Sunday, July 14, 2024

Murdered After All!!

Alriggghhtht!!!  We didn't get murdered at the RV park because three of the five doors would not lock.  Woohoo!!  No, I didn't get any sleep.  I was propped up in the corner with my hand over the back of the seat touching the screen.  That made for a tough night.  No worries, I only had 4 hours of travel time left. Or so I thought!

It was semi cool, so Cooper and I took a long walk in the morning.  Not that long, since I was always in sight of the rig and my computer.  Heck, they could have driven off with the thing if they could figure out the key fob thingies.

What can I say ... it was beautiful and boring.  I remember as a kid, we used to come here every year on cattle buying trips.  We spent a good deal of time in back of the gas station at Wendover.  We were tough ... there were no hotels.  

Time went by fairly fast.  There was some construction on this highway, but their speed limits were 70 mph IN THE  CONSTRUCTION zone.  My little Mercedes just purred along like a trooper.  In fact, many times I had to slow her down.  Though I won't beat you off the starting line, she's pretty powerful for 23 mpg.

There was some beautiful country.  Too bad you can't see it because I dropped my phone on the floor and the camera was just out of reach.  Wait ... what was THAT?  If you reach just a little too far, it thinks you are falling out of the seat and it almost comes to a complete stop in the middle of the freeway.  The dashboard tells you to GET BACK IN YOUR SEAT.  It's called Seat Assist of course!!

 I think it was over 100 miles before I stopped for fuel in Elko.  I completely forgot the phone, the camera and something to drink.  I continued on before finally stopping in a wide construction zone to pick up the phone and get a wake-me-up cup of Arizona tea.  Lots of trucks on the highway this day.  Did you know most of the speed limits in Nevada and Utah are 80 mph??  That comes into play a little later.

We made it through Wendover ... which really just used to have two restaurants and two gas stations.  My how things have hanged.  Next up ... the Salt Flats.

It's big ... straight arrow ... and tiring.  By now I'm looking at my watch wondering why I told Cindy and Ray I would be there at 1:00.  It was already 2:00, I was yawning like crazy and had another hour to go.  

Apparently you are supposed to GO 80 mph when your app figures the arrival time.  No thank you.  I rarely got over 65, which made me quite late.  The clouds were weird ... it looked like it was going to rain as I drove around the Great Salt Lake.  I really didn't even see it.  

By now I was frantically trying to get the Navigation system to put the address back in, which it deleted with the slightest touch of a finger somewhere on the steering wheel.  These darn controls ... they are WAY too touchy.  I said a little prayer.  

I followed everything it said, but I'm sure it took me in one big circle.  Though it told me to turn one street early, I actually found the house.  I'm totally exhausted because THIS leg of the trip took a full SIX hours instead of the FOUR I expected.  Add another hour for time change.  It's a good thing I'll be here awhile to heal up.

LOOK WHAT MET ME AT THE DOOR!  It was full to the top and brimming over.  ICE CREAM!!  Boy did that make my day.  Not having eaten all day long, it was quite tasty!!

I got parked in the perfect spot to keep the kids cool.  They have other company ... Sandy from her Where Are The Dixons Today blog.  We had lots of laughs, followed by a fabulous spaghetti dinner ... home cooked on the stove all day long by Cindy.  YUM YUM!!

Alas, it never did cool down.  At 9:00 it was 90 degrees in Salt Lake.  I was going to get murdered after all by the heat in the rig.  Oh it's cool enough with the AC on, but you are sitting right underneath it.  Noisy is an understatement.  

To make it even worse, now the BED will not fold down.  If I was frustrated yesterday, you should have seen me last night!  It just clicks.  Sounds like it's jammed up, maybe from that last big bump I hit.  I was offered a room previously which I turned down.  I bought this thing, I'm going to STAY in it.  Alas, I went inside and pled my case.  I have a beautiful COOL bedroom downstairs with an outside door so I can take Mr. Cooper out.  

Speaking of which, we went out at 9:00 to find it was raining and 90 degrees still.  What is up with this weather???

Ahhhhhh a nice cool room with a nice COOL bed!!  I slept like a rock!!  And so this journey continues.  Let's see what WON'T work today!!


  1. I'm so happy you made it. So glad you had nice cool place to stay with a comfy bed!
    Be safe!

  2. Did Ray look at your doors to see what might be wrong??? Seat Assist...has to be a joke, but it probably isn't a joke...

    1. Seat assist ... I think they are going a little too far.

  3. Mr. Ed said OK the bed I can’t help you with but. if you take the vehicle to the Mercedes dealer, grab the service manager (male) and do the O by the way trick
    Mercedes and Beamers have the most finicky GPS I hate mine
    if your iPhone is wireless charging (most are now )get a dash / cupholder that will hold the phone and charge it at the same time. Use your phone as a GPS Bluetooth it to the radio use it in the satellite setting.
    The radio will play music until it’s time to make the next GPS turn (once it’s Bluetooth It’ll always stay when you need it) just make sure to turn the sound down so it doesn’t scare you

    1. What? I can charge my phone in a cup?? Yes please!

  4. Replies
    1. I will do that Jan!! What wonderful friendly people RV folks are.

  5. I hate your new vehicle and it's not even mine. What a load of technology bs. I suppose you can't return it now?

    1. Well actually, no I can return it, but it's growing on me. In spite of the problems, I love it!!

  6. Such a learning curve! Hopefully things get better soon. We usually add an hour to the Google Maps arrival time. Between fuel stop and lunch, it seems like an hour is about right.

    1. The plan was to live in it in my driveway for a week so I would get to know most of it, but it being so hot, I just couldn't do it. Luckily I'm parked for the week with a nice soft "inside" bed for nighttime! LOL

  7. Have you tried locking your doors, using the button on the Driver's Door? You can follow the Speed Limit without losing control of this RV. Not wise to no traveling on an empty stomach.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. Yes and yes Rick. This thing drives like a tank and I love it!

  8. The photos are wonderful but a lot of driving, some people like driving long distances, I am not one of them but Tim is and you arrived in one piece but it must feel like if it's not one thing it's something else

    1. It's weird Joanne ... I've loved driving distances ever since I was a kid. This far ... not so much however. I'll break it down into more days next time.

  9. Glad all went well today. Enjoy your visit. Don't forget the kids and leave them in the van. 😀

  10. Forgot to add this yesterday. The one piece of electronic equipment on my 2014 Impala that I really like and would want on any new car are the sensors that put up an icon in the side mirrors that let you know when there is a vehicle in your blind spot. By carefully adjusting the mirrors, you will be able to see a little of the car before the sensors alert, and of course, it is along side of you when they go off. They are the best safety devices on the car. In my opinion, every new car should have these, not just the ones with expensive options. I bet yours has them. If you use them and get them adjusted just right, you will love them. So, if you can't see anything in the mirror, and the sensor has not alerted, it is pretty safe to make a lane change. Works both ways, too. A great piece of safety equipment.
