Saturday, December 16, 2023

The Diagnosis

 It's a curse.  Somewhere in my past, someone must have levied a curse upon my body.  Try as I might, I just can't get on a normal schedule.  I'm wide awake at 3:30 in the morning ... every morning ... and falling asleep on the couch by 8:30 pm.  The good news is at least I can get on the internet in the early dark hours because no one else in the neighborhood is awake.

Amazingly, I even spotted the elusive 5G on my wi-fi this morning.  I had three bars for all of 30 seconds. I'm taking her for a drive this morning to see if I can locate the tower.  I have a strong feeling there are too many trees between it and me.  

On to the truck diagnosis.  I took it back to the shop that installed the shocks.  Here's what they said.  I have an after market "bigger" fuel tank and over time it's made the truck list to one side and I just never noticed it.

I have a hard time with that since going through months of fighting over a bent frame with that other truck.  I actually look at trucks constantly for the same problem.  This time, I also thought it was the air bags.  I deflated both of them and still have the problem.  

Their solution ... put in a lift kit on the driver's side front and just keep more air in the air bag in back.  That means constantly fighting to keep the air bags up.  That solution will cost $450.00.

Second solution ... replace the tortion bar in front and the leaf spring in the back for $1,400.00.  Or all of them for $2800???

What say ye!!  I can't think it's a good thing to continue driving it this way.  The tank is only half full, so adding a full tank of fuel will make it worse.  I can't believe putting that much more pressure on that front tire is good either, especially when pulling a trailer. 

Big sigh ... this may just ruin all my January plans if they can't get parts in.  The estimate says 2-3 weeks.   I have one more place I can take it for an estimate ... I'll be doing that Monday.

Too bad I can't get some parts replaced too.  I seem to be listing to one side just like my truck.  Some days my back is good ... sometimes not.  So at the suggestion of another disk-problem guy, I drug my medieval rack out of the garage for a little stretching.  

Yup ... this is the modern version of the RACK, now called the Teeter Pullup ... definitely a torture device.  I have to admit though, it really does feel good when you are on it.  Of course I'm too scared to go all the way back.  Dying while hanging upside down, not able to get back up, does not bode well with me.  

And so, just for something to do ... and to use up those Rice Krispies I bought that the birds refuse to eat (what's up with THAT?) ... I made some Rice Krispie treats.  Yes, they do look a little funny.  I've been trying to clean out my freezer.

Remember ... I test these recipes out so you don't have to!!  Once the Krispies were made, I melted some white chocolate and poured it over the top.  Yeah ... that was a big mistake.  You're not going to believe this, but they are WAY too sweet for me.  I bet you never thought you'd hear me say THAT!

My advice ... just stick with the regular Krispie treats and leave the white chocolate in the freezer.

Dinner was another example of what NOT to do when it comes to cooking.  I could teach a college course in that class.  Dry tortillas, not enough sauce and over baking (yet again) make for a not so wonderful enchilada.  Crunchy is not a word you want to use in describing your enchiladas.  As you can tell, I ate it, because as you know, there are starving children in the world.  

And so another day has passed as I ruminate and worry about what to do with my truck.  Today I've got a list a mile long of things I've been putting off.  It's time to get busy!!!


  1. A new B.A.T. will solve the problem.

    1. Yes, that crossed my mind. $$$$$$$$$$$ plus a hitch install! LOL

  2. Nancy husband says an after market side fuel tank can cause that.
    How long has the tank been on your truck?

    1. I'm guessing 16 years, so that very well could be the problem.

  3. Hook up your 5th wheel and see if it 'leans' with all that weight attached to the back of the truck. (I know, it is not a small easy thing to hook up because your 5th wheel is not attached to the truck right now). Ask the next guy if there is anyway to add a spacer to your shocks on the driver side front...

    1. Yes they can add a spacer (or a lift kit they call it) to one side of the front, but then I have to mess with the air bags in the back constantly. Maybe I should just buy a new truck!

