Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The Magic Land Of Bingo

 It's 82 degrees this morning at 4:30 ... not the kind of day I like to wake up to.  I'm pretty bleary eyed and could definitely use more sleep!

I thought it was weird that I kept having to turn the AC down more and more yesterday afternoon.  I'm usually comfortable at 80 degrees.  I think it was too much of that lovely air conditioned house in Salt Lake City that spoiled me.  

I spent most of the morning unloading the rig.  GEE ... only TWO wagon loads and a few extras.  That's one for the record books.  I'm liking this minimalist camping a lot!!  Even better, I like not having to cook!!  Those chicken pot pies are now my go-to!!!

Of course the house is a wreck, with stuff stacked all over everywhere.  It will have to wait.  It's time for the Magic Castle.

My Fairy Godmother waved her magic wand and VOILA!!  My station was ready to go.  She even made two huge bags of nuts appear out of nowhere.  Roasted almonds and walnuts for my baking pleasure.  You've got to love help like that!!

In no time we were off and running.  It was nice to have so many folks say they were glad I was back, even if some never missed me at all.  "You were gone???"  

It didn't take long however for the pitchforks to appear!!  Just like THAT I heard loud voices and bad words.  It seems someone got a little too close to the stack of bingo packets before their turn.  Oh the words did fly!!  

Ladies ....... please!!!  There was no stopping them.  The expletives got louder and louder as I tried to concentrate on the one in front of me.  I was waiting for the first punch to be thrown.  There was maybe two seconds when it was quiet ... and I thought it was over ... but NO.  Someone had to make just one more comment.  

The call went out for the Knights to come to the rescue.  I rang up the first one as fast as I could and off she went.  The second one kept up the rhetoric the entire time she was at the table.  Just STOP I said and pointed my finger, which never phased ANYONE before!  She was bigger than me, but I was closer to the exit if I had to run!!  

The Knights did their job well and I never heard from the ladies again.  Instead, I had two more come up and complain that someone was sharing cards.  That's a no-no ... and so the night went from one disgruntled player to another.  I think it was the heat, though it was so cold inside the building that folks went OUTSIDE to warm up.

The best part of all?  NO MORE RED TICKETS!!  Woohoo!!  No more counting out 130, tearing them in half, then tearing the tickets individually.  Many were disappointed, but Nancy was a happy camper, even though I kept reaching for the place in the cash register where they used to live.  

Here's two of our lovely Castle Decorators/Money Changers who work the other side of Bingo ... the pull tabs.  We had a little bit of a problem at the end of the night.  Someone won the $250 prize (there's one to every box sold) but never came to collect the money.  That's beyond weird!!  The money was saved in case they find that winning ticket on the way home.

The infernal machine was nice to me on this night, though the mini machine caused some problems.  Folks like our fee-free cash back option.  The problem with that is I run out of cash to make the payouts.  Sure enough ... this week I was $800 short.  No worries, I borrow from the two ladies above.  It all goes in the same pot anyway.

Otherwise, the infernal machine came out to the penny, in spite of over 60 dollars in change.  You can imagine just how happy the King was at having to count all THAT!!

I walked out the door at 9:30 and it was still 100 degrees.  I have to admit, I cannot remember when it was ever this hot all night long.  We must be edging towards the sun a little further.  In spite of the 85 degree forecast, we continue to be at 100 with 80 degree nights.  That doesn't bode well for my electric bill, though I do have some news about that.  I'll share tomorrow.

Keep cool if you can .....................


  1. Mr. Ed said sounds like a bunch of PMS women, coming down off of a full moon

    1. They’re probably past PMS more like menopause they’re having hot flashes

    2. I'll admit, it's never the MEN who get in the fights!! LOL

  2. The minimalist lifestyle is a good one, once you get used to it. I bet they were happy to see you come into the building last night so you could take the brunt of the anger.

  3. Wow those Bingo people can really get angry.
    The weather here has been in the upper 80s and low 90s that's hot for here!
    Try to stay cool.

    1. Frances ... your weather is as bad as ours!! You should be cool as a cucumber! Hoping this doesn't last through September!

  4. One of the cartoons I follow on the net has a gal at a rough bar that keeps a harpoon behind the counter to brandish when things get a little out of hand. A harpoon is a little unweildly for
    you maybe, but a big sword at hand might work, keep the riff raff in line.

    1. As long as I keep the table between me and them, I'm good!! Actually it is only directed at me on rare occasions. They don't want the King to kick them out.

  5. Or to add to could be like one of our neighboring businesses...just whip out the rifle! Parts of West Sacramento still have a wild west attitude.

    1. I've heard that Elva! It's too bad our law enforcement has had THEIR swords taken away! Now people think they can do anything they want ... guns and all.

  6. YEAH! I have lived in southern San Joaquin Valley for most of 80 years, AND I do not recall it ever being this HOT! Maybe God is attempting to tell us something???

    1. I guess we should straighten up our act! I've seen it this hot, but not for this long. Hoping it cools a bit.

  7. 4.30am is early even for me but then in summer when it is stinking bloody hot I have been known to get up that early myself. I had an effort to drag myself out of bed this morning due to how cold it was and still is.

    I have never played bingo but always thought of it a a nice quiet and orderly event, I see it different through your writings of it.

    1. It usually is pretty orderly Joanne, but there are always those few who make it interesting!!!

  8. hahahaha, I'm laughing at little Nancy standing near an Exit door pointing that finger!!! I can imagine their fear! ♥ I love ya kiddo but I hope you can run fast!!

    1. I CAN run fast ... marathon runner! LOL. Rarely is it ever directed towards me .. usually to other Bingo players. I expect it in this heat. It makes everyone cranky including me!

  9. If I was a betting man, my money would be on the cowgirl.

  10. Many a night I would lock up the restaurant and head to my car with temps near the hundreds...That was back in the 80's

    1. I have just been spoiled over the last few years because it cooled off at night. They say it is ending soon, but as you know, they are never right!
