Saturday, October 12, 2024

Well That Went Well

 I started the day out right ... walking Mr. Cooper past the neighbors at 7:00 am.  No one seems to be sure what happened, but by 8:00 the place was surrounded with Sheriff cars.  I was oblivious sitting on my couch.  We think a burglar tried to get in the house one door down from me.  That's a first!!  

By 10:00 I was headed to town for a truck wash and some groceries.  What the heck?  The neighbor one door down on the OTHER street has their alarm blaring like crazy.  Either there is a really big echo or the house directly across the street had the same problem.  I stopped my truck, listened and watched.

Down the street quite a ways was some guy walking away.  He turned, stood there and watched me for some time.  No one walks these streets but me.  I called the Sheriff and they came out once again.  I don't know if they found anything or anyone ... the guy disappeared before they arrived.  I'll be extra sure to lock my doors tonight.  Truly, this is a first in my neighborhood.

On to the car wash, which isn't what it used to be either.  No pretty colored suds any more, and a mediocre job of cleaning my windshield.  Okay, I admit, it was REALLY bad!!

On to the grocery store where I purchased one bag of goodies for $125.00.  This was the most expensive ... one package of hamburger for $25.00.  I think that made it $4.98 a pound.  I could have gotten it cheaper, but the cashier refused to rescan it while I put in my phone number.  I should have done that first they told me ...  five times.  

Lunch was once again Marie Callander's best pot pie.  These were $6.79 at this particular store, while being sold for $3.99 at Walmart.  Yes, this is the Walmart one.  Let's face it ... they are quick and easy for a single gal.

Here was the major plan of the day.  I was determined to figure out the noisy inverter and sleep in the van this weekend.  

As I walked outside, I saw the sign as big and bright as day!!  The new moon looking quite green.  I should have just turned around and went back inside to my nice soft warm bed.  But NOOOOOO .... 

Inside the rig, nothing would quiet what they tell me is the inverter.  There's just no sleeping with that noise.  Oh but WAIT ... there was a red flashing light on the propane detector!!  It's dark because I already shut off absolutely everything that could possibly use electricity.  I hit the wrong button and set it off.  Cooper panicked and crawled up my back.  It took at least three minutes of blasting noise before I found the reset button and got it to work.  

That's when I noticed the hot water heater button said ERROR.  Big sigh.  I turned everything off and back on, hoping it would reset itself.  Nope, not happening.  It took three tries to get the bed to lay flat (it seems to be hanging up on something) before I finally laid down.  Ugh ... this is a terrible pillow and I can't get to sleep, but at least the inverter turned off and it's quiet!!

At 3:00 I was wide awake and cold as could be.  With everything shut down, there was no heater to keep us warm, even with that quilt I brought just for that purpose.  

Well that went well .... I grabbed my keys and Cooper and we went in the house.  Not that it mattered, because I could not for the life of me go back to sleep.  So here I was at 4:00, back in the rig turning everything back on.  

This is what it sounded like when I first sat down.  I did turn the solar off because I thought maybe that was why it was so noisy.  

Crazy, yeah?  In a little while it changed to this.  I mean really just HOW could you sleep with this two feet from your head?  At long last it went silent.   

I imagine I'll figure it out sooner or later ... probably later ... 

As for the hot water heater error, I went outside, turned on the propane and the instant-on hot water heater before resetting the control panel once again.  YAHOO!!  The error message went away ... for the time being that is.  I mean really, they could not have made this rig more complicated.  

The inverter stayed off for all of 30 minutes and just came back on.  I don't think even ear plugs will help.  I'll be getting some extra strength sleeping pills for tonight.  I have about 8 days to figure it out before I head to the coast. 

Oh wait ... I just turned the CHARGER off and the noise stopped.  Woohoo!!  So what happens when the charger is off?  If it doesn't charge the batteries, that's okay until morning, right?  I can turn it back on when I get up.  OMG I THINK I JUST MIGHT HAVE IT!!


  1. Patience is a virtue and it seems you need a lot to figure this new fangled rig out. :) You'll get it but I still think it is great for you to test things out now as if you were away from the house. Good luck!

  2. You are going to figure your new RV out as soon as you get going with it, I'm sure. It's all about getting used to it. The noise from the charger and inverter would just hum me to sleep :-)

    1. You are right .. taking it on the road will help immensely.

  3. You will figure it all are a sharp cookie!
    Enjoy your cooler weather!

  4. Mr. Ed said, this is not 1999. will you please stop being… Mis maybe this will work?????? … all your doing is frustrating yourself … with pen and paper take it to the appropriate people and have them teach you How to use your new toys …. you must have a list, at least A mile long by now . And then, after that, find a van, rally or meet up . Or a Van type reunion and you learn a lot more. Do you self a favor 🙏

    1. I know, right? At this point I have PAGES of paper full of writing, but I never seem to ask the right questions until I'm stuck. A rally would be great. I've got a couple places to go, then possibly a rally in January.

  5. When you are Boondocking you have to shut down the Charger or else the Inverter tries to charge the Batteries that it is draining at a faster rate. Like a dog chasing his tail. Only run the charger when you are plugged in. With it off you should not hear the Inverter.
    Be certain you have Water in the system, before running the water heater.
    Be Safe and Enjoy the trip to the coast.

    It's about time.

  6. I give you a year or less in the new rig before you send it on down the road. It seems like one constant battle for you. I never heard of a noisy inverter like you have. You have a big inverter for your solar system. Does it make that much noise? Betcha it doesn't.

  7. Your new camper seems to be one big headache, I wonder how long it will take before you either get use to things to trade it in for something else.
    Seeing the law down the road or around where I live would be unusual as not much seems to happen around here.

  8. Our last motorhome had a loud charger fan noise too...this camper van does not, it is very very quiet, but I can hear it when I am in the bathroom late at night, faintly. Same with the Refrigerator fan.

    Power came on within 2 hours of us getting home today, HURRAY!!!!!
