Saturday, July 13, 2024

Winnemucca ... Land of HEAT

 Well that was fun ..... NOT!  So even though my spidey sense said I should stay home, I told myself to put on your big girls pants and just GO!  And so I did.  

The first problem was not having a clue about all those buttons and rollers on the steering wheel.  The steering is VERY touchy and it has the rock and roll of a big motorhome.  Not bad, just different.  I ended up switching Cooper and Jonathan, because Jon can take the heat better ... Cooper needed the AC.  He slept almost the entire way.  What a good boy!!

It was all laughs and giggles until I hit Sacramento.  First it was the section that goes by Cal Expo.  Twenty miles an hour for about four miles.  Not too bad after that though, in spite of all the big warning signs of traffic where I-5 meets I-80.

We cruised right along until there was a rumble ... a big vibration ... and my dash went crazy with flashing red lights.  What the heck was that?  It seems they have some crazy thing on here called Lane Assist.  If you get too close to the white line, it actually drags you BACK into your lane with a big vibration.  That scared the heck out of me.  Oh but wait .......

In no time as we headed over Donner Pass, we ran into construction.  Well actually there was NO construction, it just looked like it.  This guy was taking advantage of the slow traffic.

TWELVE MILES at 4 mph.  No kidding ... this was just ridiculous.  Suddenly my control panel started beeping like crazy ... like when you are going to bump into something?  It went ballistic every time I got within 50 feet of the car ahead of me.  The lanes were narrow, so the side vehicles set it off too.  It was so loud I couldn't think!

I called the dealer ... how the heck do I turn this blankety blank thing OFF?  They had no clue.  I pushed buttons right and left until it finally quit ... sort of.  

At long last, TWO HOURS behind schedule, I pulled into 107 degree Reno for fuel.  No kidding ... it was HOT!  Diesel was $4.08 a gallon.  I filled up since I didn't know where the next station would be.  No stopping however, it was too hot for the kids ... so we kept going ... and going ...

Out of Reno and into the heat.  It stayed around 109 most of the way.  Suddenly the van jerked to the right, made the most horrible noise, sounding like the engine fell out!   Not kidding here ... I about had a heart attack.  What the heck was THAT?  

Well ... it seems this rig also has a Wind Gust Assist, along with the lane assist and the "you are too close" assist.  I was sure the engine blew up, but it kept going.  I wasn't even driving fast, nor did I even SEE any bushes move.  YIKES!!  I'm turning that thing off too as soon as I can figure out how.

OH BUT WAIT .... there's MORE!!  Every ten minutes a screen popped up saying ATTENTION ASSIST. Well what the heck is THAT?  It shows a cup of steaming coffee.  AHA ... so it thinks I've been driving too long and I need to stop.  Well if there WAS a place to stop, that might be an idea, but alas, there was none.  

And so, 8-1/2 hours later, we arrived in Winnemucca.  Should have been 6 hours.  I was exhausted, trying to think of what to do first.  Plug in, start AC.  Put heavy window sunscreen up to keep it a little cool.  Lucky for me, I am in the shade of a tree, but the AC is still screaming away trying to get it down to 85.  Me thinks that's a pipe dream.  

It was a very rough night, to say the least.  Here's the next problem that raised it's ugly head.  I noticed on the control panel a red line by the sliding door.  It's closed ... I closed it three times with a slam.  Now, as I tried to lock up for the night, the sliding door and the two BACK doors will not lock.  These things are supposed to be foolproof!!

And so I spent the next two hours trying everything I could possibly think of to get the doors to lock.  Nothing.  Only the two front ones would cooperate.  I'm sure my neighbors loved me slamming the doors until 10:30.  I called Renate and I went on-line to the PleasureWay group.  A very nice gentleman tried to help me out, but to no avail.  

Okay then .... I dosed off here and there, sitting UP with my arm draped over the back seat because if anyone tried to sneak in, I would feel it.  Yeah, it was a miserable night.  This trip is one for the record books.

And so we survived ... barely.  Mr. Cooper ate a bit, drank a lot and is napping while I sip my cup of Joe.  It's 72 this morning ... not exactly cool but better than 109!!

