Sunday, July 21, 2024

New To Me ... Yard Sales

It has cooled off a tad in Utah, down to the low 70's at night.  I can deal with that.  Jonathan is a happy camper too since his little house is now cooler.  He can take the heat better than I, so he sleeps in the rig.

Bright and early we were off into the world of estate and yard sales.  I've never hit up any yard sales in my town.  If you want tons of baby clothes or old car parts, that is the place to go.  Here?  My oh my ... you could furnish an entire house with amazing stuff picked up at yard sales.  This was our first stop. 

It was a 55 plus retirement community.  I think I could live here.  Nice and quiet ... no noisy neighbors, but I'm sure the streets are only 8 feet wide.  This one advertised fabric, so we hit the ground running down to the basement where we found a closet with quite a bit of what we were looking for.  Their prices were a little bit in outer space, but there was enough for Cindy and I to share.  I found this pattern book, which we found out contains MANY patterns.

More fabric to go with the book.  I got out without too much damage at $12.00.  I think they completely missed the book even though the fabric was sitting on it.  Cindy paid a little more, but she had several bags.  This is pretty FUN!

Then Cindy found THIS!  The artwork she has in their house has most all come from yard sales.  They are some of the most fabulous EXPENSIVE things you have ever seen ... and she paid practically nothing.  It's amazing what you can find in a big city.

We ran into a parade for their Pioneer Days, which completely blocked our next location, so we hit up a few more, with no results.  No one ever said it's always a win.  On the other hand, when we got home, it was a BIG win!  Almost!!

Cindy went out to her garden and picked TWO tomatoes for a BLT lunch - the first of the season.  When she reached for the second one, wasn't she surprised that the only thing left was the skin.  The entire inside was gone.  Some critter had a tasty lunch.  No problem, she thin sliced the other first tomato and made delicious sandwiches.  Oh the taste of a FRESH tomato!!

Mr. Cooper and I wandered the garden after lunch, taking in all the beauties that were flowering.

We were all pretty tired after this week of shopping, quilting and yard sales, so I spent the afternoon with Mr. Cooper.   Ok, truth is I fell asleep.  

Dinner was my treat.  You guessed it ... Panda Express!  We had a little trouble ... no habla espanol, but we made it back with plenty to eat.  

And so it is sadly time for me to hit the road.  My previous plan to head south to the slot canyons went right out the window when I found out how hot it was there.  I'll be heading back the same way I came to await cooler weather.  

It has been no problem when plugged in ... the air works okay ... but I'm leery of leaving Cooper and Jonathan in the rig while I'm gone sightseeing.  Once I get a temperature gauge for inside, I'll feel better.  In the meantime, I will actually be back in time for Bingo, but MUMS the word.  DON'T TELL!!!

This has been the perfect trip to work out the kinks in this new rig.  I've still got lots to learn, but I'm getting there.  I actually ran the AC AND the microwave today.  AT THE SAME TIME!  That's a big plus!

I can't thank Cindy and Ray enough for their hospitality and quilting expertise.  I'm so happy to have met such wonderful people on this RV road.  I'll see them again in Yuma in December.

And so we are OFF ..............


  1. Mr. Ed said it’s called. Driveway surfing….. it’s nice when you have quality time with friends . And having a small unit sometimes makes it more enjoyable.
    now you need to find a van dweller get together / meet up/ rally with like kind folks, being smaller in size it’s a whole different experience (wow you can fit)

    1. Great idea. I'm a little busy right now, but hope to catch up with van-like folks in the future. Love this little rig.

  2. Sounds like you had a wonderful time with Ray and Cindy.
    Drive safe kiddo...praying for you to have a safe trip home.

    1. GREAT time! They are just my kind of people, if you know what I mean!!

  3. A successful adventure! The beauty of that rig is that you will be able to park just about anywhere. I think you will love it once you get used to it.

    1. I do love it ... except for the kinks that have to get worked out. Actually I'm surprised at the storage it DOES have.

  4. Give us a wave when you pass thru the big town of Applegate on your way back. If you are looking for lunch about then, try the Old Town Grill in Old town Auburn. A huge hamburger, lots of fries, and a drink for $11.95. Puts McDonalds to shame. Take the last Auburn exit and back across the freeway to Old Town. Only bad thing is, no quilt stores.

    1. I will definitely give you a wave ... and that burger sounds perfect!! There used to be a needlepoint shop that I visited there often. I think they are gone now.

  5. Safe travels!

  6. Not only have we attended many yard sales, we have also some when we were selling our house.
    Glad you learned lots and Enjoyed your stay.
    Safe travels.

    It's about time.

    1. I had a great time. Just wish there were some in my area worth going to.

  7. Just returned home to Wickenburg,AZ after 6 weeks on the road. I think we were in the SLC area about the same time. Hmm, did not know about NPS, will have to ask my daughter. Do you know how long it took to get caught up on your blog?? Doesn't matter, it is to hot to do anything. Love your new RV, we have a Winnebago Navion, just a foot longer than your RV.. Need to get some quilt projects going. Love the Bear Dump pattern. Safe Travels

    1. Check out NPS ... it was crazy the deals you can get on groceries. Yup ... HOT everywhere it seems. So you have a foot more space to put quilt material??????

  8. I have always enjoyed wandering through a yard sale as often you find such good stuff but not Tim he isn't interested most of the time, haven't been to one in years, come to think of it.

    1. Hard to find in my area, so I don't get to them either. No worries, Walmart is just the same ....... do you have Walmarts there??

  9. Have a safe and enjoyable trip back home. Sounds like you had a great time.

    1. I had an awesome time ... the "trip" back? Not so much! LOL

  10. I can tell you've had a lot of fun with Cindy and Ray and yard sales??? I'm in but no material for me. I love to look too but don't always buy.
    Safe travels my friend. I'm behind in reading - again.
