Monday, October 21, 2024

Finally ... On The Road Again!

 It wasn't quick ... me getting up on this day with a still miserably full stomach from eating too much!!  Lesson learned .... once again!  

The list was short.  Pack everything in readiness to leave, fuel up the rig and wash the window so I could at least see the driveway on my way out.  Good grief it was dirty.  It's like there's a nice layer of grease attracting every speck of dust, not to mention bug butts.  Unlike duck butts, bug butts are a detriment to visual acuity.

I admit, I did a terrible job.  Just down the street there's a big fancy truck that gets a bath about once a month.  I'm going to shanghai the crew and have them wash this kid every other month.  

Once I could actually SEE, I headed off for fuel.  Just a note here ... one of my very good friends husband bought a new Ford truck.  He traded between B5 and B20 fuel because it was cheaper.  Little did he know the damage that was being inflicted on his engine.  $10,000 later, he has a new engine and will no longer use B20 diesel.  

Since I didn't know exactly which fuel was being sold closest to my house, I chose to head on down the road to my favorite station.  I think it was $4.89 a gallon, up from just a couple weeks ago when I filled up my truck.  

At least with a full tank, I won't have to worry about getting more any time soon!  I'm not staying long, just enough to get my feet wet and get the hang of actually living in the new rig.   

And so we are loading up to take off this morning into the wild blue yonder of the ocean.  I've got sleeping pills and ear plugs packed, along with Mr. Cooper and his newest toy.  This will be a good test if I can keep Jonathan warm enough in his new ride.

By the way, just for info ... my mouse batteries are installed correctly.  Leave it to Apple to go against the grain.  Inside the mouse, it shows exactly how to install them ... the opposite of any other device I have ever used.  Put them in the normal way and it does not work at all.  Weird, huh?

We will look at the rest of the bird refuge pictures another day!!!


  1. Safe travels, good luck.


  2. Safe travels Nancy!

  3. Have a safe and COOL time, hope you learn more about your RIG so you will feel more comfortable with it.

    1. That was me...I hate when Google does that, makes people Anonymous...

    2. I don't get it either ... If I post on my phone, I have to put my name. If on my computer, no problem.

  4. Have a safe and good trip. Hope the new van works great for you. Becky
