Sunday, October 6, 2024


 Happy Sunday from sunny California.  Slowly but surely we will be heading back down to the low 90's this week.  A few clouds came sailing through to brighten up the sunrise a bit, making for a nice "sit" on the patio.  

I really wanted to hit the grocery store, but first, let's waste some time being amused by my phone.  I really can't imagine being without one now.  From the bag-O-phone I carried in the truck that looked like the one sitting on your kitchen counter, to the tiny little thing you keep in your pocket now, it's kept me connected to a construction crew, to the police department, to the County Auditor's office and now to all my friends I play games with.  It's just amazing!!

It's also kind of fun when you run across something like this.  I laugh every time I see one fueling up with GAS.  On the other hand, I have to give it up to Mr. Musk.  Since all the devastation from the hurricane, no one has phone or computer connections.  He took care of that in a hurry the day after it happened.

Sections of the country can be turned on and off on the satellite itself.  Elon made sure that entire area could link up to his StarLink satellite at absolutely no cost and sent out the units for free.  I guess I can't say much about the gas fueled vehicles any more.

Our Elks Lodge is helping out also.  I've been calling back East to several other lodges to see who needs help.  Most of the devastation for them has taken place in Tennessee and Georgia.  At the lodge initiation meeting, we approved sending cash to these lodges (I can't say how much, but Bingo is doing well) to help them rebuild and to help their members with housing.  Luckily, this one is just flooded with downed trees.  There will be more after more phone calls are made.

I finally made it to Wally World with a big sigh.  It was crowded, as I knew it would be.  There was no hoarding going on here as there was at Costco due to the shipping ports going on strike.  No kidding, people were lined up around the block at Costco trying to buy ..... you guessed it ..... toilet paper.  Seriously folks, don't we make that stuff here in THIS country?

I made it quick ... light bulbs, Taquitos, some canned goods and a few boxes of yummy (not so much) pasta.  I would have bought that chunk of Velveeta Cheese for my Mac n Cheese, but it was a whopping $6.00.  

And then ... THEN ... I found these!!!  Oh yeah ... Oreo has redeemed themselves.  Who would not buy these?  They have marketing down pat!!

I did of course have to fight the checkout machine once again.  It would not ring up the tomatoes.  The lady came over and fixed it, but tried to tell me it had rung them up twice.  I was watching the screen like a hawk ... and that wasn't true.  

I asked when they were going to bring back REAL checkers and save some money.  She said they have been trying, but after two days they quit.  No one wants to work.  No kidding Sherlock ... because we've been giving away money for free for several years now ... who would WANT to work?

I digress ..... just LOOK at these cookies!!!  Whoever thought this up is pretty smart.  What kid would not want to eat these?  Obviously I'm just a BIG kid.

REDEMPTION!  A cookie FULL of frosting!!  My bad, I think I ate five ... or maybe it was six!!

After cleaning some windows around the house so I could see out .... I know, pretty shocking it is ..... I made some pico de gallo.  There's a lady at Bingo that makes the best stuff I've ever tasted.  I've tried to duplicate it for years with no success.  

Finally ... on this October 5th ... I DID IT!!  Not too much onion, not too much cilantro ... it was perfect.  I savored every bite because it probably won't happen again!!  The green stuff is that sauce I bought awhile back.  YUM!!!  There actually is some chicken down under!!

Today will be filled with fun ... I've got two lightbulbs in my 12 foot ceilings to change ... always an exciting ordeal hanging on with my toes ..... before I do some research on what Dave said about some button I can push when my battery is dead.  Assuming of course the HOUSE batteries are charged, which I think they were.  Wouldn't that be something?  I don't have to carry battery cables??


  1. Crazy people bought all the toilet paper here too.
    Enjoy your Sunday!

    1. Isn't that funny? And it's made in the USA! LOL. No ports involved.

  2. Only need to carry battery cables if you want them to help others...I don't

    1. I wish, but it seems they took that feature OFF my van. I'll ask the service department, but it looks like I'll have to carry unless that guy didn't know what he was talking about.

  3. What is it with people and toilet paper

  4. Mr. Ed said you don’t have to worry about no damn toilet paper if you got a Japanese toilet they’re not that expensive. I’ve had one for years. One roll last two months Oh wait a minute I am a male….. you women on the other hand need 14 rolls of toilet paper a month I guess you’ll have to go stand in line at Costco,
    if you have truck batteries are lithium be careful jumpstarting them. They’re not your AGM batteries
    Simple mistake. Just remember to put your foot on the break

    1. What?? I think only the house batteries are lithium ... but who the heck knows since it's out of sign under the front seat!!!

  5. I don't get the t.p. either. LOL Every disaster seems to scream 'we need more t.p.!'
    Congrats on the pico de gallo! I know that's a big success for you but I wouldn't know what the first ingredient was. :)
    Glad you're getting a break in the weather, it needs to drop to about 80 by November first, okay?

    1. I'm praying for you Patsy .. so far Q has been quite warm. It's still well over 100 every day. Bring toilet paper! LOL
