Saturday, February 23, 2019

I Ate The Snow

Let me tell you about the lovely warm winter I spent in Tucson Arizona, where the sun always shines and the average February temperature is 70 degrees.  It snowed .... and I ATE the snow.  Needless to say, there was no rodeo.  It started with big huge flakes about 7:00 am and continued for a full eight hours.
I kept thinking it was going to stop, and really the temperature was only around 37 degrees.  Nonetheless, there were quarter sized flakes coming down the entire day.
You can imagine how quiet it was.  I don't fare well in quiet, I seem to need noise of some kind.  The television works great for that.  Too bad I had no signal.  Finally, in desperation, I downloaded Pandora to my phone and left it plugged in.  I bopped out to Keith Urban all morning long.
As the snow got thicker, the tree branches got lower to the ground.  Eventually these oleanders were below the height of the fence.
All that snow didn't seem to stop the trains, although there were just a couple that went through very slowly.
Nor did it stop my hummers.  Two of them fought over the prime feeding spot while one little finch ate his fill.  At one point, it was snowing so much, three of them took refuge underneath the oleander bush, hanging out practically on the ground.
The kids were not impressed.  Cooper does EVERYTHING by smell and it was completely covered up.  This is as far as he got into the white stuff.  Neither one were brave enough to venture out into it. Yes, I was VERY careful not to eat yellow snow.  It was funny though ... after a few hours I could smell someone's oil burning stove and could taste it in the snow.  Possibly it was the trains stopped down the track.  Who knows. 
This was about mid day when I was SURE it would stop.  It didn't.  It kept on until branches were either snapping off or flinging snow into the air when the heavy wet snow finally melted off.  At 37 degrees, it was melting underneath just as fast as it was falling on top.
The best news is the television finally came back on and I was able to finish this quilt.  
I've got lots more pictures, but I'll post them tomorrow.  No use going into snow overload.  It was a chilly 30 (feels like 21) degrees last night, so about half the snow is still hanging in there.  It won't last long since sunny skies are expected all day.  

I'm pretty sure there are no refunds on the rodeo.  On the bright side, if it warms up enough, I can get back to carving gourds.


  1. Hmm, not what you want to see in the desert for sure. A good day not to venture too far out, a picture of your snow man would be nice.

    1. The only redeeming factor is that it is truly beautiful!! I'm glad I didn't miss it.

  2. The only good thing I see in your pictures is that snow is quite pretty on desert plants and cacti.
    My first thought DON'T EAT YELLOW SNOW! so I'm glad you put my mind at ease. :)
    That quilt is beautiful, Nancy!

    1. See ... great minds think alike. I thought it was pretty too. The snow covered cactus and the quilt! Ha!

  3. I’ll swap you your snow at 31 for bright and sunny 81 anytime
    Just remember it’s Arizona cold

    1. Yeah, you and Nick have been killing me with your 80+ degrees. This is definitely not the usual around Tucson.

  4. Glad you played it Safe on the Taste Testing.
    Your Quilt looks beautiful.
    You'll be able to work on your Gourds later next week.

    It's about time.

    1. I keep hearing it's going to warm up. So far it's up to 50 during the day.

  5. Replies
    1. Hahahaha Dave .... don't worry, I was REAL careful!!

  6. We have not ventured forth yet today. I'm wondering how the bougainvilleas did in the cold last night. It's freezing again tonight. I truly think we should all be getting snow bird rebates!

    1. It did get down to 28, so unless your bougainvillea was covered, it may be pretty sick for awhile. Much as I love those nice plants, I didn't cover anything. I have mostly cactus and the cold doesn't seem to bother them.
