here is, she had the $$$$$, but other than the security it offered her, she never enjoyed any of it. By the time she thought she might, she was too old to do much, and the nursing homes got a lot of it. There was still some left over, and we went all over the world on that $$$$$ and enjoyed every bit of it. It is gone now, but we had the experiences, joy, happiness of doing it and the memories and pictures of all of it

    As the Old Fat Man says: Life is short, do it now!!

    1. I think our parents going through the depression had a lot to do with that. Blind spot warning? I have that problem with my current truck. Would be nice to be safer! Thank you for the info!!!

  5. I agree with the comment of "get a 2023". Go to Merced Chevy and tell them you are looking for a 2023 (I think they have one on hand already), and that being it is nearly 2024, you expect a deep discount. The one they have on hand now is white and goes for $61,580...which tells me that you should be able to get it for $59,999...then battle with them for a good trade-in on your old truck. I only bought one 'new car' in my life...a 2000 Toyota Sienna that we bought in December 2000. Can't remember all the details, but it was $10k less than the 2001, and we got it for no interest on a 3 year payment plan. When I left Arkansas in 2012 my 'X' wife was still driving it. That was a good little van, worked out good for the family. (Funny note: when they ran our credit report they came back and asked if we would like to buy two or three more vehicles...LOL)

    1. AHA ... money bags!!! I think I saw the same truck. I'm stopping by there today for a look see.

  6. Good luck with the truck decisions. I'm hoping to never buy a new vehicle again.
