Wednesday, October 23, 2024

New Routines

 A lovely 63 degrees it was today.  That 45 at night got a little chilly.  That's why I had that cute little electric heater running all night.  No propane required!!  And it was MUCH warmer for Jonathan, which according to his chortles, was welcomed.

Here's a few more pictures of the pelicans hanging out just down the street.  This guy was happily grooming himself on the rock until these interlopers showed up.

Everywhere you look, you can see them flying along the shore.  

It appears they were looking for a rock to hang out on.  These two landed next to the one above and .....

Pushed them right off the rocks into the water.  Their wing span is huge ... 7 to 11 feet.  Pretty spectacular to see them land and bully their way onto the rocks.

On to the day ... it's routines that keep you afloat.  I couldn't find my glasses, couldn't find my clothes (where did I stack them?), dropped the deodorant out of the medicine cabinet FOUR times on the floor before I just LEFT it there and kicked over the dog water bowl THREE times, cussing like a sailor.  

The absolute WORST????  I was SURE I had two cans of coffee in the cupboard.  Nothing ... NADA ... NO COFFEE??  You think that's bad ... I had no HAIRSPRAY!  How could that be?  I'm the queen of hairspray.  Of course it's foggy and windy, so I look like I just crawled out of the ocean.  This is not going so well.

I'll hit up a grocery store.  The only one around is Whole Foods.  But first, I have to get there, a 3/4 mile walk one way DOWN hill.  No problemo ... I was enjoying it immensely.

This guy even kept me company until I discovered I had to walk another block because of the big black fence that kept me out of the parking lot.  That guy laying flat (alongside the road) that I thought was dead, scared the heck out of me when he moved.  

MADE IT.  Couldn't find anything I wanted.  I knew I was being sarcastic, but I said "at the risk of being kicked out, do you have hairspray?"  Anyone who knows this super healthy establishment, knows they do not have hair spray.  

Okay, how about coffee?  Instant coffee?  I think I offended them.  Here's the coffee aisle, for which you need a French Press, an espresso machine, or a Starbucks barista.  Instant coffee is not a thing here.  I ended up with the only can of hot chocolate I could find.

I had to learn an entire new self checkout system from a grumpy old man who could use some help from a Walmart greeter.  That paper bag to carry my five items in?  It cost me a whopping 25 cents.  There's no skimping around here.  

Boy was I wishing I had a bike as I headed back UP that hill that was so easy going DOWN!

I admit, Whole Foods food is delicious. I used to get their mac 'n cheese every week.  So here was the spoils.  A box of yummy meatloaf, mac 'n cheese, carrots harder than when they were grown and NOT peeled, some pretzel snacks and skinny popcorn, to be followed up with macadamia nut cookies, and of course my cocoa.  These five things cost me $38.00.  

I guess I won't starve, but I'm glad that is not my usual grocery store.  I ate dinner, sopped up yet another dog bowl of water (I am now out of paper towels) and put a total of 5 miles on my legs, thanks to Mr. Cooper who just could not sit still.  

The list of things I really need is getting longer, including a notepad and pen so I can write DOWN said list.  Yeah, I couldn't find even one piece of paper.  

Since the front is up on a couple of blocks, making it easier to see underneath, I laid down on the dirty pavement to see if I had hit the step on the curb.  I cannot find any evidence of same, so I think I was just VERY close.  I will be sure to park ON the white lines instead of against the curb from now on.

There was one little wreck ... Jonathan fell off his perch last night.  I heard the crash and jumped up thinking someone had hit the side of the rig.  Nope ... poor Jon can't see well any more, meaning he was hanging on the side for dear life trying to reach his normal perch, but it was too far away.  Remodeling will be done tomorrow.  He's fine ... he went right back to sleep!!

The good things ... I have learned the touch pad pretty well and after having turned the charger off over might, I still had 91% battery, probably because I can also set the fridge/freezer on NIGHT mode.  That helped because it ran much quieter and used much less energy.  

It will get better ... as I sit here drinking my hot cocoa ... I just have to get in a routine of where I put stuff, what's plugged in where and more storage solutions.  Amazon is going to love me!!


  1. Life continues to be a learning experience for you, doesn't it? New self-checkout, touch pads.... You are resilient though and just keep on keeping on!

  2. Sent you an email pertaining to my cousin. Between the front two seats and the rest of the van we have a step down. In that space they put two of the drawers came with a plastic insert split in half, one side for dog food, the other for water. So don't worry about spilling Indy's water...we just have to worry about keeping the drawer open so she has access to her food and water. "IF" you too have a step down and have two drawers like that, I am sure you could find an insert for dog food/water. Saw where some like the Neater Feeder (amazon) for safely having food and water for their dogs.

  3. Nancy you are on quite an adventure. Once you figure everything out things will get easier.
    Enjoy your day!
    Love your pictures.

  4. I don't think I've ever shopped at a Whole Foods store. I'm glad you could at least get a meal. The water pictures are beautiful.

  5. Mr. Ed said you don’t need a note pad. You have your secretary in your hand she’s called your phone…. solution. Message yourself…. things you want to do .grocery list .items you need to pick up . Your note to self. This is how I get it and it did or did not work . things you don’t need phone works wonders just remember to hit send
    Shopping at whole food glad you have deep pockets
    Next time google … cheap, grocery stores,
