Friday, December 29, 2023

Is It Just ME?

Good morning not so sunny California. We've got rain coming in for the next three days.  It's okay though, I would rather it get it all out of its system before I take off south.  Of course I've no idea when that's going to happen yet, but hopefully before the end of January.

Cooper and I both survived the Vet visit, but just barely.  When you call and make an appointment to meet with a Vet to give Cooper the once over and check his fire ant bites that he constantly licks, you rather expect to see the VET, yes?

All the gal wrote down was a heart worm test.  What about the arthritis meds?  What about the nail trim?  What about the ant bites?  There was silence.  Is it just me or does that happen to everyone?  All I got was a technician to take him to the back for the blood test and the nail trim, and only after complaining.  

Six months of heart worm meds were included, though they have completely changed up the brand and type, so no telling how Cooper will deal with that ... and six months of his arthritis meds.  For that, I paid a whopping $170.00 ... AFTER a $25.00 reward discount and a SENIOR discount, and we didn't even see the Vet.  Yes I did try to get his meds in Mexico for cheap, but they do not carry them.

I know prices have gone up everywhere, but WOW!!  Maybe it's the high PG&E bill.  This visit used to run me $100.00.  Cooper was catatonic by the time I put him in the truck.  Poor baby hates going to the doctor as much as I do.  Once home, he passed out on the couch immediately.

I on the other hand, required sustenance ... something sweet to take my mind off how sad he was.  I mean since I'm cleaning out the fridge and freezer, I might as well use up that last can of whipped cream.  And so we both survived the Doc-tor-A.

That sugar rush spurred me on to this.  It's time to take the tree down.  I don't have any idea why I used to think this was just the bees knees .... putting up a Christmas tree.  Next year I think I'll just buy a posterboard picture tree and stick it in the corner.

Those little glitter covered ornaments that say they won't break?  Well ... that's not exactly true.  Two bit the dust because those fancy little hooks I bought just did not want to let go.  The silver spray thingies ... half of the glitter pieces on that were gone before it even got ON the tree.  They don't make them like they used to!

TA-DA!!  It is done!!  And so was I.  Next time I'm tying a piece of bright red yarn on the light pieces that plug together so I can find them.  Now to smash it up enough, without ripping any lights off, and stuff it in the box.  Sadly, I don't remember how it came OUT of the box.  The stand folds flat, but it took me ten minutes to figure that one out.  Oh the joys of Christmas trees!!!

I looked down to find myself staring at the biggest pile of glitter EVER.  I'm not sure what's worse ... pine needles or tiny pieces of glitter you only see when the light is right, or you find one on Cooper's nose when he touches them to see if they are edible.

Out came the vacuum cleaner.  There were no little nighttime fairies this time.  It took an hour to clean up the mess.  While I was at it, I sucked up all the dust bunnies that were attacking my slippers.  They kept appearing out of nowhere!!  The vacuum went into its closet hiding spot.

I hauled the box out to the garage, and upon my return, what to my wondering eyes did appear?  A big line of glitter from the living room all the way out the back door.  Oh good grief.  I drug the vacuum out once again, reminding myself how much I LOVE vacuuming and cleaned up the mess.  

Ahhhhh at long last I can relax.  Well not really ... Cooper was now wide awake and it was play time.  

I can't believe this kid is going on 15 years.  How did that happen so fast?  I feel like I just got him yesterday and haven't given him nearly enough love and attention.  And so we played this game for about an hour.  He rolls the ball to me, I throw it back on the couch.  He rolls it again and again until he finally lays down on it.  That means the game is over.  YAY!!!

Dinner was another foray into the land of What The Heck Is She Cooking NOW!!  I'll tell you all about it tomorrow.  Today I'm back bean counting for probably 6-7 hours.  That should pay for the Doc-tor-A.


  1. Good customer service seems to have disappeared. No one returns phone calls, no one calls to cancel appointments or to say they are late, made a mistake or confirm information. It is a very sad state of affairs that business now finds itself and we the consumer are left disappointed, frustrated, disillusioned, and pissy paying outrageous fees for half assed service. Cooper knew you needed some joy and helped you out. The freezer also helped out and so you should remember how lucky you are to have two such caring “people “ in your life. lol.


    1. You are so right Deb. Apparently my expectations are way too high!! We have been spoiled for too long.

  2. Poor little guy but also poor you! I often wonder what they are feeling and thinking.
    Customer service has really gone down the tubes but once you believe that, there are those that blow you away by going over the top to help!
    My decorations are still up, this year i will count the number of ornaments on our tree. All with a special meaning. I hope i don't break any!!

    1. I guess I should no longer expect good service. Then when it happens I will be SO happy!! LOL

  3. The Vet is no fun!
    Glad you got your tree down. You are right about the mess even an artificial tree can make.
    Have a great day!

    1. Now to take down the outside lights! Oh Boy!! At least there is no vacuuming involved!

  4. I have a quilted wall hanging of a Christmas tree. It went up on Dec 12th and will come down on the 1st. Ten Minutes total :) Sounds like a good solution for you.

    1. Oh Kathi ... that is. GREAT idea!! I'll have to look for one!

  5. It looks like the whole west coast is going to get pounded with rain the next few days. Hopefully it will fill up the reservoirs. Good customer service is a rarity nowadays, it is still out there, but it is like see a unicorn.

  6. Always good to have vet time over. Yuma cost $700 to get him checked out and ready for our trip west. Vets are not cheap, but at least our vet does the checking. Yuma and I are heading west on the 2nd. Hope to meet up sometime.

    1. Woohoo ... we all need a part time job just to pay the Vet bills!! Definitely hope to meet up Doug ...

  7. I keep thinking we should not be surprised when we receive good customer service. I do remember when that was the norm.
    I especially enjoy asking a question and being looked at like I just stopped speaking in a language they understood a minute ago.
    I am with Cooper going to the doctors is very tiring...
    Once you bring glitter in the house it is with you

    1. Too funny Deb ... and so very true!! Yes, glitter does stick around forever. It's probably going to be on every quilt I send out too!

  8. Oh i dont know. Glitter adds a touch of spice to my roasts, tacos, cookies… and it doubles as multipurpose table decorations, deodorant and toothpaste, hairspray glue. When it was invented , who knew it was going to be so versatile?
    Id like to meet with the inventor so i could thank him or her personally, repeatedly .

