Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Lots of Sewing Going On

 It took awhile to get motivated on a Monday.  Gorgeous temperatures showed up unexpectedly and I planned on just laying out under the warm sunny rays.  Too bad my get-'er-done personality wouldn't let me.  Maybe tomorrow!

I'm stuck on some of these Veteran quilts ... and hope you can help me.  I just don't remember these colors being that of Marines.  Maybe I'm stuck in the days of Desert Storm and camo!  I know the Air Force had light blue uniforms, the Navy had navy blue.  What about the Marines, the Coast Guard and the Army?  Any suggestions on the colors for these quilts?  Or should I just make them all red, white and blue.

Having found that the above center panels are now extinct, or at the very least considered "antiques", I've been looking for something else to use.  A few years ago I made this one that I thought maybe I could duplicate.  Those piano keys down the side, though, they are SO hard to figure out the size depending on the size of the panel, I just don't want to go there again.  

I knew I had this panel stuck somewhere in my sewing room, so I spent over an hour looking for it.  I also went online to see if I could find more of them, but alas ... only six could be found.  Apparently these too have become almost extinct.  This one is done and ready to quilt.

Lucky for me, Arrowhead Gramma mentioned an online store yesterday.  They have a few new panels that I think will work.  I hate for them all to be the same, but manufacturers are not making much patriotic stuff these days.  Too bad.

I finished this one that was already put together when I got the box of fabric.  I quilted it and bound the edges, resulting in very oweey fingers on my right hand.  Too much hand sewing I think.  

I still have maybe ten of these small panels left, so I started this one for the Air Force.  I guess another trip to the fabric store will be coming up soon.  I've run out of red and navy blue.  Just for fun, I figured out these 40 x 50 quilts will cost between $50 and $60 each, not counting my machine time and thread.  I sure hope they like them!!

I almost missed dinner, which didn't set well with Mr. Cooper.  He's very good at reminding me with a wet nose to nose confrontation.  We ate outside on the patio, admiring the few clouds that were overhead.

It got really pretty for a minute there, but was fleeting at best.  

Ten minutes later, guess who was fast asleep.  

It's that time again ... no, not Howdy Doody time, it's BINGO time.  But first, I'm scheduled for a Mexican lunch in town, after which I will race home to feed my kid before putting on my armor.  I'm hoping tonight will be pitchfork free.


  1. You cannot be wrong with navy blue, red and white, I think. However you can only purchase what is available. The Internet should have some info. Good luck and I know you will do fine.

  2. Marlene is right red, white and navy blue are perfect colors. You do such an amazing job on all of your quilts.
    Happy Tuesday!

  3. Have you looked at www.quilterswarehouse.com? Type in Patriotic once there, looks like there are some reasonably priced patterns.

  4. I would be interested in purchasing the USAF quilt.

  5. Our son is a retired marine and I asked him.
    Dark blue coat with scarlet piping. Sky blue trousers " Red
    Stripe " for officers and enlisted E-4 or above. Or white trousers for Officers E6 and above. Summer whites or optional ( more ceremonial ).
    Hope this helps you Nancy ...their sky blue is not what I would call it. Reminds me of a subtle royal blue.
    White hat.
    Good Luck with all of your quilts !
