Saturday, July 20, 2024

Shop Hopping

Here I am again, being treated to banana pancakes with macadamia nuts, butter, whipped cream and syrup.  Add in two sausages for good measure.  We are dining on the patio.  Woohoo!

Mr. Cooper slept through it all.  We hung out on the couch for a bit, gearing up for the trip of the day.  We were going on our own Quilt Shop Hop trip.  I have two shops within 60 miles of my house.  Here in Salt Lake City, I think there are probably a dozen or more.

And we are OFF!!  It was supposed to rain, but held off.  It might have been better had it been wet because the 103 degrees made it pretty hard to stay cool.  Except ... well it's fabric!!!  QUILT fabric, so it didn't deter us one little bit.

Immediately, in a gorgeous rock building, I found this ... a Cowboy Squares quilt.  These squares can all be quilted with a different pattern.  Perfect to practice my new skills on.

Next stop ... a cute little honey bee panel that I can whip up.  Don't ask what these cost.  I just closed my eyes.

Off to the next three stores .......

A cute little pumpkin man panel for Halloween.  Yes it does seem a little early, but it takes some time to make quilts, so patterns come out early in the year.

It was a bit of a walk at the next place since we didn't know exactly where it was.  I got completely distracted by these beauties.  You will be surprised to learn I did not buy ANYTHING there.  Oh wait ... a pattern.  I bought a pattern.  I wonder where it is?  Squirrel!!

NEXT ... oh yes, there were MANY!!  In this store I found the pattern I've been looking for for over a year.  There it was ... FREE if you bought $50.00 worth of fabric.  Okay then ... here's another cute Halloween witchy quilt ... and the pattern I was after cost me nothing.  Probably would have been cheaper to just buy the pattern.

At the last two shops, I didn't purchase anything.  It was hot, I was tired and out of money.  I love this wedding ring quilt and actually HAVE a pattern at home.  Maybe ... after I finish the other ones ... I'll find some material like this.  The good thing is all this close proximity to beautiful quilts, gives me the motivation to get back to it.

At last we were home, after almost seven hours I think.  We did make one sharp left turn and came home in between stores to be sure the AC was working for Mr. Cooper. I'm going to order a Marcell unit that will sit inside, accessible by my phone, which will give me the temperature.  It's a necessity in my book.

So what's up now?  YARD SALES in Salt Lake City!!!  This should be fun!!!  Oh and gee ... they have FABRIC!!


  1. We have a love/hate relationship with SLC. Love everything it has to offer and the vibe. Hate all the people, congestion and traffic!

    1. I am shocked at the amount of traffic and people. It's crazy ...

  2. Mr. Ed need one That monitor sounds like a great idea. Maybe I could put one in front of my 🪥refrigerator 📣don’t come near u too fat.🤦🏻‍♂️
    Does your electronic control panel? On your van not have that Marcell monitoring feature to your phone??

    1. I don't think so. I haven't gotten that far. I tried to download the app, but they want ALL your information ... and I wasn't willing to give it up.

  3. What fun shopping for quilt fabric!
    Enjoy the yard sales!

  4. What a wonderful time you are having! Love all the material you've bought! Yard sales, how fun!

    1. I don't yard sale much ... nothing in my town I want. But here ... just WOW!!!

  5. The quilt fabric looks nice, just like the pancakes look nice
