Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Full Moon Exposure

Happy HUMP Day!!  It's the morning after for me.  I'm drug out and brain fried after only a few hours sleep.  It's like having a big hangover, but without all the fun of drinking in order to get there.

Tomorrow is the full Hunter's moon ... the biggest of the year.  I know you know what that means for Bingo.  All creatures big and small come out of the woodwork to regale us with their bad habits.

Let's get to it!

This is a quick respite before the melee, hiding in the upstairs hallway where it's quiet and peaceful.

First, let's have a policy meeting with he that knows everything about it.  My brain was swimming when I left the room and headed downstairs to meet and greet the infernal machine.  He always gives me trouble just for fun.  Although at least the cash drawer opened, it did so with a hitch, every single time.  This guy gets so much extra work, we probably need to acquire a new one.

While quietly counting the jackpots, a lady came in yelling HE ALMOST HIT ME!  It seems one of our players who sadly has had several strokes and can barely (and I mean BARELY) walk with a cane, DROVE himself to Bingo.  Really?  How can you drive when you cannot lift your legs up???  He almost ran over her as she crossed the alley.  It's a good thing she can run fast.  It was a sign.

We continued on.  One of the benefits of becoming a member is so you can get in to the Dungeon early and save your special seat.  We initiated 4 folks 2 weeks ago and their codes have not been entered into the system.  I pled the fifth ... it's not my job.  I gave them my code so next week they could come in early and rearrange all the chairs around the tables to their liking.

No kidding ... it's a madhouse from 2:00 on (we open at 4:30) because people are moving chairs all around the room.  They don't want anyone sitting too close to them and DEFINITELY NOT across from them.  They all carry burning torches and pitchforks, so I try to stay out of it.

There were a few miss-calls for the money on this night.  I'm sure they were affected by the golden rays of Hunter Moons.  I can't believe we have so many new players showing up who are not aware of the RULES of the game.  SO many boos and hisses went off every single time!  At least they weren't directed at me, so no Knights were called.

I was sure there would be some hair pulling when someone at my table made a comment about the next person in line.  Why oh WHY?  Just ignore them!!  Apparently she got a little too close while peasant number one was picking out her speed coverall cards.  A bump was made, a slammed fist on the table and the fight was on!  

Come to find out, they knew each other and it was a teasing gesture ... but the second one never looked up to see who it was.  I expected a bloody nose and was ready to run, but alas they finally laughed it off.  Whew ... that was a close one.

I couldn't take any pictures of the current fashions because ... well ... you know, privacy and all that.  If only you could see the fashionistas in person.  I cannot for the life of me figure out how they get all that into a 12" wide piece of stretchy material.  There is nothing that doesn't show, if you know what I mean.  Short shorts does not describe it even a little bit.  Add to that a crop top made from a head band and you may get the picture.  

I'm pretty sure I never owned a onesie, even when I was a baby, but they are very popular now, especially with the over endowed.  It's blinding when it's WHITE in color.  I should have worn my sunglasses.  Please oh please let them win a jackpot and buy a new wardrobe.  

If you think plumbers crack only belongs to male plumbers, you would be wrong.  Truly, it's hard to sit and look at that, but sit there I did until the end of the night. 

The fact that we had TWO $1199 pots to give away did not go unnoticed.  Piggy banks were broken and pennies spent.  On nights like this, we rake in lots of moola, even if they don't have it to spend.  We do allow debit cards, and I'm sure some are going to go without food for the rest of the week.  

Many were rejected by the mini me infernal machine for lack of cash.  One for a measly $4.00 said I would receive 51 cents, the rest to be collected at a future day.  NOPE ... cancel cancel cancel.  We don't do that here.  The second card had the same problem.  It took three cards to get the $4.00 bill paid. 

 At long last it was time to talk sweetly to the infernal machine.  It worked ... he spit out a tape that matched my count exactly.  Maybe the coming full moon didn't have all its strength yet.

And so ended another lovely night of BINGO with me wondering what their kids will have for breakfast and dinner today.  I was on high alert as I walked across the alley to my truck.  No worries, he's still inside playing bingo.  I prayed he would be the last to leave the parking lot and not run over anyone.  

Happy Hump Day!!!  It's recovery day for me!


  1. Me thinks you should post the fashion pictures and just blur their faces! Or send them to me and I will post them!

  2. Sounds like quite a fashion show!
    Glad you made it home safely.
    Happy Wednesday!

    1. The full moon always brings out the best in people.

  3. Mr. Ed said unfortunately we get the picture. Remember we’ve been to Walmart during a full moon 🙊🤡

    1. Oh that's RIGHT!! That's another fun place to hang out and see the current fashions.

  4. In Arkansas we had two Rotary Clubs. A guy in the other Rotary Club had Macular Degeneration real bad, but still drove! After his fifth or sixth car wreck, none of which were serious but still, he hit something or someone hit him and each was his fault, the family finally talked him out of driving.

    1. I'm sure they have tried. He used to get rides, but the "nice" bingo folks charged him $25!! Too sad.

  5. I remember working many Charity Bingos and seeing some wearing Rags.
    Love the Moon shots.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. It's interesting that most of our folks around here dress to the nines when it comes to Bingo night. There are always a few however ..........

  6. Little to no sleep isn't good four our bodies but those nights happen.
    The way some people dress amaze me, do they really think they look good, such people may be too self-centred to take criticism and if someone said change your clothes you look ridiculous they would be offended

    1. TOTALLY offended they would ..... I'm not sure if it's for shock value or they really think they look great.

  7. That reminded me of a saying.. trying to put 10 lbs of potatoes in a 5 lb bag!

    1. That's it exactly!!!! Which is why I always try to wear loose clothing. Maybe tight Levis, but loose everything else!!
