Friday, March 14, 2025

Worse Than Cats and Dogs

 Wake UP California!!  You're going to be late for work!!  There's still a lot of that going on around here as we try to acclimate to the new time schedule.  Not me however ... cuz I'm retired.  Isn't it wonderful?  It does bother me however that the entire time I was working, time flew by like the turtle chasing the rabbit ... as SLOWLY as could be.  Now that I'm a lady of leisure, the rabbit has taken over the lead and the days aren't even 6 hours long.  

I would love to say it was sunny and beautiful, but alas ... THIS is my neighborhood.  I have never in my life seen clouds this dark.  Maybe far far away in the desert, but never right over my head.  And then the rain came down.  YIKES!!  It sounded like someone dropping little steel balls into a metal pot.  Oooohweeee it got scary for awhile there.  

Mr. Cooper and I split our time between stitching up another quilt (okay, mostly taking one apart because I sewed it completely wrong) and catching up on all the local gossip on my phone.  Here's one for the record book.  I have no idea who came up with this pizza review ranking, but there are at least ten within 45 minutes of my location.  I think I see a roadtrip in my future.  

I spent the majority of the day perusing the budget for the Elks Lodge.  We had a meeting schedule at 5:30 to get it completed and on to the bookkeeper.  I went above and beyond to get the copies ready since I discovered the info did not fit on one page.  In fact, it was 44 pages.  Not kidding ... each column had its own page.  Finally ready to go, I headed off to the Lodge.  

I waited and waited while the rains came down WORSE than cats and dogs, and hail showered the entire area.  Just WOW!!!  Honestly, I've never seen anything like it in my life ... at least not here.

NO ONE SHOWED UP.  No kidding ... they were all in a panic because the budget wasn't done ... yet no on showed up to go over the numbers.  SO ... I guess you-know-who is going to just plug in some figures and give it to the bookkeeper.  What can I say ... 

They DID however, show up for the trustee meeting.  I smiled as they came is soaking wet!!  That meeting went swimmingly, especially when one problem gal stood up and berated all the trustees.  Truly, I don't need this one bit, but I'm going to stick around just to be a thorn in their side!  

Thank goodness THAT ended somewhat early.  I headed straight home to be greeted with the best barks on the block!  Cooper makes every day a good day.

The big event of the night was to be the full BLOOD WORM MOON.  Ooooooh that's spooky!  So called because it's usually raining or wet in the spring, causing the worms to come to the surface.  It's true ... they are all over my patio from the big flooding rain we got.  Eeewwwww!  The blood color has something to do with light rays as a full lunar eclipse happens.  

It was happening at midnight.  Obviously that's just WAY too late for me, but I set my alarm and got ready for a few pictures.  Isn't it beautiful?  It's not my picture!!

I got up, turned off the Fort Knox alarms and stuck my head out the back door.  There was no moon whatsoever ... only very dark rain clouds.  C'est la vie ... I went back to bed.  

And so ended another long day of accounting and budget prep.  Not really, because I'm just going to use the same figures I used last year, since no one thought it was important enough to attend.

There was one other nice moment however ... and that's when our RV park donated $750 to me for supplies to make those Veteran quilts.  How cool is that?  I buy the supplies, turn in the receipts and they will reimburse me.  Now let's see just how many I can whip out in six months!!!


  1. That picture of those big dark clouds is really something.
    You are going to be one busy gal making those quilts.
    Pouring down rain here.
    Happy Friday!

  2. When Storm Clouds like that gather, it can be unsettling.
    Have you ever noticed that it is the person who does the least to help out, has the biggest mouth to complain?
    Makes retirement sound more enticing.
    Stay Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  3. Saw that picture with the dark clouds and thought, "There was a tornado somewhere around there..." Well, did not know that it was down in L.A., but yes, a small tornado in L.A. Those clouds were very familiar to me after living in Arkansas for so long.

  4. Quite the weather in So Cal yesterday, including the tornado, rain, flooding (from the fires) and we had a foot of snow to throw in the mix after a night of heavy rain with thunder. They keep saying Spring is on the way!

    Nice to get the donation for the quilts. I don't think many people have any clue as to how expensive quilting is, starting with the fabric and batting and of course not including labor. Good for you!

  5. Wow...that sky! Our sky was somewhat dark yesterday but nothing like that. Congratulations on the donation.

  6. Nice you will be reimbursed for quilt supplies and those were some heavy dark clouds.
