Friday, October 18, 2024

And Just Like THAT -- WINTER!

 Ooohhheeeeee!!!  It just turned to winter overnight in Central Cal.  57 degrees this morning with a wind chill of 32!!  It's blasting through my back yard, probably killing all three of my flowers.  

It brought in quite a few strange looking clouds, but no water fell from the sky.  Hopefully it wiped out the flies and mosquitos that have been hanging out on my patio.

This is pretty much how yesterday went!!

It started out with these Kirkland (Costco) batteries.  Don't buy these.  I put them in my computer mouse a short week ago and they are already dead.  I usually buy Duracell which last for a LONG time.  They didn't have any this last trip, so I got the cheapies.  I won't be doing that again!  By the way Terry ... it's still working just fine!!!

By noon the clouds had turned to this, even more threatening of rain, but still not a drop.

That's when I was almost throttled by my local spider population.  Clotheslined as it were!!  When I opened the door, this nice long web reminded me it's time to go on the hunt.  Good grief, those guys have been busy little spinners.  

I can't be too mad though, since I saw a few mosquitos had become dinner.  In the old days we had mosquitos like you cannot imagine.  Totally covering our horses shoulders and backs.  Luckily we lived in a eucalyptus grove, which they didn't like too much.  There was no way to kill them back in the day.  

Nowadays, with the Eastern equine encephalitis virus having hit the West coast, they spray quite often.  Apparently they didn't do such a good job because this is the first time I've seen mosquitos here in 15 years.  Hats off to the spiders!!!

Here is another good mosquito deterrent.  Yup Jonathan HATES anything flying around his head and can catch them mid air.  I also had to put his heater back up for warmth. 

It's Thursday, lodge night ... meaning I had to get all dressed up.  Why they don't allow Levis is beyond me!!  If you are an officer and not dressed according to the "rules", you will be fined.  It's all in fun they tell me, but sometimes it can cost you $20 for that FUN!!  It's almost worth it for me!!  I always was the rabble rouser!!

Dinner was once again amazing.  Actually, one of the best I've had.  This is a full sized restaurant dinner plate.  Just look at the size of that rib eye steak!!  Ewww peas you say?  Oh man ... they were so darn good, mostly because they were NOT green beans.  Full of bacon and onions ... how could you go wrong?  I brought the entire steak home to share with Cooper.

The meeting was same-o same-o, but I'm going to brag a bit.  We approved donations to various organizations (high school water polo, high school football, grammar school soccer, two flooded lodges back East, on and on) to the tune of $16,000.00.  The money comes from our RV Park and Bingo.

We have become the largest donation entity in our County and pretty much in Central California.  Yup pretty proud of that!!

I got home too late to catch the moon rise, so here's one pulled off the internet.  It always looks largest just above the horizon.

This is one from a couple years ago.  It was too late and WAY too cold to stand outside with my camera last night.  Supermoons happen when the moon is closest to the earth, which is this time of year.  The Nez Perce called this the falling leaf moon.  I would have to agree with that one because my lawn is now covered in leaves.  The harvest is in and it's time to go hunting.  Aren't you glad we just go to the grocery store?

I would like this to be a day of rest, but once again an ugly problem arises.  We mailed a check to a vendor in August.  They just called to say they never got paid.  Come to find out, someone stole the check, washed it, typed in a new name with address (?) and cashed it electronically at a Chase Bank in Texas.  

Too bad for Chase, they did not make sure there was a deposit account number on the check.  It's going to take some time on this one because we have to file a police report in Texas.  How much was the check?  Felony worthy ... $1,275.00.  

Little do they know they barked up the wrong tree.  We have MANY Sheriff and Police Department members, along with Private Detectives who just LOVE this kind of thing!!  Stay tuned ........... I'll let you know what happens.


  1. Part of my responsibilities back in the day was to run the check collection department for our stores. I saw every trick in the book back then. Nowadays, checks are such a small percentage of payments that I doubt they even have a check collection department anymore.

  2. People amaze at the crap they pull to try and steal from others. Hope they put them in jail.
