Sunday, July 28, 2024

Mexican Candy At A Luau

 I'm back in Heaven.  It is an almost COLD 59 degrees this morning.  I again turned on all my fans to bring in the COOL.  I need it this morning!!

There was stuff going on yesterday, but at this moment I can't remember much.  No, it's not the alcohol in this lovely blue glass, it was the food that got me.  

IT'S A LUAU!!  Every year the Elks Lodge puts on several different gatherings I shall call them ... as always in an effort to keep the bills paid.  Since I'm not a purveyor of fine alcohol, I never go.  Then there's the part about having a table for 8 ... and I show up without a date.  

On this day however, they were rather short of folks wanting to party hardy.  I invited two friends and we were off to the races.  I cheated and had a drink made with little to no rum.  

This is a Komon-I-Wanna-Leia ... pineapple juice, rum and several other additives that I could not identify.

I admit, the flashing ice cube was a distraction.  No one said this would be a legit luau party.  It just gives you an idea of the food you are about to consume.

Before the party even got started, the other folks at the table began the shot party.  It was something called Pineapple Upside Down Cake.  No No No ..... not me!  I'm a party pooper when it comes to stuff like this.

I stuck with my rum-less now blue glass.  The flashing ice cube continued as long as it was cold and wet.  I brought it home!!  

At last dinner was served ... green salad, Hawaiian macaroni salad, huli huli chicken, mashed white sweet potatoes and a huge helping of pulled pork.  Add a roll for good measure.  Those sweet potatoes?  They were amazing, so I asked for the recipe.  Cooked and mashed with butter and cream.  I'm not kidding, I KNOW what's in that kitchen pantry and I KNOW how our food is prepared.  It just amazes me that every time, our crew comes up with such amazing meals.  

Nancy made a big pig of herself and ate every single bite, for which I am deeply sorry.  By the time I got home, I was so miserable, I did not sleep a wink ALL night.  Oh the pain of overeating!!!!

Then came the wine.  Okay, I admit, I took a few sips of a dark red something or other, but I am not a wine connoisseur either.  I took this picture just to show you the .99 cent glass with an elk sticker on it.  

MORE toasting ensued, this time Mexican Candy, while I fended off the glass put in front of me.  I'll take all the pictures you want, but I'm NOT drinking that one either.  I would end up on the floor!!!  The sweet lady on the left in blue told me it was okay ... she has fallen down several times and it doesn't hurt that much.

BAND TIME!!  Oh yeah, we go all out for these shindigs.  This is META 4, and believe it or not, in spite of their advanced age ... they were REALLY GOOD!!  Heck everyone in the room sang along with every song played.  No surprise after Pineapple Upside Down Cakes and Mexican Candy!!

Here's another HECK YEAH about these events ... everyone just gets up and dances whether they have a partner or not.  How fun is that!!  I did hear one comment about this being a Hawaiian Luau, but they were playing country and rock music.  No one cared!!!

And so I snuck out the door, miserable after having eaten WAY too much.  In fact, I was punished for my gluttony all night long.  Poor Cooper didn't sleep a wink either with me writhing in agony!!  And so today you will probably find me sleeping on the couch ... AND ... watching the Cheyenne Wyoming Rodeo Finals with my glass of Arizona Tea flashing bright colors from the fake ice cube.  



  1. Sounds like a fun evening! Food looks delish! Love your flashing light drink.
    Enjoy the rodeo!

  2. Mexican candy. I’m glad you clarified that.
    Mr. Ed said A little off topic
    U mentioned something about you’re going camping up north. sounds like a great idea seeing as you’re pretty much self sustained why not camp with the Indians that’s the casino Indians, considering there is 76 casinos and five mini casinos of the 99% of them have free parking for campers whether it be overnight or a day or 3 you don’t have to gamble however, if you time it right, and sometimes they have some really great shows, for not a lot of money
    And seeing kids will be back to school try camping on 101 there’s probably 20 or 30 campgrounds or check with Bob’seye if there’s any inexpensive or free camping near his area, he certainly would know about it
    If you’re going to Crescent city, / Brooking there’s a dozen if not more if you get up to Winchester Bay park in the harbor side parking lot
    Then you still have four or five casinos off of 101 in Oregon that have free parking two (the mill The winds )that I know of have RV parks Oregon you have a ton of rv parks
    I wouldn’t even waste my time, making a reservation..
    that’s the beauty of the van……. wing it
    July of next summer they have a cool rodeo in Long Beach Washington one of the oldest in the state you can route for your favorite cowboy, an you can get right up to the railing close and personal if you don’t mind getting a little dusty

    1. So true ... lots of places to hang out on the coast in Oregon and Washington. I'll even taken my stunt kites!!

  3. Oh those nights after over eating, not that I would ever know :) I am still marveling at your Hunter star quilt made with leftover scraps. We just returned from a 5 week RV trip Oregon,WA, ID and MT. We got our first reservation when we were a day away from the coast. Look forward to your next adventures

    1. Thank you for the kind quilt words Kathi ... I may have to make another one!! I think that Oregon to Idaho camping area is my all time favorite. Nice and cool and GREAT food!

  4. A fun party! Nancy, Nancy, Nancy, when will you ever learn? haha, I'm singing that song for you. :)
    The dancing is fun for me, I always hate to leave. Avoid the mac salad and you would have been with the rest. ♥

    1. Awwww so it was the macaroni! You are probably right!! I'm still feeling it!

  5. Are you getting the smoke down there fr on "THE BIG FIRE? Starting to get smokey around here, that's for sure.

    1. Nothing down here Dave. Once again, lots of fires. There was a small one nearby, but we were lucky to miss the smoke part.

  6. Sounds like you had a great evening. That kind of fun will keep you young.

    1. Honestly, I had more fun laughing at the old folks singing!! We knew ALL the words!!!

  7. It sounds like you enjoyed yourself, that's a plus

    1. It was a big treat since I rarely go to those events.
