Monday, July 1, 2024


I admit, I never even heard of Canada Day before meeting George and Suzie out in the middle of the desert in Quartzite.  I don't know how I came across their blog, but I was fascinated that they did so much boondocking ... and I wanted to learn more.

I commented a couple of times before George said to come on out and meet the group ... and so I did.  That began a long friendship with several Canadians ... some of the nicest most helpful folks I've ever known.  There were a few Americans thrown in the mix ... also some of the nicest people on the planet ... and that's how I found out about Canada Day.  

It's so sad that George is gone now, but I learned a lot from him, and he wouldn't want us to be sad.  He would want us to keep on truckin' ... or RVing ... with a smile.  And so I celebrate Canada Day!!

But first, I had to meet up with friend Renate.  She's a German go-getter who rarely slows down.  She's widowed and my age, raring to go on trips in her new van.  Well not exactly new, she purchased it in December and has 13,000 miles on it already.  

She asked about the oil changes first.  You can go 20,000 miles without one.  Pretty crazy.  And yes, there is no dip stick.  If it needs oil, the dash computer will tell you so.  If not, just keep on driving.  They say the first oil change should probably be done at a Mercedes dealer.  Expensive you say?  I don't know, but my truck will take four changes every 6,000 at a cost of around $800, so there's that.

We talked battery shutoff, staying plugged in, engine battery ... all the normal stuff about when to stay plugged in.  Then I mentioned the side window shades ... they were heavy, but worked great.  No they don't she said ... they keep FALLING DOWN.  Oh yeah ... mine too until I learned they have to go on with the door open.  We both had a good laugh over THAT one!!    

I explained everything black tank, though she knew quite a bit of that already, having had a couple of disasters on her first trip.  It is surprising to me that we have the exact same rig ... hers a 2023 and mine a 2024 ... but they have changed SO much inside.  She has much more room, I have much bigger batteries and less room.  I have a big battery shutoff in the back, she has a tiny red button up front.  So the same, but different.  

She showed me where she stores all her camera gear, so that's a plus for me.  I showed her the plastic bins in my closet and about extension shower rods to hold things up and IN the cupboards.  Especially since she's leaving July 28 for Canada on a 2-1/2 month trip.  She's been before with another couple and knows some cool places to stop ... so we may go on a trip together in 2025.  

One caveat ... she wants to drive the Dempster Highway to the Arctic Ocean.  Not sure I'm brave enough to do that 400 mile (one way?) trip on a gravel road.  That can kill a rig pretty quickly, though I've seen pictures of people parked there in rigs like ours.  I'm kind of a Skagway girl, she's an Arctic Circle girl.

So after much conversation, she left and I hit the grocery store.  Prices just keep going up and up.  Here it was, Sunday around noon when the place is usually packed to the brim.  No one ... it was so empty I walked right up to be checked out.  But not until I was shocked once again by the cost of food.

Hamburger ... plain old hamburger was $9.98 a pound.  Can you imagine all the meat that goes to waste because no one buys it?  Here's the chuck roast I bought ... a 2.35 pound piece for $16.43.  I guess meat is out of the question from now on.  Just so you know, it's not the rancher who's getting rich, it's the middle man and the grocery store!!  My plan is to cut it in fourths and make at least eight meals from it.

I haven't mentioned it, but I've not had ICE CREAM in over three months.  No kidding ... that's pretty crazy!  Nor have I made cookies ... or cake.  I've been good ... but boy am I craving a big fat piece of frosting covered deliciousness!!  Five dollars for one piece was more than I could part with, so I thought I would make cookies.

Good grief ... the ingredients are outrageously priced too!  Even the lady I met at the checkout stand said the price of flour was through the roof.  Gee ... we need to rob a bank just to shop at the grocery store!!  I settled for this bag-o-cookies (I never buy these things) because it would be easy and cheap at $3.00.   

Back to tasting 101 ... here's lunch.  The second Healthy Choice thing I bought.  DO NOT BUY THIS.  It looks yummy, yes?  I swear we should be able to sue for false advertising.

Here it is.  The only thing that looks the same is the carrots.  Where's the broccoli?  Where's the luscious brown sauce?  and most important ... where's the BEEF?  Oh it's there, but I swear it's something made in a laboratory.  It didn't even resemble beef and tasted like cardboard.  I hate being wasteful, but I ate the carrots and threw the rest away.

Next up ... that famous chicken pot pie for dinner, of which I bought only one!!  I think it was $4.99.  I threw it in the oven where it had to live for 60 minutes!!  I'll report on that one tomorrow!!

We are in the middle of 100 rodeos in 100 days, so Mr. Cooper and I held the ouch down while watching some of the most impressive bucking horses and bulls I've EVER seen.  Cooper wasn't impressed with the team roping or the barrel racing, but he did bark at the bulls.

