Monday, March 24, 2025


 It was time to recover on Sunday.  That being said, it was actually a gorgeous day.  Not too cold and not too hot.  That's why Mr. Cooper and I went for a walk.  Walks are getting shorter in his old age ... or maybe in MINE!

This is a gorgeous tree my neighbor has, but I'm thinking it's the cause of my morning bout with sneezing.  I'm up to the count of twelve every time!  I guess it's a sure sign that Spring has arrived in style.

Back to Saturday night ... as I mentioned, this is the King of the Magic Castle.  He and his wife went on a trip to France to have a look see, and he came home with a French beret.  I have no clue where the beer came from.  Wife Deb is great at decorating ideas.  

On every table was a fake beer, one of his favorite hats (clean ones she said) and a picture that matches the fabric tablecloths she made.  One for travel, one for Bingo, one for the Los Angeles Dodgers ... you get the picture.

There was an open bar which soon had us wearing crazy hats, feather boas and faces not our own.

Needless to say, the King turned 75 years old.  Just a young-un the older folks said!!  Did I mention this group is a big part of Bingo?  In fact, there ended up being THREE tables full of Bingo Knights and Ladies.  You can tell because pretty much NONE of us dressed up for this party!  Neither did the King, so we were safe.

Here's the cake ... fire extinguisher at the ready.  No kidding, this cake has 75 candles on it, all attached with an ignitable line so they will light within seconds.  That's so the first candle won't melt completely before the last one is lit.

And light up it did!  The bad news is our building is so old, there are no fire sprinklers or alarms to set off ... thus the fire extinguisher close at hand.  This is a BIG cake on a BIG metal cart!!  The King had a pretty hard time trying to blow them all out.  It took three breaths to do it!!

You can read the writing ... Call the Fire Department before lighting!!  We ate almost all of TWO cakes, along with some vanilla bean ice cream.  That after all those chicken wings, mushrooms, meatballs and miscellaneous appetizers, filled us to the brim.  It was a GREAT party, celebrating a GREAT friend.  

And so on Sunday, I recovered from eating too much before hitting the sewing room to finish up another quilt top.  Since the fabric panels are no longer in existence, I ordered a couple new ones which arrived on Sunday.  That was surprising.  

Also surprising is that I don't like them one bit.  They are all camouflage material and dark.  I'll take them to Bingo and let the guys decide if it's what they want.  We may be out of luck other than just making plain red white and blue quilts.  I rather like those that designate a branch of the service.  

Lunch was quick and easy ... the last of the turkey pot pie without the pie crust part.  I sprinkled parmesan on this time, but that was a mistake.  I ate it anyway.

If I can get my act together today, I'll return those pants I bought at Walmart ... you know the ones ... the impulsive buy that never fits.  It's pretty sad when the best clothing store you have in your town is Walmart!!

In the meantime ... let's all PARTY ON .........  


  1. What a nice party, love the fire extinguisher!
    Happy Tuesday!

    1. It was a nice party ... even though I'm not a party girl.

  2. 75 Candles! I think it would take me 5 attempts to blow that out. Looks like you all had a Drunken, I mean, Good Time.

    1. I was leery of that many candles!! For once I don't think there was a drunk person at the lodge ... surprise!!

  3. Check out Quilted Twins for patriotic panels. They have many and their service and shipping is first rate.

    I am still not understanding your high Medicare premiums and the fact you had the house in Arizona. Personally, I would make a call to double check this, even though that's a pain in the neck. As mentioned before, I pay $185 a month, probably ten years older than you, have both Part A and B coverage and live in CA.

    1. What they do if you sell a piece of property, they add all of that to your income (in spite of expenses) and say you are rich, so you can pay more for Medicare. Next year it will go back down, but it's never been under $250 a month. Thanks for the quilt tip ... I'll check it out.

  4. What a great party. You bingo people live on "the edge "!

    1. Hahaha yeah right!! Most of us are lucky we can still walk!!!
