Saturday, October 5, 2024

Oh That Feeling!!!

 There's nothing better than waking up refreshed and ready to face the world.  Today was NOT that day.  Several things contributed to that.  Not only the late night, but the coughing and sneezing that cones with the almond harvest when you live in the middle of almond orchards.  That requires a box of tissues attached to your waist.

All this taking off to work has also made my boy an UN-happy camper.  When you see this face, you KNOW!!  Sadly however, that propane leak will not wait any longer.  

I was out the door just as the sun came up to take out anything of value.  I opened the door, got in and it was suspiciously silent.  No dinging of the key fob and no lights on the dash.  OH NOOOOOOOO!!  I'm sure you know that feeling!  I tried several things, all to no avail.  You KNOW what it was.  I haven't driven it in 3 weeks and I have the dreaded DEAD BATTERY!!  

How could that be?  I had absolutely everything turned OFF!!  Big sigh .........

I headed for the garage to get my jumper cables, thinking there's no way they are going to be long enough because I can't get my truck close enough. My neighbor heard me saying bad words I guess, because he came over to help.  

I got the truck so close I had to get out the passenger door, but YAY the cables were long enough.  I showed him where to hook it up ... and we left it for about five minutes (truck running) before starting the van.  Only it wouldn't start.  OH GOOD GRIEF ... or words similar to that ... once again I forgot to put my foot on the brake before starting.  It fired right up.

I let it run for 30 minutes, though Mercedes says do NOT do that ... something about the new whatever it is engine.  I ignored them completely.  Back in the house, I got ready to go, gave Mr. Cooper a big hug and I was off to Toscano RV.  

It was a nice drive, though I forgot to turn off the Assist Everything settings.  They don't work at ALL on a two lane road, even dangerous in my book.  I made it to the shop and wandered around until I found the door ... and the nicest service guy I've ever met.  No kidding ... Bobby was one of those guys who listens, answers questions and didn't ONCE try to upsell me or talk to me like I was 2 yrs old.  Too bad he's 30 something.

About that time my ride showed up with questions of her own about tire pressure monitoring systems.  Again, he didn't try to sell us anything, but said he had some if we were interested.  I already had mine in hand.  

They will check for propane leaks, fill it up and check the chassis battery .... should be done in a couple of days, unlike the service department where I bought it who said 5-8 weeks.  They are even covering it all under warranty, which is unusual unless you purchased it there.  NICE guy!!!

On the way back, my friend and I discussed all things photography.  We met in a college class many years ago.  She has been trying some light trail images that I would love to work on too.  Though our schedules don't match up for the rest of the year, we are determined to head up into the mountains for some nighttime work.

I had just enough time left for lunch before heading back to the Lodge to process all the paperwork and money from the initiation.  Here's one of those TASTE TESTS I put myself through for the benefit of everyone's taste buds.  

DO NOT BUY THIS ... I should repeat that 25 times.  I was buying Marie Callendars and saw these for $1.29.  Might as well give it a shot.  Boy what a bad decision THAT was.  There were five pieces of carrot, only ONE green pea in the entire box and something brown that was unrecognizable.  I should have read the ingredients.  CHICKEN LOAF.  Ever heard of that?

It's ground up BROWN pieces, probably including chicken feet and gristle, made into a loaf, and then sliced up into chunks.  It was like chewing on leather.  I try not to be wasteful, but two bites and it went in the trash.  It was THE most disgusting thing I've had in years!  This makes Taco Bell look like gourmet food!

After three hours of frustration at the "office" (which I'll relate tomorrow), I came home to a happy puppy that gave me kisses for an hour.  We rolled around on the floor chasing the ball and playing take-away with his toys.  Don't you just love how happy they are to see you??

Though I'm not really sure what day it is ... Saturday? ... I'll be heading to the grocery store.  Maybe ..... if I can gather up the energy.  


  1. Did you try the "emergency start" button, the one that allows house batteries to assist in the chassis batteries to start up the vehicle if the chassis batteries are too low? Should be somewhere to the left of the steering have to hold the button down the entire time. Maybe it is time to get a 30 amp plug-in -OR- a portable solar panel just to keep the engine battery charged...portable enough so that it can be in the sun outside of your RV Covered Storage.

  2. Boy Cooper sure has a happy face when his mom is home.
    Happy Saturday!

  3. Nancy, if unhappy with a food oroduct, I would call the number on the box & tell what you think. I di it on several occasions (raisens from California, some canned goods, even Swiffer products. Usually I get coupons from them. I do not buy 'pot pies' th s y have way too much sodium. I read somewhere Marie Callender is the worse for pot pies. I would consider calling g the manufacturer & conolain about their product lynn cross

  4. I have often contacted companies to either complain or praise because they don't know about these things unless someone tells them. When Tim wasn't driving the car much we got a number of flat batteries.
