Monday, July 29, 2024

Witchcraft and Walmart

 Gosh ... it was wonderful while it lasted.  The Weather Gods are stirring the pot once again as we head back up to 104 and 105 for the next long week.  I better plan two more long outings in the van.  Being gone lets my solar catch up with my AC bill.  

Just for giggles, I thought I would show you the psychedelic tablescape once more.  Listen closely.  No, that wasn't me.  I laughed while she downed a third shot!!  Oh the headache!!

Still feeling MUCH under the weather ... I don't know how folks went back for seconds ... I figured maybe some exercise would help.  It's a big plus to go grocery shopping when you feel like crap because you don't buy much.

Here we are at the Grocery Outlet ... recently instituted in our little town.  I had my doubts since I drive by here often and the parking lot is always empty.  Right off the bat I was confronted with an entire wall of toothpaste, shampoo, sheets and vitamins.  I headed back to the veggies and around the corner to dog food.  Hmmmm not much here OR there.

Mostly I was checking out the prices.  As the lady next to me said ... It's cheaper at Walmart!!  And right she was.  The Taylor salad was $3.59, expires in two days, and the Italian bread was $4.59 for half a loaf.  There were a couple of finds ... the English muffins for $2.49 ... the Cool Whip for 69 cents each.  The green onions were awful,  but I needed a few and the ICE CREAM ... a whopping $7.99 ... the same as I pay at my regular store.

I checked the dates on everything and except for the salad, they are all good.  I probably could have gotten everything at Walmart for less money.  Chalk this store off my list.  Oh ... and the hamburger was $10.00 a pound.  No wonder the parking lot is empty.

Back home after enjoying a nice creamy cold ice cream bar, I hit the ground running with this quilt.  So simple to sew just squares.  I call it a quilt-in-a-day quilt.  Sadly, when I cut the first border, I discovered they gave me 15" of fabric when 16" was required.  That brought it all to a screeching halt.

Thankfully when I called the shop, they were very apologetic about it and will send me ONE more 2" wide strip so I can continue on.  The plan for this one is to quilt every square separately instead of doing one design over the entire thing.

While my stomach is still healing up ... (ugh ... I'll never overeat again) I went on to the next Halloween quilt.  That's when I noticed it.  Down at the very bottom are Bible verses.  What????  All of the verses warn against engaging in witchcraft or casting spells.  YIKES!!!  I just thought it was a cute Halloween quilt!!

In between sewing we watched the Cheyenne rodeo finals, though Cooper wasn't all that interested.  We also slept for a bit ... including Jonathan.  

The evening was spent on the phone with friend Renate, who is on her way to Hyder Alaska to see the grizzlies.  I didn't have the heart to tell her that big storms have washed the salmon out of the river for a time and the bears won't be there.  Hopefully they return soon enough.

In the meantime, I learned enough on MY trip to help her with HERS.  It's the air conditioning of course, though she's thrilled with the battery operated fan I recommended, as recommended to me by Miss Terry.

Since I used to spent 7-8 months on the road every year in the Pacific Northwest ... and Renate loves that area too ... we are "sort of" planning a trip in a few months.  We will see how that goes.

In the meantime, I'll not be doing any witchcraft or casting spells, but you will probably see me at Walmart looking for deals.  Who EVER thought I would be shopping at my least favorite store!!!


  1. I agree with you on the Grocery Outlet...prices are just as high as Wallmart.
    Your cowgirl quilt is so cute.
    Stay cool!

  2. I went once to Grocery Outlet while living in the Coarsegold/Oakhurst, CA area and found the prices unreasonable. Never went back. I am not a Walmart shopper unless I have to, but I will stay with my Safeway or Fry's in Arizona. Lynn Cross

    1. I loved Safeway in Arizona, but alas, Safeway here is VERY expensive. My only stores to shop are Walmart and SaveMart ... and SaveMart has become the Tiffanys of grocery stores!

  3. I heard that new solar PG&E customers will be having a monthly "True Up" because too many users were having issues with paying their $1k-$2k true up bills. I still think PG&E is stealing electricity from solar users... charging at a higher rate than they buy it from people like you that have a surplus of solar over usage. Just seems that way to me...

    1. You are exactly right Dave. They are a monopoly here and can do whatever they want. There is no regulation of them at ALL.

    2. Why not have a battery back up system you produce it you store it, and you use it . The surplus does not go back to the electric company you’ve spent the money for the solar panels only to sell electricity back to the grid and then you buy it back doesn’t make sense.

    3. That's an option, I just don't know if I make enough extra to warrant the expense. I'll check it out.

  4. Outlet stores of any kind have never impressed me because of their prices. I never understood it.
    Hi Cooper, I'd probably be snoozing too.

    1. That big one in Utah was a dandy, but around here they are a bust!!

  5. Doesn't sound like the Grocery Outlet going to make it based on the comments from you and your readers. We have seen them, but never stopped in.

    1. I think they forgot to check out the economy. This is 100% a welfare area now and most folks can't afford those prices. Heck, even the Dollar Stores are closing their doors.

  6. There's a Grocery Outlet close to me. I went once years ago. Some people love it but they do admit prices have gone up quite a bit.