I'm going to need ice cream Cindy and Ray ..... LOTS of ice cream!!!!


  1. That’s pretty good you’re only an assistant driving the Van. someday Mercedes will let you be the driver
    You’re technically going to have to live with it is not possible to permanently disable the lane keep assist function in your car, as this is part of the mandatory safety equipment for vehicle sold
    However, You cannot turn off lane assist completely forever, but only on a journey by journey basis.
    Just look for the lane assistance icon on the dash or the LED screen depending on how they are set up
    That also goes for the follow close feature on new cars actually it’s a pretty good feature. If you set cruise control and somebody cuts in front of you they’ll self brake so you don’t have to. Yes, that’ll scare the crap out of you first couple of times. As for locking the door, did you ever try your keyless? Fob you know the part that says lock and unlock?

    1. If on the driver side door you have a door lock switch press it twice the first time will lock or unlock, the front doors. The second time will lock or unlock, the side door do the same with the key fob … I believe the rear door is a mechanical lock

    2. Yup did all of the above. Back doors will not lock ... even the manual one will not lock. I tried it twice. If one door is not completely shut, it won't lock anything but the front two doors. I think the sliding door THINKS it's not shut.

  2. I hope the rest of your trip is better Nancy. Very brave of you to just get in your new rig and head out. Learn as you go !
    You are having an adventure for sure. Cute picture of your co pilot sleeping.

    1. I try to be brave but sometimes it's a losing battle! LOL

  3. OMG what a day!
    You are brave!!
    Hopefully you can get some rest !
    Prayers continue for safe travels.

    1. Cray cray as we used to say in high school!! It's getting better ... slightly!

  4. Don’t you just technologically! I think I’ll stick with the older vehicles/rv. Hope you can enjoy your vacation. Doris from PA

  5. The ice cream is waiting.

    1. Ahhhhhhh that was funny ..... and DELICIOUS!!!!!

  6. The same thing happened to me with my new car, thinks it's smarter than me. I turned off Lane Assist and a lot of stuff. Changed the distance range for the front. Lots of internet searching has really help with the features. Good luck !

    1. It's crazy how much control they are taking away from drivers. I was shocked!! Turning off everything I can.

  7. You can turn all of that crap off. It just takes a little figuring and a lot of reading the manual that comes with the vehicle. I have turned all of it off in my one car that has it. That lane assist thing is a real pain in our narrow curvy roads up here. You were within a couple of miles of us when you went thru Applegate, if you even noticed it.

    1. Applegate California? Why yes I did because I live close to Applegate Road. It's an unusual name. Great road but oh taking 4 lanes down to one over the pass!!!! Yup I'm turning all that crap OFF!!!

  8. Wow. What a trip. I'm still. driving my Jeep cuz the Buick scares me. I never even thought about you driving thru Sacramento so I never mentioned the traffic delays. But it's a good thing you left on a Friday. This weekend traffic delays will be worse. Today will be a better day 🙏.

    1. I'm hoping for a better day Elva!! Traffic is ALWAYS bad there.

  9. Oh my, when the computer takes over the driving. Some of the new technology I find to be a nuisance but maybe will get used to.

    1. It's crazy how much control this rig has over you. I think I would rather decide where I ride in the lane, than have a computer do it. That jolt feels like electricity!!

  10. THANK GOD we only have Lane Assist...and it does beep and it does try to move you over. For instance, on I-80 headed up there might be a 18 wheeler a 1/2 mile in front of you that is going slow, lights blinking. If I moved over to the left lane without using my blinker, all hell will break loose until I either turn the signal on or turn lane assist off. It will take some getting use to because if there is no one behind me, why use my blinker??? Again, if it is that hot, you should turn your AC on in the house, which should run with your lithium and the 2nd alternator going. Just in case it drains the batteries, there should be a setting where you tell it to shutdown the AC when the batteries get down to 12v, which for lithium is fine because you don't want them to drop below 10v. My thoughts are that you can run your house AC, under these circumstances, for at least 3 hours, perhaps longer.

    1. On the battery? I can run the AC on the battery? That's news. As for the lane assist ... yes, if you cross over the line without a turn signal, it feels like you got shocked!! It's crazy!!

