Friday, July 12, 2024

And I'm OFF!!

 Well I think I'm off anyway.  It's very daunting this panel.  I need an expert to explain everything.  I actually had a glitch yesterday and so had to call PleasureWay in Canada.  Here's the bad news.  The dealer did NOT update the inverter before they let me drive off.  According to the nice guy I talked to, it needs to be done, as I may have problems with it.  No, there are no dealers in Utah.

Since I really don't know exactly how this system works ... what charges what or what uses electricity from what, it's rather scary to take off into the blue.  The only thing I'm absolutely sure of is the fridge is BATTERY ONLY.  No electricity, no propane ... only battery runs the fridge.  

Electricity runs the microwave, A.C. and cooktop.  So either plugged in or generator.  Maybe the cooktop runs on battery?  See ... I have no idea and here I am taking off on a trip.

To add to the tension, my neighbor wanted to come over at 8:30 last night to change out the easy to use AC control to this crazy complicated device that hooks up to your phone, only it won't hook up to mine because I don't have internet other than a hot spot.  90 minutes later I gave up trying to figure it out.

And so I guess I'm taking off this morning, though I'm as nervous as a cat on a hot tin roof.  Not for me, but for my kids!  No problem if I didn't have to worry about 15 year old Mr. Cooper getting overheated.

Wish me luck!!!


  1. Praying for you to have a safe trip!

  2. if it hasn’t blown up by now, go on your trip. and enjoy it. deal with it when you come back… the warranty will still be there,

    1. True ... and I did take off ... almost cancelled though.

  3. Safe travels Nancy and hope you enjoy the places you are visiting ! Always nice to see new parts of our country.

    1. Been there before, but friends are always worth the trip.

  4. Woot! Breathe....relax..
    Enjoy 😉. Keep in touch!

  5. Love Utah...we plan to stop by Moab as part of our trip west, then SLC to see my daughter. We hope to leave late next week. Do you know if your inverter is also the converter??? If so, one of the upgrades "might" be how it charges the engine battery. When you are plugged in to power, get a charge of what your engine battery is should read 13+ volts if the converter is charging it. If not, it could be as low as 12.4. In the 2022/2023 version of what we have the engine batteries were not being charged on solar or on shore power, which caused many a dead battery when they parked at their house for a couple of weeks without driving it. Have a good safe trip.

    1. They told me nothing charges the engine batteries but driving it. Solar only charges chassis batteries.

  6. First place I would be heading to is the Dealership, to better explain things and to set up your phone.
    Be Safe and Enjoy the trip.

    It's about time.

    1. I would, but I'm on a schedule. Hoping my crossed fingers will work!

  7. Having no idea how this or that works will make for an interesting trip but I hope not one that's too stressful

    1. It's very stressful Joanne ... Mostly because I'm not familiar with so many fancy electrical things.

  8. I'm behind in reading, sorry. I hour things go okay, thinking of you.
