Sunday, October 27, 2024


 There are some people in this world that you meet for whatever reason, and they just become part of your life forever.  Two of those folks are Patty and Dan Chance.  We met way back in the days of motorcycles, drinking and carousing.  I will never forget the day we were heading down the I-5 Freeway close to King City when we stopped for a slug of peppermint schnapps because Nancy was cold.

To my horror, I dropped the bottle and it smashed on the ground.  Though I thought I would be left on the side of the road, Mr. Chance, Ronnie and Scooter just laughed it off.  My husband, not so much, but off we went to the big party and I did not get left behind.  

A few years later I found Patty on the internet after having just purchased a fifth wheel RV.  I drove to Lake Havasu and parked in their driveway before heading off to a Yuma Arizona rally of a different kind.  It was there that Dan did the negotiations for me to purchase a big rig.  We haven't looked back.  He taught me everything, was ever so patient as I radioed him constantly that my tire pressure alarms were going off, and let me follow them to Alaska and back.  AMAZING TRIP!

So here's the SECOND birthday of the month ... it's Dans birthday today!!!  I'm wishing him the best of days and many MANY more to come!  Thank you for always answering my crazy questions over and over again.  I hope my parking spot is still available ... I'll see you in December!!

Can you believe it?  October is almost gone with the wind.  The weather is still fabulous around here, which I have never experienced in all my many years.  I keep waiting for the hammer to drop.

Mostly I've been shopping for various things ... two more leveling blocks, though they only come in a pack of 8, a smaller laundry basket, a spill-free dog water bowl, a hanging organizer for the back of the couch, though I think that probably won't work when the back moves down flat to make the bed ... just stuff to make storage easier.

And then I came across this bike someone just purchased.  It can go up to 50 miles on one charge, but boy are they pricey.  Of course there are 99 different models out there, so who knows which one is the best.  For me, it needs to go up steep hills, and the rack on which it will ride needs to swing out so I can get in the back doors, not to mention a thirty pound chain to lock it up.  

It was pretty much a lazy day of do nothingness.  I worked on this latest quilt a bit, not the least bit happy with what I was doing.  I ran out of the white fabric ... the black doesn't go and I was out of ideas.

So let's start ANOTHER one!!!  This is a 3-yard wonder called Bear Claw.  Chop up three yards and fabric, stitch it back together and voila!!  You have a pretty quilt.  Not these colors mind you, but I have plenty in my stash to get started.

I think I mentioned I actually found a huge pork loin for $1.99 a pound.  I chopped it into three big pieces and froze two.  I wish I could say I found a fabulous marinade, but I did not.  This one that I made came out terrible, but the pork was delicious straight out of the air fryer!!  Dinner was served.

Ohh yes, Cooper got his share from the very middle ... the best part without the honey-soy marinade.  Did he get any new toys?  Heck NO ... I'm already stepping on six every day, not to mention the five balls rolling around the kitchen floor.

Thank you everyone for his birthday wishes!  He was very appreciative ... bark bark.

I spent the rest of the evening watching the World Series.  There are probably not too many baseball fans out there, because I don't think you can become a fan of such a boring game unless you GO to many games.  It's truly the fans that make the game.

Of course it's much more fun when your team is IN the World Series, which mine is not.  It's the Dodgers (booooo) against the New York Yankees (not my favorite either).  I admit, I finally changed the channel to watch the more interesting Deadly Women.  

And so ended another gorgeous day in central California.  This next week should interesting ... 65 degree days and 50 degree nights with the possibility of rain.  I may just have to turn the solar off on my van and plug it in!!


  1. Many of the best, and most adventurous years were back in the 80's, when we dared to do what we wouldn't even think of doing today. How we all made it is truly nothing short of a miracle. As the years go by, I feel blessed to have lived a life that has been filled with many friendships and yours is at the top of the list. Thanks for the birthday shout.

  2. Mr. Ed said Happy birthday, Mr. C
    I miss your blog, I think one of the best parts of your blog … was your day on the job …. my dad was a deputy chief of police of a small town, and listening to his adventures at the supper table ran parallel to yours for a small town cop .. just is good as Paul Harvey’s the rest of the story
    rides safe and enjoy your day

  3. Mr. Ed said if you haven’t purchased or you’re looking to purchase an E bike check out Facebook market page there’s a lot in your area for sale but do keep in mind they weigh anywhere from 40 to 55 pounds one thing you also want to keep in mind
    Any E bike rack that you purchase keep in mind the rear bike tire has a tendency to cover the right side brake lights There is also a workaround to fix that problem if you run into it

  4. I'm so glad we got to meet Dan, when he came to pick up the furniture. I used to use a big mesh bag with handles for laundry. It's much easier to carry the clothes in going up and down the steps. It takes up less space than those collapsible laundry baskets.

  5. Happy birthday Mr. C and many more.
    Nancy the E bikes are everywhere here. Our neighbors have them and love them. I've been thinking about getting one. I'm going to ask around for opinions on which is best for RV travel.
    Happy Sunday!

  6. Happy Birthday Mr. Chance
    Nancy if you get a chance go look and sit on the ebikes out there. I have one and I am short and it feels to heavy for me.
    My husband ordered ours off the internet and wish I could have seen it in person before getting it.

  7. Everyone should be so lucky to have a Mr. Chance in their lives. Happy Birthday Dan!

  8. Happy birthday Dan. I agree with one comment...bags for the dirty clothes. That's what we used when we had the truck camper and smaller motorhomes. A bike would be awesome!

  9. From Tom & Barb, happy happy, miss you guys a have great memories you and Patty with Nancy mixed in. Sold the rig and planning some road tripping,hope to make it your way sometime.

  10. I hope Dan has/had a bloody great birthday, today the 28 October is my sister Sue's birthday she is 55 today

  11. Happy birthday, Dan! It has been a very warm Fall here too. The leaves are still on the trees here. Be terrible if I don't rake this Fall 😀

  12. Happy Birthday Dan! Love the stories about you, Patty and Nancy. Becky

  13. Happy Birthday Mr. Chance.


  14. Happy Birthday Dan. I think you, Patti and Nancy are all blessed to have found each other along your life's road.
