Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Hot Time In The Old Town

 God could you please turn the oven off?  We are cooked and the meat is falling off the bone.  Just give Mother Nature a kick in the patoo so we can be done with this.

Here I am parked in good old Winnemucca for the night.  It was a hot time in the old town on this day.  I again forgot the time change and landed a little early.  It did however, give me a chance to give the AC a good once over.

Like any AC unit, I set it on Auto.  That means it will turn off when it reaches the desired temperature, yes?  Not this one.  That just means it quits cooling while the fan keeps running at breakneck speed.  It took awhile, but I finally figured out if I set it on LOW fan, it would keep cooling nicely and at least quiet enough not to break my ear drums.  

Don't bother saying I should go have them give me instructions.  I already went through that and I knew more than the kid doing the walkthrough.  I tried reading the instructions, but they don't address that feature at all.  If anything however, I am STUBBORN as a mule ... and I WILL figure it out sooner or later.  At least we were comfortable the entire afternoon.

That's when the wind came up like crazy and it began to rain.  It was like being in my instant pot pressure cooker.

Nighttime was a different experience of trial and error.  YAY the bed went down!!!  That was a plus.  There was actually room for both Cooper AND me.  I finally opened the top fan, setting it on low where it made no noise whatsoever.  I added the quiet battery fan for a breeze.  It wasn't as quiet as advertised, nor was the fridge that ran all night long, but we did get a little bit of sleep.

And we are off into the wild blue yonder of Nevada.  I tried to wash the window for your viewing pleasure, but I couldn't reach.  A long handled brush is on my list.  In the meantime, you'll see lot of bug guts.  

Here we are finally coming into Fernley.  If you've ever wanted to watch paint dry, this is the place.  It's where Sherwin Williams tests out all their paints ..... outside.   

As I drove into Reno, things got a little dicey.  Traffic was pretty bad as I headed for fuel.  I really wanted to stop and rest a bit ... maybe have a bite to eat ... but it was STILL too hot.  I got fuel, let Mr. Cooper out for a minute and we were off once again ... once I put the key fob in it's magic hiding place yet again.

Sadly, we didn't get far.  Just around the corner I ran into this.  FOUR lanes of traffic .......

Down to ONE.  Can you imagine?  One of the busiest highways in California and they have BOTH sides under repair for miles and miles.  I got very well acquainted with a couple of truck drivers as we passed the time.

I mean what else is there to do when you're driving 3 mph for 20 miles.  At least it wasn't too hot for the AC to keep running.  It just made for a VERY long trip.

HEADS UP DAVE ... GO ANOTHER WAY OVER THE MOUNTAINS.  This is an awful mess not once, but TWICE before you get to the bottom.

No more pictures, since traffic was cray cray the rest of the way home.  And so we made it .... home sweet home .... to the hot Central Valley.  It was 102 when I landed, and only got hotter.  

I can tell you I had one happy little puppy when his feet hit the grass.  Cooper did his best impression of a race horse while I lugged stuff into the house.  

The last order of the day was to let my Bingo replacement know I was back.  She was pretty happy about that!!  The best news is I have hardly ANYTHING to unload out of the rig.  I think one wagon load should do it!!  This minimalist camping is pretty fun ... especially when trying to figure out how to do more with less!!

For now ... IT'S BINGO TIME!!


  1. Always carry EXTRA batteries for the Key Fob.

    1. I actually do have extra batteries, but then I read the dealer has to program it again if you take the batteries out? Still checking on that.

  2. Yay you made it home!
    Hopefully you can rest a bit before bingo.

  3. I bet you are happy that you made this trip and got to know your new RV better so less stress the next time. Also of course that your got your prize quilt done and more material to keep you busy.

    1. That is exactly true Marlene. It wasn't too far, yet I had to stay overnight. Nothing like having to learn it all at once.

  4. Nancy
    I try to read your blog daily. I have many a laugh and I enjoy reading your blog along with the Bayfield Bunch and a few other blogs. I know what you mean

    Any glad to see you a safe trip. Also remember this "If you start the motor in your vehicle with the engine running" you can not put the transmission in gear.At least the JGC will not go into gear. I don't know for sure if my Ram 3500 Laramie 4x4 Pick Up Truck is the same.
    Also my wife and I spent almost a week in good old Winnemucca, Nv. That's a long story for another time. LOL any way glad you got home safely .

    1. Well hello Patrick!! So nice to meet you. I do seem to have some crazy adventures, but I try to laugh them off. Winnemucca is not a place I would like to visit often! LOL

  5. Day after day of hot weather is annoying, sounds like the new camper is taking some getting use to but you will figure it in time. The please pay first sign is odd to me the only place I have seen something like this is at the Costco servo

    1. They do that quite often now ... I guess folks have run off and not paid?

  6. Welcome home! Cooper's joy, I understand and so does Gibbs. ♥ You know more now about your rig than you did before you left so it is all good! Things are coming together.
    Bingo here she comes!

    1. That's it ... nothing like trying to learn everything in two days!!!

  7. I used to take #395 back 10 yrs ago....was a pretty drive up to Reno. Glad you made it home!

    1. I love 395!! I won't be taking 80 again any time soon!! I'm going the back roads!

  8. I don't think I want to go US-50, but we will keep it in mind. It is a pretty drive, but I doubt I will save any time do so. Read my new blog, had an alarm that scared the crappies out of me...

    1. Oh Dave ... I know the feeling!!!! Our brains are on overload!!!
