Sunday, May 26, 2019

Locating Parts and Pieces

New parts are so hard to find.  If you need an arm or a leg, that's pretty easy to locate on the internet.  When you need that chrome thingy that fell off the rear view mirror arm on your rig, it's a totally different story.  Chrome thingy does not seem to be in anyone's store.

The same thing goes for those little window drain covers.  I've lost three now, making the windows whistle if I'm going the exact right direction.

Find the part number you say?  Where's the picture in the front of the book with little arrows going to each piece with a description?  Windshield wipers I found, along with the entire mirror setup for about $645.00.  Maybe I will get out my trusty roll of pink camouflage duck tape!!
I finally found the Tiffin website, but it was a little hard to understand.  Do I look under end cap?  How about front cap?  Chassis?  There were so many categories, I didn't know where to go, so I spent about two hours clicking through every single part under every category.  

At long last ... THERE IT IS!!!  On page 38 of 45 under front cap, I found it.  Funny, there aren't a lot of OTHER parts, so this one must be something that falls off often.  I ordered it for something like $12 or $14, along with that pesky windshield washer tubing that breaks every 500 miles.  I'm putting this baby on with lots of silicone and glue.
This purchase was MUCH easier to locate, but $25 a bottle on Amazon seemed a little steep.  I kept looking until ... YIKES!!! ... there it was for $7.00 a bottle.  I ordered two on the 23rd.  It was delivered on the 24th.  Sometimes you have to give it up to Amazon.  I haven't seen hide nor hair of the second part of that order which I should have received on the 25th.  
Happy those parts were on the way, I decided to try and bake something with no flour or sugar.  That makes things like pie crust and cookies pretty challenging.  It happens I picked up a bag of almond flour one day at Costco.  I've no idea what possessed me to do that.  

Anything with cream, eggs and veggies is acceptable on this diet, so why not quiche?  After mixing up the crust, it was pretty mushy with so much melted butter involved.  That means there's no rolling it out, but pressing it in the pan.  That was an experience in itself, sort of like trying to get wet sand to stay in place on a silicone sheet.  It's not pretty, but it will be covered with loveliness.  
Bacon, mushrooms, onions, swiss cheese, eggs and cream turned into this after 60 minuets in the oven.  Who cares what the crust tastes like when you have THIS!!
How you can lose weight eating food like this, I've no idea.  Apparently portion control is a big thing, and we all know how I am with THAT strategy!!  Amazingly, even with an ice cream cheat every other day, I've lost all that weight I gained back after the Pumpkin Patch.  

I attribute it mostly to no bread, rice, noodles or potatoes for the last 6 weeks.  What about the ice cream?  Don't ask.  I don't think I will ever give it all up!!
We are in for another big one today.  These clouds from yesterday are now directly overhead, ready to dump their load.  Roads in the mountains have been closed before a drop of water or snow fell.  This is the BIG ONE Martha!!!
Now for a nice big chunk of quiche for breakfast!!


  1. That quiche looks great! Barb been doing the no carb thing which means no bread, potatoes and worst of all, no beer! Day after day she has eggs and an avocado for breakfast. That has to be getting old!

    1. Ha! That's why I made the quiche!! It's tough without bread and potatoes. Those were a staple in my life!!

  2. Your Quiche looks wonderful I am real proud of you. No carbs is the best way to loose weight worked for me, keep up the good work.

    1. Thank you!! I can't believe it came out looking that good! Actually tastes really great too!!

  3. Looking for parts is a real pain and sometimes easier to Call the Parts Department to get it.
    Good looking Quiche and am certain that it's tasty. Portion Control.
    Be Safe and Enjoy your breakfast.

    It's about time.

    1. You are right Rick ... it's all about how MUCH you eat. I'm trying to pare that down a little!!

  4. Every once in awhile we get HALO Ice Cream, but you HAVE TO REMEMBER, that little container has FOUR portions in it, so when they say "60 calories, 12 carbs, 4 fiber, 4 alcohol sugars" (which are sugars that don't absorb in body very much) "IF" you eat the whole container, just multiply all those numbers by 4. However, the ice cream does taste pretty good.

    1. I was wondering if they had Keto ice cream. So far I'm being bad with one skinny cow about every third day. On those days I try to eat really well so I can splurge .... on diet ice cream!

  5. Oh my. That quiche! Yum. Please message me your address....LOL

    1. It's super easy Elva! Look up Pioneer Woman Quiche. I only use half the butter however.

  6. Isn't there a thing where you whip together chilled coconut milk with frozen berries to make ice cream?

    1. I've no idea, but I will look for it. The last one I saw was cream, sweetener, cocoa powder and vanilla, shake up and put in the freezer. Haven't tried that one yet.

  7. That is a good looking quiche! With that layer of ingredients, it has to be good.

    1. You can't go wrong with bacon, onions, mushrooms and swiss cheese!! It's pretty tasty. Goes against my diet sense, but it seems to be working somewhat.
