Sunday, October 20, 2024

Meet The K-9's

 Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose ... and sometimes you get to do BOTH at the same time.  We are one of the counties in the State that are rednecked, shoot em up cowboy types that love our flag and our country.  We believe in protecting ourselves however we can and we believe in our Sheriff's Department.

Here's how we do it.  Not too many years ago our Department began a K-9 section to help handle the problem adults in our County, as well as to help FIND lost children and adults.  You would be surprised just how many go missing.  

Though most of these handsome guys and gorgeous gals are for drug and bomb sniffing (you would be surprised how often they work), OUR favorite is Bingo.

So when the Sheriff's Department has their annual fund raiser for their K-9 pals, we all go to the dogs in spades!!  Almost 300 folks showed up to show their support.  Here's Nala and Bingo on the front page!

So why am "I" there?  Because the Elks Lodge Bingo crew donated the money to purchase Miss Bingo, a beautiful bloodhound ... and she was aptly named.  Support your local Sheriff is our motto, as he is one of the few who will stand up to the Governor at every turn.

We even got six bottles of wine, all of which we absconded with to include in our Veterans Dinner raffle coming up.  Don't tell anyone!!

So while we were buying raffle tickets for the "drop one in the bucket" table, bidding on the silent auction items and snacking on a charcuterie table 8 foot wide, Miss Bingo sat quietly with her handler.  Yup he's a hunk!!

He knew where she came from, so he brought her over for a visit.  OMG such a sweetheart she is!!  But here's the best part.  She has so far found 32 people in her short two year career, a record for most departments, and certainly for this one.  From children to lost adults, she's really good with her nose!!  Of course she was sniffing Cooper on me!

I wish I had taken a picture of the food.  Good grief ... the portions were epic.  Smoked tri-tip (some of the best I've ever had), smoked chicken, Mac 'n cheese, smoked bbq beans and cornbread filled me to the brim.  In no time I was miserable ... and I brought enough home to feed three more people.  No kidding ... the portions were gigantic!  

Time for the dessert auction!  Yikes ... the first one went for $500.  The problem was they were showing the desserts at the farthest side of the room from us.  I had no idea what I was bidding on, but bid I did!!  $325 later, this is what was presented to us.  

Ohhhhhhh ..... ummmm ..... it's blueberry cheesecake.  That was kind of a let down.  Since the next item was 2 dozen cupcakes sold for $1250, I figured the cheesecake was just dandy.  I was wrong.  This was just awful ... the worst thing I've ever eaten and believe it or not, I can still taste this morning.  UGH!!!  No worries though, it went for a good cause.  We tried to give it away at the other tables, but no one was a taker.  

Later, come to find out they gave us the wrong dessert.  This was not the one I was bidding on, which made it even worse!!!  Oh well ... so sorry Charlie.

By now it's WAY past our bedtime ... us old folks ... and they had just begun the gun games.  Some were won by buying cards, tearing them in half and waiting for the draw of the second half of your card.  I passed.  

Next up was a good one ... you bid on one of SIX bottles of really good alcohol, on the bottom of which was a number from 1 to 6.  Once all six were won, they rolled one dice to see who won the rifle.  So just because you had the most money, didn't mean you were going to win.  The suspense was awesome.  As you can imagine, no one gets out the door with one until you are registered and vetted next week.

Surprisingly, I actually won one of the raffle prizes.  This is the kind where you put the ticket in a box.  One ticket is drawn for the winner.  I put all my eggs in one basket and won this doggy bag for Cooper.  Yes, everything is for a dog ten times his size, so I'm saving several of the items for Mr. Gibbs.  Just so you know, I stole the blanket for myself!!!

Almost bigger than him, Coop had a hard time playing with this one, but play he did.  I think this one might be just right for Gibbs.  

And so I came home so miserable from eating WAY too much that I'm still miserable this morning.  I'm pretty sure I won't have to eat a single meal today.  

It was worth it though ... the K-9's made a lot of money ... enough to feed and care for them for a year and maybe even add to the kennel.  Three cheers for the DOGS!!!


  1. A great post, a fabulous idea, and a great cause.


  2. That blanket gave me the idea that you need to make a similar looking quilt...a doggie quilt! Maybe a K-9 quilt with pics of the police dogs...after all, you seem to have so much time on your hands... LOL

    1. GREAT idea. Yup I have SO much time to spend quilting. Sadly, not recently!

  3. What a great cause. Sounds like you had a nice time.
    Happy Sunday!

    1. It was the BEST ... and I did have a great time.

  4. What a great cause and good picture of you and Miss Bingo.

    1. Bingo is a sweetheart! I loved meeting her again.

  5. What an awesome event, and a good cause to boot!

  6. Cute blanket. I don't blame you for keeping it.

    1. Okay, I have to share with Cooper, but it's MINE!!!

  7. These dogs are amazing and do such good work

    1. They are just the best ... and work for a little play time.
