Thursday, July 25, 2024

Someone Give Mother Nature A Hot Flash Pill

 I'M MELTING .. I'M MELTING ...... not really, but it is stinking hot around here, causing me to turn up (or rather turn DOWN) the air conditioning.  WHAT?  She's actually going to use more electricity? 

Yes ... yes I am.  You know there has to be a good reason for that happening!  It's partly because it's again 82 degrees this morning and partly because I got my true up bill.  That is the difference between what my solar panels produced and what I used for the entire year.  Generally folks around here will owe about a thousand dollars.

It helps to be gone for a week or two.  My bill for July was a nice credit of $184.00.  That meant that my final bill for one entire year of electricity was ............. wait for it ............... MINUS $135.00.  WOOHOO!!    Of course I won't ever SEE that $135.00 credit because it will dissolve into thin air when they BUY BACK the electricity at 4 cents per KWH.  I think we pay something crazy like 50 cents per KWH.

I even turned the AC up yet again so I could sleep better last night.  Ahhhhh the cool is so refreshing!

The day started out nice enough ... I had a company come by and give me a bid on an RV cover.  It's pretty simple because the concrete is already there.  I have been stressing over making sure there was a gate into the corrals just in case.  In case of what, I don't know.

The "rules" say I need to be 10 feet from the property line, which is no problem, it just wastes a lot of space along the fence and covers up the gate.  The bid came in at half of what I expected in spite of upping the steel gauge.  BLAST the gate!!!  I'm going for it!!

With that done, it was back to ordinary house things.  The drip drip drip kept me up for at least 15 minutes last night, so I hit the ground running.  The faucets in this house are not cheap, but they sure don't last long. Been there, done that ... it's another cartridge that I'll have to order.

Speaking of orders ... I got on Amazon and ordered another round of gallon DEF bottles, along with some filters for the AC return.  What's up with Amazon?  This is the third time I've gotten a message the next day saying there was a "problem" with my order.  There will be no DEF or filters arriving at my door.  Why do they put stuff on their website if they can't get it?  

I had one filter left, so up it went.  I guess I will have to brave the heat and Home Depot to buy more filters.  I'm just spoiled by having things delivered to the door!

Time for some sustenance!  Can you smell it?  UMMMMM BACON!!!!  I picked it up on a quick run to Wally World for Jonathan food.  Oh for a nice big fat BLT sandwich.  Sadly, no tomatoes made it into my cart.  No worries though ... this stuff will disappear in egg McMuffins for breakfast.

Since it was too hot to go outside and I was finally a bit motivated to get back to sewing, I put the three sections of this together, along with the first border.  I just LOVE this pattern.  I should be able to get it finished up today and off my table.  My big quilt needs binding!

Okay, honestly, you KNOW that I will probably just get out the Cowboy Squares fabric I bought in SLC and begin work on it.  The sooner I finish it, the sooner I will get to practice my new quilting skills Ray taught me.

Dinner was just a salad since nothing else thawed out quickly enough.  Dessert however ... was quite tasty.  These little pastries came frozen in a bag from THAT store in SLC, so this is for Cindy.  I air fried them at 350 for 8 minutes.  They needed a little more time, but were quite tasty.  It makes you wonder if all the stuff in your neighborhood bakery actually comes to them FROZEN and they just bake it.  

I have one more shout out to KennyD.  I spotted your Applegate sign ... what a beautiful place you get to hang out in.  Sadly, I missed the turnoff for the burger and didn't stop.  I was so far behind schedule due to the road work that I just kept going.  I'm keeping that info however ... I'll make a point to stop next time!!

I hope everyone made it over the HUMP of hump day in spite of the weather.  There is one good thing about it ... it's too hot to eat much so dieting is a breeze.  I'll be on the couch with a nice cold glass of Arizona Tea!!!!


  1. Costco has much better prices on filters than Home Depot.

    1. I didn't know Cosco HAD filters. Thank you Jan!! I'll be heading there!

  2. Congrats on the RV Cover, good decision! Here in Sacramento the day before was 113, yesterday was cooler at 107 LOL. Today's high 102. Yay?! Ken is enjoying much better weather at home w a few sprinkles.

    1. Yikes Shirley!!! That's crazy hot! Oh yes, now raining in the Sierras just to throw in some humidity!!

  3. Glad you can take it easy today. Knowing you sitting still for very long is not in your DNA.
    Stay cool!

  4. I changed my filter about an hour ago!! Too funny!
    Still on coffee here at the computer! Raspberry lemonade later!
    Yup, very hot outside here also.

  5. Maybe sometime we could meet up with you at the Old Town Grill when you are coming thru. Would be nice to actually meet one of the bloggers that we follow.

    The nicest time around here is March thru May (everything is green, even the grass) and October-Novenber. (Lots of leaf color, a little green coming back if it has rained enough)

    1. Sounds like a deal. At least you are below the construction!!!

  6. Mr. Ed asked if you have the height on the side of the garage why not a lien two . (out 12ft and down the rest) it looks like you’ll still have plenty a room for your gate my reasoning is . With the RV portico when it rains half the water will go on the driveway. The other half will go closer to the house with a lien to All the water goes away from the house and you still have room and coverage ( that’s just a builders mine working)

    1. That would be a crazy tall lean too ... but it might work. Not sure they make them, but I can ask.

  7. During our hot summers, I will often run the air con everyday, as I don't like the heat but I also don't like the cold, I am difficult to please

    1. Hahah Joanne ... I hear you!! If only it was 75 degrees all the time, it would be perfect!

  8. I wonder if this will be the norm for your summers out there now? I hope not for your sake! However, the rv cover is a great investment, here, there or anywhere, in our mind.

    1. Thanks Patsy ... I think it's a good idea. I've been wanting one for a long time. At least this one is smaller and will be less expensive. I'm hoping this is a flukey summer.

  9. Total traffic delay was about 45 minutes. In Nevada an Amazon Prime truck got blown into my lane, but he recovered nicely. Not so nice when the guy/gal ran us off the road just above Auburn. Don't know how I missed him/her, and creeper dash stayed quiet the whole time! Made it to my sister's backyard, so all is well.

    1. That's less than my trip Dave. Ran you off the road? Glad you are okay and you missed him. Can't believe the dash didn't scream at you!!! Yay for being parked. Now you can get to know the rig better.