  11. Word is that AI will make your life easier. They forgot to mention that it will drive you off the deep end first.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    I's about time.

    1. That is EXACTLY true!!!! And truly, I don't want anyone else ... or anyTHING else making the decisions for me.

  12. Forgive me for laughing during this post. We went through the same thing with our new truck. The lane assist took some getting used to, but I now like it.

    1. Yeah I knew you would!! It's okay, I was laughing pretty hard myself!! That gust thing ... I thought the engine fell out!!

  13. Bloody hell what a way to kick off a trip, I don't think I would be comfortable driving something that big, I have heard of lane assist but didn't know what it did to alert you flashing red lights would give me a fright. If it sounded like the engine fell out it must have been loud thus giving me another fright. Never hear of attention assist but I guess it would be good to remind someone to stop, revive and survive. As for the doors not locking that would not be good, wouldn't stop many Aussies sleeping in the van some would take a rope and tie the doors to something else so they couldn't be easily opened and then going to sleep.

    1. Someone suggested tying the door shut, but there's no way to do it. It's all flat surface ... not even a handle. Weird. You would not like it Joanne ... this ASSIST thing just takes away your choices.

  14. My car is 20 years old. I'm almost 60 years older than it. When I drive the new cars of my friends, I think I'm going to try to make mine my last car. The new ones act like they should be doing the driving, but unless they're Teslas, they can't, so they just act like back seat drivers. Good luck. You're adaptable, and you will probably come to enjoy it.....or at least tolerate it well.....

    1. That is it exactly Judith! It takes the wheel away from you. Not my idea of fun at all. I'm turning off everything I can.

  15. Look on the bright side of things. The RV gave all this great material for your blog. Good luck. Vern@Boise

    1. Well that's true. But maybe it's giving me a whole lot more than I would like! LOL

  16. As Vern alludes to, you are giving lots for the rest of us to be thankful for but truly we are feeling for you. I have no suggestions, just hug that furry kid of yours, he's a little blessing to sleep through it all.

    1. Okay, you made me laugh. Yes, be thankful you do not have my good luck! LOL

  17. Wow! Technology is passing us by. My newest vehicle is a 2006. I'm hoping to never buy a newer one. My cellphone is bad enough. Enjoy your adventure ✨️.

    1. Oh Doug .. if you buy a new one, be sure and check out the ASSIST functions first!

  18. I can sure simpathize with you on this after just getting a newer car with all that new stuff. Key Fob. Make sure it's on your person when you want to do stuff. It tells the car it's you and not someone else messing with your stuff. It also has lock and unllock doors on it. Mine let's me lock and unlock doors once outside the rig as long as that thing is in my pocket.
    Really, it's a bitch to have to know all this stuff when all you want to do is go forward and backward and lock the doors.
    I was happy when mine applied the brakes on me when I was about to back into a tree. :O)

    1. I would be happy to just have the doors lock correctly!!!

  19. Mr. Ed said If you call pleasure way or a Mercedes dealer, telling them you have an issue with the electric lock a the unlocking feature it may be the key fob There is a rebooting sequence(. They can walk you through it) that the fob goes through. It may have gotten messed up. It may need to be reboot reset
    Sometimes you can reboot the whole vehicle by disconnecting the negative chassis battery terminal for 15 seconds, and then reconnect it but I wouldn’t suggest doing it unless you talk to Mercedes or pleasure way
    I can tell you how to reset an older 2021model sprinter van but on a 24 much rather you contact Mercedes they may have changed the sequence
    Another avenue to look at I would be leaning towards this area
    Go to your sliding door, put your ear right next to the latch and press lock an unlock on the key fob listen if you hear a a very faint snap, if you do, the mechanism is not activating the locking mechanism on the side door or your back door I believe Mercedes uses a internal electric lock that’s built into the door closure mechanism there is a tiny solenoid that activates the door lock
    That snap should be loud because it pushes the activator

    1. Well I got it to work ONCE last night, and locked all the doors. When I came out this morning, I just opened the door, so no luck yet. I'll call them today. Someone said their might also be a problem because I have TWO fobs with me. So what do you do, wrap one in tin foil so it doesn't work??