And so starts a new day of celebration for my Canadian friends ..... I wish you a HAPPY CANADA DAY!!!  I hope it's a sunny and dry one!!!


  1. I agree grocery prices have gone crazy! The poor farmer isn't getting the big profit for sure.
    Try to stay cool!

    1. Used to be I couldn't get out of Costco for under $200. Now I can't get out of SaveMart for under $200.

  2. Thank you for the kind words re: Canada Day & Canadians_ & George was special to many.I apologize if gave you the wrong idea of using frozen foods_ never those meals : we instead bought frozen chicken wings, strips breasts + breaded fish ,egg rolls with sea food beef or chicken plus frozen vegetables-- also made garden salads when ingredients readily available on the road.Then the air fryer,imduction top &/or microwave made everything a snap-- lite prep,mnimal dishes & all quick.Hope this works for you.

    1. I used to really LIKE those frozen foods, but like everything else, they have changed. Yes, frozen egg rolls and the such are perfect!!

  3. Mr. Ed said try Pepperidge farm Nantucket dark chocolate cookies๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
    Chuck roast… last time I had that was five years ago and I’m still chewing it. if you run over it with my truck to soften it up, it still won’t do any good the only way to eat that is ground up and you kill it by making meatloaf (why do you think they put gravy on it?) taste
    Treat yourself bite the bullet go tenderloin you’re paying top dollar anyways for junk meat why not get the good stuff for the same price it’ll probably still only come out to 9 dollars a meal
    The next time you look at frozen TV, dinners scare yourself look on the back of for the ingredients and chemicals thousand milligrams of sodium per serving. I don’t use that much salt on my driveway during the snowstorm. .. When you mention Marie Callender heres a very good article.
    Most Mercedes motors have a four year 50,000 miles That’s funny it’s a year less than the RV chassis The average oil change is 20,000 miles with synthetic oil although sometimes it’s better to change the oil filter and the fuel filter only at 10,000 miles and then when you get to 20,000 change the oil filter and fuel filter again the average V6 only uses about 3 1/3 gallons
    The Sprinter oil change price can vary depending on several factors. On average, a standard oil change for a Mercedes Sprinter can range from $250 to $375 . However, it’s worth noting that premium synthetic oils may be used for Mercedes Sprinter vans, which could slightly increase the price. The use of synthetic oils provides superior engine protection and performance, making it a worthwhile investment considering you’re only going to be doing it probably once a year
    R u found where the dipstick is not .Most foreign engine manufacturers are doing that now. Keep in mind a lot of second party oil change companies will not do a vehicle that has an electric dipstick due to the liability.

    1. Thanks for the info ... that's about what I pay for my truck, so that's not bad for the mileage you get.

  4. I complained here because ground beef was $3.99. Bill loves the dark chocolate covered grahams and the chocolate covered peanut butter cookies at the Dollar Tree.

    1. It's absolutely crazy out here! We are headed for disaster! I'll try those cookies!!!!

  5. Lately I have been making dishes with Sam's Chicken or they also have a pulled pork and pulled chicken...add my own veggies and/or make roll-ups out of them with Mission Carb Balance. Also make chicken enchiladas too. I figure I can make 3-4 meals with each Rotisserie Chicken at $4.98 each. Cut them up after I get them home (best if you let them cool in Fridge for a few hours) and put the wings in a baggie, leg & thigh in a baggie (2 baggies there) and a baggie for each breast. During the winter I will make soup...too hot for that right now.

    1. I try to do that Dave. I love enchiladas and tacos with that chicken - and it's so reasonable.

  6. A very liberal friend of one of my cousins actually said the cost of groceries was going down in "her area". I asked her where she lived. She sent me a picture of the price of fuel. So I guess she "eats fuel"

    1. Hahahaha!!! The price has only gone up here, at least double on everything in the grocery store.

  7. Easy way to make snickerdoodles - buy roll of slice and bake sugar cookies, slice and dredge in a mixture of cinnamon and sugar ….so good! A reader in Arkansas

    1. Ooh ooh ... that is a GREAT idea!!!! And much easier. I'm trying it!!!

  8. Thanks for the salute.
    Your right, it's not the farmers getting rich.
    Keep checking out all the different fast meals. It took a long time before we found a few that were decent.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. I'm thinking I should buy the ones that look terrible ... maybe they are better!!

  9. I am a Skagway girl too. Becky

  10. Thank you for the wishes, we did enjoy our Canada Day very much!
    We haven't had ice cream either for at least 5 months!! One day, I'm stopping on my way home from cleaning the bnb and buying a cone. (ps, I have lost 7 lbs and holding right now so it's encouragement) Bill too.
    Prices, yah, don't get me started but we won't stop eating meat, it's a staple.
