Friday, October 25, 2024

Oh My Aching SHINS!!

 I am not talking to you.  I am NOT talking to you!!  This the face of my sweet boy who wanted yet another morning treat after already gulping down THREE.  

We are still hanging out in the 80's during the day, but the forecast is for highs in the 60's all next week.  It's going to be a shock to my system.  Maybe it will help with my aching shins.  Oh yes, two days after hard exercise, the real pain arrives in spades.  When I was running 15 miles a week in training, it was always the second day that I downed all the aspirin and a gallon of gatorade.

I had three things on my list.  Hit up the Elks Lodge to be sure I didn't have any checks to sign, drop off my VOTE at City Hall and head on over for some groceries.  I now have white chocolate macadamia cookies on the brain.  Thanks Whole Foods.

I scored on the groceries since Save Mart (I think now owned by Kroger) has an app where you can get coupons and free stuff like Safeway in Arizona does.  A huge pork loin showed up for $1.99 a pound.  SCORE!!  It is interesting to note however that I doubt TWO entire aisles of chips and crackers will sell, not to mention the half aisle of fabulous foreign chocolate bars from all over the world.  This is welfare city folks!!

I was even able to pick up a command hook to hang this on the bathroom door.  Yeah, it's not hung up because the hook is too big for the clip.  I'll try that again on another day.

Out to the truck I ran, listening to the bongos of the guy outside and enjoying his music, when I hit the open button.  Nothing.  Wait .... this is a white truck.  Is it MY white truck?  Yup .. it's got stickers in the back window.  I hit the button again.  Nothing.  OH GREAT!  I'm stuck in Save Mart parking lot!  Lucky for me, I actually have an old fashioned keyhole in the door, unlike the van.

I was able to open the door, but the key fob was dead as a doornail.  Surgery was required.  Normally I would have ordered another one for something like $50 bucks.  Instead I got out three screwdrivers and went to work.  I seem to use a lot of those little batteries and had several hanging out in the fridge.  

I really wasn't expecting it to open the lock, but back outside ... click ... AND IT WORKED!  YAHOO!

Next up ... see about getting the shade in the van fixed.  I'm pretty sure it can't be repaired, so a new one will need to be ordered.  That means a trip two towns over, take it off, then come back and wait for it to come in.  

He says they are difficult to remove.  Just give me a screwdriver ... I'll get it off!!!  They are very busy since it's the opening of the ever so popular duck hunting season this weekend.  Everyone has their rigs in for repairs before they park out in the sloughs along the rivers.  I'm scheduled for next week.

With several quilt projects waiting in the wings, I finished up this one last night.  I'm not sure what the backing will be, but I have lots to choose from.  Or gee whiz ... I might have to head back to San Juan Baptista!!

I'm going to go soak my shins in some nice hot water now in hopes of stopping the aches and pains.  Hopefully next time I remember not to do that again.


  1. Great job on fixing that key fob! I do not need to say anything about the elk quilt, you already know what I think of that. Very cool!

  2. You did good on the fob fix, the blind is more complicated.
    Now as a Mom.? .... only 3 treats? Haha

  3. Could you perhaps put a little ring through the loop of the travel bag and then hang it on the hook? You might be surprised, but folks who are on welfare feed on chips and such, I think. Yea to the fix on the fob.

  4. Soon we will probably only have 3 or 4 grocery stores, Kroger, Aldi's (just bought Winn Dixie s and already owns Trader Joe's), Walmart and ???? (Future mergers will determine that last one)

  5. Girl you can fix just about anything! Way to go!
    The quilt is fabulous! I love it!
    Enjoy your day!

  6. Maybe an S HOOK would work. Lots of sizes too!
    The quilt turned out GREAT! :)

  7. Beautiful quilt. Tough day, but you made it.

  8. Where there is a will, there is a way.

