Saturday, December 9, 2023


 Oooowweeeeee!  Christmas weather is coming in fast and furious.  It was a chilly 34 degrees outside as Cooper and I made our morning check for critters.  I think even the kitties are holed up and keeping warm.  We didn't spot any movement at all.  Even the birds were quiet as a mouse.  Except the owl .... he was back at 3:00 am.  Hoo Hoo Hoo to you too.

And then a voice range through my ears.  "I went to Costco and picked up two chickens".  Thanks Dave!!  All I could think about was those chickens, so off I went in the freezing cold to pick up some food for the freezer. 

Rarely do I go overboard when it comes to Costco, but this day was different.  All you have to do is take one quick look at all that prepared stuff and you are suddenly starving.   Two dozen eggs ... $5.00.  Chicken Alfredo, a whopping $18.00, but in my defense, it will last for at least eight meals, so there's that.  It all went in the freezer.  

I just decided I would splurge on some tasty food, instead of something I made.  The burrito looking things turned out to be chicken salad with a sauce hot enough to cook a turkey.  I ate one and was stuffed to the gills.  FOOD COMA!!

I spent the next hour cutting up the chickens and putting everything away. What's that red box you ask?  Almond Roca.  It was my dad's favorite, which is why I never got any as a kid.  I'm really an ice cream fan, so candy goes a long way around here.  This should be good for a few months.

Having gone a bit overboard in the food department, I thought it might be prudent to hit the road for a few miles.  I didn't get far at all.  The wind came up and it was so cold my lungs were freezing in no time.  Let's face it, I've become a wimp.  I ran straight back to the house.  

Just around the corner is my neighbor's house.  I don't know how they decorated this fountain.  I guess they stuck a ladder in the water while they hooked up the lights.  Yikes!  Yup it lights up too.  I'll try to get a picture of all their lights and the ones across the street.  There won't be any burglars around here at Christmas ... there's not one spot that's not lit up light like the noonday sun!!  I love it!!

Then there was more bean counting going on.  If I'm lucky, I'll finish up by New Years.  Add to that checking my list twice, and even three times, for the Golden Spike Railroad Group.  We have all new officers now, so I spent a few hours getting them up to speed.  Rallies are coming up and planning has to happen soon.

Break time ... I went to the freezer for something sweet, and what to my wondering eyes should appear?  ICE CREAM!!  Oh gosh, oh gee ... where did THIS come from?????  Fully roasted chicken .. $5.00.  Two dozens eggs $5.00.  One box of 18 ice cream bars ... PRICELESS!!  And only $10.99.  

And so the day ended on an even higher note.  The National Finals Rodeo is finally here.  Oh so sadly, my all time favorite Stetson Wright has a torn hamstring.  Can you just imagine trying to ride a saddle bronc, which uses mostly legs, with such an injury?  Yeah, he got bucked off.

He's the leading money winner for the last few years and the best rider I've ever seen ... EVER.  What he does best is bull riding, but that requires all legs too ... and he didn't make it.  He's hurt bad ... and I doubt he will continue.  If he could, I know he would win, and he would be the first to make over ONE MILLION dollars in the sport in one season.  Pretty crazy.

We ended the night with a little snuggle.  This kid can sleep as hard as he plays ball.

The weather guessers say we may be in for snow again.  I doubt it will happen in the valley at 200 foot elevation, but the Sierras are getting dusted in white.  I may just have to drag out my ski gear and head to the mountains to work off some of that food I ate.


  1. Those Costco chickens are a fantastic! They make the best chicken enchiladas.
    Hope you get all of your accounting done soon.

    1. Frances ... you have given me an idea. Chicken enchiladas it is!!

  2. Better check your medical insurance before you go skiing. Make sure it covers "silly old folks who break something skiing for the first time in years". The hospital in Truckee up here does a booming business in patching up broken old bones every winter.

  3. Used to make almond roca at Christmas for years. Sam's had a mix and it was oh so yummy! I noticed eggs are on the uprise in price once again. Guess CA killed of 250,000 this week because of avian flu. :( Your neighbors fountain is gorgeous!

    1. That chicken flu has always been bad around here. Thankfully Costco keeps their prices low on about ten items no matter what. LOVE that Roca!

  4. Nancy, have you heard about the F DA just approved pill for dogs? Claims to add 5 years to a dogs lifespan. Saw it on a news show. Dee

    1. I have not heard a thing, but I will check it out. That's pretty amazing if it works.

  5. I am headed to Sams in the next few days and YES, there will be two chickens...time for some SOUP! I like to doctor up Progresso soup, but there is nothing like soaking the chicken bones and making it all from scratch!

    1. Those chickens are the BEST ... even after being in the freezer for six weeks ... they still taste good!!

  6. Thanks for the reminder on the NFR! We used to watch each of the events. Now, we pretty much just watch the barrel racing.

    1. It's more fun this year ... lots of rookies made it ... and so far the livestock are amazing!!

  7. The neighbor's fountain is beautiful.

  8. There are two types of skiers, Those that have been hurt and those that will get hurt. Good Luck

    1. That's one of the few endeavors where I didn't get hurt. Maybe I better quit while I'm ahead!

  9. Replies
    1. PS, little snuggle bum deserves honorable mention. 🎖

    2. I suppose the weather is just trying to keep us on our toes! And it's working!

  10. Since you rarely go overboard shopping at Costco, I'd say Christmas is a good time to do it. Tis the season. :O)

    1. Yes it is ... and I'm sure I will be back there soon.

  11. Looks like you wore Cooper right Costco is a grocery money pit but oh so fun. That Deb making coasters for the 12 days of Christmas is setting the bar to We have a plan but no This Deb does have cocktail napkins does that count?
