Tuesday, October 8, 2024


 You know how you're laying there in bed, almost asleep (or at least praying for sleep) and you feel something on your forehead?  It's nothing ... just a stray hair ... so you swipe it back and roll over.  AND THEN YOU FEEL SOMETHING DROP ONTO YOUR SHOULDER!!!!!

Screams could be heard next door, I'm sure.  Nothing can get me out of bed faster, even the sound of puppy throwing up doesn't compare.  I flipped on the light and searched the bed and floor for 15 minutes.  Nothing ... I couldn't find a thing.  I'm pretty sure he hid in the depths of the bed.  That was pretty much the end of sleeping for me.

It might have been a tasty snack for Jonathan.   He's still hanging out, though not making as much noise as in his youth.  He's still chewing up a storm though.  That heavy towel over his cage is toast down at the bottom.

Along with the enchiladas came bird biscuits.  Parrots can be finicky eaters ... or maybe it's just being part of this family ... so I have to bake things he will eat that are good for him.  Anything orange ... carrots, sweet potatoes, though he won't eat pumpkin.  This will last about two months in the freezer.

And then it was time to head on out to the four letter word ... WORK.  I love the people, so it's an easy task.  With no initiation looming, there wasn't that much to do except work on the Vendor Faire in November.  The ball got dropped on this project ... as far as I know, they haven't even advertised it to the public.  No, I'm not taking this one on.  I do too much OTHER volunteering.  

There was lots of discussion about various problem items, but for the most part it was a nice day of sipping on a cold glass of coke.  Oh .... and this!!  Sorry but you know me and cake ... I tore into this with great relish when I heard it had caramel and Heath Bars in it.  OH YEAH!!!

Our lodge serves lunch every day in the lunch room, along with serving various groups who use our lodge as their meeting room.  There were two groups today ... and whatever dessert we serve them is fair game for the office help.  You know I would never turn down DESSERT!!

I arrived home to this sweet face barking and barking, grabbing his toy and running around me like crazy.  Try to steal it Mom ... just try!!!  I chase him around the house for 5 minutes before collapsing on the couch.  I love this kid!!

Maybe if I'm really lucky, I'll fall asleep on the couch this morning before heading out once again for lunch at my favorite Mexican restaurant with fellow lodge members.  You KNOW what's coming up next.  Oh yeah .... it's BINGO time!!!  

It's going to be a big crazy night ... we have not one, but TWO $1199 payouts to be made if they get the right numbers.  I will be dealing with nickels, dimes and pennies as everyone breaks their kids piggy banks so they can buy cards and WIN BIG!!!


  1. Happy Bingo Tuesday!

  2. Hopefully this is our last 100 degree day. 80's tomorrow!!!

  3. Playing BINGO too...it is called Landfall Bingo, further south it lands equals Big Bingo Winner. Hopefully we will be BIG WINNERS