  4. I think a second and third opinion may be order. Take it to a NON DEALERSHIP place, a regular garage and see what they think.
    Keep your phone in your hand when you are hanging around like bat, just in case you can’t get up. lol.
    Your food is always interesting! lol


    1. LOL Deb ... a new truck will run about $68,000. Add $5,000 for taxes. Mostly my food doesn't turn out all that well any more. I mean really, even Cooper won't eat most of it.

  5. Back before microwave ovens we would reheat enchiladas in the oven. They would get crunchy. So we would eat crunchy enchiladas with a fried egg...yummy breakfast food.

    1. Ooooh ... that's a good idea. I'm having that for breakfast!

  6. Maybe time to start looking for a 1 ton dually. That might solve a lot of problems. Course, they cost $$$$$ too. Nothing free anymore, except advice.

    1. I found a one ton (not a dually) for $83,000. Add $6,200 for taxes. That just chills me to the bone!!

  7. Mr. Ed said Bullshit
    I can see where that company is going 👎
    Here’s a suggestion….call 4 local auto parts stores in your location
    NAPA O’Reilly AutoZone discount auto and ask him this question .
    is there any companies that specialize in off road 4 x 4 vehicles that specialize in suspension
    Take the name of those companies, they give you, call them and present them with the problem that you have?

    1. Do the math if 1 gallon of Diesel Is 7.1 pounds If the original Silverado uses a 26 gallon diesel tank, how many gallons is the larger tank why 20 extra more gallons you’re looking at less than 125 pounds That’s nothing for a 2500 rated truck

    2. That's where I went ... to a shop that specializes in 4x4 off road trucks. I'll take it to the other one in town on Monday and see what they say. I have a 50 gallon tank on my truck. When hauling horses cross country, I didn't want to stop at every gas station I drove by.

  8. Seems to me you and your truck have similar problems. :O)
    Starting with your back. Rib problems take a lot longer to heal than just a back problem. It could take a year or more as long as you don't screw it up again. And sitting on the couch instead of getting some exercise doesn't really help much ether, but I understand the older age thing. :O) Hopefully, in time, your hurts will get less.
    Now the truck. I can't see that a little sag is going to mess up the truck in any way. It doesn't have hurts like you do. Once you get in it and drive, it will drive the same as it always did and I doubt you'll see or feel any difference. My old car had a wrong shock on it for years that I didn't know about until recently and there were no problems even though the car leaned to that side a bit. Suspention is made to adjust to stuff.
    If they can't find anything wrong, get in it and use it and I wouldn't change your plans to Arizona just to get something like this fixed. It's not like the truck is just going to fall apart or something like that.
    Or, you can do like most other modern people do in this throw away sociaty. Get rid of it and buy a new one. Only problem with that is the new one will likely cause more problems, so I don't reccomend that.
    Seems to me that old truck has been good to you.

    1. Oh believe me ... I'm not just sitting on the couch! It may not be bad for a car to lean, but when you've got an extra 30 gallons of fuel on one side, and a big trailer attached, that has to be putting more pressure on that front tire than would be safe. Just around town, no big deal.

    2. Oh, I know you can't just sit on the couch for long. I just remember when I first started reading your posts way back when, you were always more active and doing stuff that you got you a lot more exercise. And I do understand about getting older and getting enough exercise is much more difficult. I have to force myself, more and more to go get some. :O_)
      And for your truck. I don't think there will be more pressure on that tire as it will all equalize itself out, but that's my thought, not yours. Since they are your concerns, go get that new truck. Lot's of money in the bank is rather useless the older you get and I think one can get more enjoyment out of it by spending some.

  9. We carried an inversion table with us in our 5th wheel for a while to help with Barb's back. Until she got vertigo, then it went into the trash.

    1. Yeah, I'm pretty leery of it. Yesterday tied a lead rope to the table to be sure I could pull myself back up! LOL

  10. My comment disappeared. Weird.
    I can't help with the truck issue. I bet that inversion table feels good though. Stretches of any kind are great in my book!

    1. And I definitely need more stretching Patsy. Thank you for reminding me!!! I've had missing comments on blogs too ... no idea why that happens.
