Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Earthquakes and Tornados!!

 Let's face it RV friends ... the weather has been weird this year.  The devastation from coast to coast is more than I have ever seen in all my long life.  My heart goes out to all those who live in the tornado belt.  One day everything is just hunky dory, and the next you lost your house and everything in it.  My prayers go out to all the tornado and fire victims back East.

It's been a little different around here also.  Maybe it's just because we have so much social media to keep us informed.  Luckily I live in an area where not much happens.  Oh there's the occasional flood, but that only results in cleaning out the house and buying new furniture.

It was surprising to see an almost full moon (still?) hanging out in this single ball of clouds over my house.  Rather ominous looking.  It is what's left over from another rainy day.

There I was, sipping my cup of Joe when I got THIS message.  Yet another earthquake!  We've been getting them quite often this spring.  This one was up around San Francisco.  Lucky for me, none of these affect the area that I live in.  It wasn't a big one, but healthy enough to pay attention.  

I didn't hang around the house long, as the Budget was calling my name.  I headed off to meet up with the bookkeeper to begin the arduous task of balancing.  That's always fun!!  Even better?  Handing out copies to three guys on the board who probably never balance their checkbooks.  If I didn't laugh about it, I would cry!!  I'm hoping I get it done by the end of the week, just in time to hand out to the new Officers who will never look at it either!  

Back home, I was greeted with a ton of barks!  Since there was a break in the rain, I thought "let's go for a walk"!  I forgot I had my cowboy boots on.  Here's a gander at some of the fields around me.  Gorgeous green right now, but soon to become a big fire hazard.  This will be plowed over and over until time to plant ... which is running late this year.

Mr. Cooper did his best to step in every single puddle there was.  By the time we got back, he was wet from head to toe and my feet hurt.

There was more sewing and getting the next quilt on the machine, but that was it.  I played hooky!  Never try to quilt at the end of the day when you are tired.  The mistakes are epic!

AND THEN THERE WAS THIS!  What the heck?  We don't have tornados in California!  This is located South of me, so I wasn't too worried.  I remember there being one or two way back in the dinosaur ages, but the worst damage was a piece of wood stuck in a palm tree.  

Yup that's my sweet kid looking down at the ball I'm supposed to toss back to him. 

Well I'll be darned ... would you look at this!  Obviously a baby tornado, but a tornado nonetheless.  Turns out it was not far down the road. There was no damage because I don't think it even hit the ground.  Will wonders never cease.  

Not much of a day, but exciting for my neighbors who haven't experienced this stuff before.

So I figured I might as well try a little excitement myself.  Here's yet another one of those internet recipes you just HAVE to try.  It happens I had the two required ingredients.  Parmesan cheese and onions.  Place a layer of parm on a sheet pan and top with slices of onion.  Easy, yes?

Well ... the onion was a tad bit old ... rotten as it were.  I was able to get a few decent slices, though I cried like a baby.  Top with garlic salt and pepper.  Bake for I don't know how long because I didn't write that part down.  The temperature?  I had no clue!

That's when I was distracted by the tornado.  I thought I burned the parmesan.  Okay ... time for the taste test.  OMG!  And this time that's not good.  The entire onion tasted kind of rotten, followed up with burned cheese flavor.  Icky poo!!  Add to that the instantly soggy bottom from the moisture in the onions.  This is a big NO!  Don't even bother making this one.  AND it was so salty I could hard swallow the only bite I took!!  That's a NO with a capital NO!

Sadly, that was my dinner I threw in the trash.  Better luck next time!  Some Ritz crackers made my stomach feel better.  Remember, I test these recipes so you don't have to!!

Amazingly, it's another BINGO day.  I think this happened just two days ago, but we are back at it.  Hopefully there are no earthquakes or tornados in the bingo room tonight!!


  1. Like you said, the weather has gone wonky all over the place.
    Stay Safe and Good Luck with BINGO.

    It's about time.

  2. Tornado warning near Atwater! Wow! That's insane!
    Glad it turned out to be small.
    Stay safe my friend!
    Happy Bingo Tuesday!

  3. When we moved to North Highlands in 1980 the area just outside the city limits was all open fields. I did see a couple of tornados. One tornado actually touched ground and destroyed a little country school. Fortunately school wasn't in session.

  4. Oh my! All those weather scares!
    Thx for testing the recipe for us and for the cute screen saver. ❤️
