Monday, October 7, 2024

Enchiladas Are In The House!!

GOOD MORNING CALIFORNIA!!  It's bright and shiny out here today, though still hanging around 97-98 degrees.  Since my solar seems to be working so well, I've been keeping it cooler inside, meaning I'm not as cranky as I have been know to be when it's HOT!!  

It also helps when I get outside for a little exercise.  My hip has been bothering me something awful for the last two weeks.  I'm sure it's sciatic related because I've been spending WAY too much time sitting on my you-know-what.  

Cooper loves it when we get outside.  This is not a leisurely stroll, but a dog race of greyhound proportions as I try to walk as fast as I can to keep up.  Most of the time I have to jog, he's trots along at such a fast pace.  

This stopped him in his tracks however.  The local stray kitties from the neighborhood were just waking up.  Surprisingly they didn't move, nor did Mr. Coop bark at them.  Good Boy!!

In checking the weather I found another one of these gosh darn hurricanes heading East.  This is Milton.  Do they ever have a regular hurricane name ... like John or Bill or maybe Dave??  Speaking of which, Dave ... you are Marcia can just get in your van and drive right to my house.  I've got lots of rooms to hang out in until all these storms pass!!

Back inside finally feeling fully awake, Mr. Cooper waited for his Good Boy snack, having not chased after the K-i-t-t-i-e-s.  We still spell that word because Miss Jessie passed on her HATED of anything in her back yard.

After several days, I finally have felt good enough to get back to quilting.  It takes a lot of thinking if you don't want to spend hours taking out thousands of stitches.  This is an experimental one where I'm trying out lots of different patterns just to see if I can do it.  

I don't have that many patterns to choose from, but so far it's coming out okay.  There's really no theme to this, it's just whatever I can find.

Okay enough of that ... it's taking WAY too long.  Here's something that only takes about an hour.  Enchiladas are in the house!!  Here's a twist ... pork enchiladas!  All I had in the freezer was ground pork, so I fried it up, doused it with spices and made GREEN enchiladas.  Sounds terrible.

I had enough to make two ... one for the freezer!!

Ta Da!!!!  Okay, I admit that particular brand of green sauce is weird, but it's all I could find at Wally World.  By the way, there was no rush on toilet paper.  

In the end, these came out just fine ... I mean they are MUCH more edible than that pot pie ... and will last as entire week.

The rest of the day was spent watching the Canadian National Finals Rodeo.  That's when I found this appropriate sign ... but they should have added BUCKING HORSE RIDING to the bottom of the list.  I need this!!!

There was more, but I'm holding it up until tomorrow since today I'll be at work once again.  Oh yes ... three more days of torture playing Secretary.  It's not the work, and definitely NOT the people ... it's having to leave the house at 8:30 in the morning!!!

Speaking of which, I better get my act together!!  Happy MONDAY!!


  1. Have a good week got this !

  2. Mr. Ed said Don’t blame it on sciatic blame it on old age we all got it and the reason why they have the weird names is because everybody had to be politically correct you can’t just blame girls now you have to blame the guys if you notice to pattern of the hurricanes are all over the place which basically means they are called wet children and they just run anywhere

    1. Kind of like this sentence. lol

  3. Have a good day Nancy !
    Enchiladas look great.

  4. I love green chile enchiladas. I love anything green chile. But Jerry doesn't so I stick with red.

  5. I've never had green chile enchiladas. I love enchiladas though and yours look yummy!
    Good job on the funky little quilt designs, you're mastering them!

  6. Hope your working day is problem free. By the time this job ends, you wish you could stay on for a bit, just because its fun :-)
