Thursday, March 6, 2025



Okay ... SOMEONE did a rain dance.  Come on, admit it!!!  I know you were doing the Hokey Pokey around the kitchen, flailing your arms and beating a drum.  Otherwise, why would it have rained here ALL DAY LONG.  I don't remember the last time that happened, though I admit, my memory isn't what it used to be.

Not only was there no walking for exercise, there was barely ANY walking the dog, because every time resulted in a fight with the bath towel to dry everyone off.  That hose at the base of the tree?  That's my drip irrigation.  The good news is I have VERY sandy soil, so it doesn't stay around long .... except for today.

I will say however, that my grass has never been greener ... and taller because every day the gardener is scheduled, it has rained.  I see by looking at my weather app that you have scheduled FOUR more days of rain dancing next week.  Instead of wildly flailing arms that brings buckets, maybe you could do a little slow waltz or something ... otherwise, the countryside will be flooded.

Rain makes for a dull day.  ALL DAY LONG.  I finally got up enough gumption to hit the quilt with a vengeance.  That's when I spotted it.  The quilters out there will see it.  I made a big booboo.  The bottom border on each of those strips is sewed on the wrong side.  The bottom half is perfect ... the top sections SHOULD have been the opposite.  Needless to say, the instructions are not very clear.  RATS!!  

An hour later after taking off three long borders, I was back to where I started.  THIS time I made triple sure I was doing it the right way.  Jack the Ripper got a real workout.

I just can't wait to get this off the wall.  When you buy these things, you think "Oh, that's pretty".  After sewing on it for a month, you think WHY ... OH WHY did I buy this!!  Of course they won't let you see the instructions until it's paid for.  

Once those bottom rows are sewn on, I still have two MORE borders.  Big sigh ..... unfortunately, the lesson is never learned.  Only put off to be learned again on the next oh-isn't-that-pretty quilt!

Looking a little worse for wear, here's Mr. Cooper after just waking up from a nap.  He's a little damp around the edges, as am I.  Yup ... 4:00 pm and it's still raining.

Since dinner was a microwaved variety ... quick and easy ... I decided to gather up my hutzpah and change out the cartridge.  Who in the world invented this thing?  

I watched the video twice before grabbing a handful of tools.  It took two tries since I never seem to get the right tool the first time.  With the handle off, I unscrewed the ring and stared at it for a bit.  I triple checked to be sure the water was turned off and closed the drain because I KNEW something would fall in the sink.  

I wiggled it loose and pulled up with all my might.  Out it came, along with a flood of water.  NOOOOO!  But it was okay, just what was in the line.  I looked down into the hole.  There was the part that the video said I had to replace also, but I didn't HAVE that part.  It did not come with the cartridge.  

Oh well ... I stuffed the new cartridge in the hole, put the ring back on and screwed it down.  Next the handle, before ever so carefully and gently turning the water back on, praying that Old Faithful didn't erupt in my bathroom.    

Now for the moment of truth.  I turned the handle and water came out.  YAY!!  Then I turned it off ... and the drip was GONE!!!  I can't believe it ... I FIXED IT!!  It was a great day until I realized how dirty the sink was.  I spent the next 20 minutes scrubbing it up pretty!!

That was it .... my day in a nutshell.  Today I'll be back on the internet looking for a cartridge for the OTHER leaky faucet.  Hopefully I can get the same guy to give me THAT part number.  Believe me, it's all about the part number!

Otherwise, it will be boring things like doing the laundry before dressing up in my penguin suit for the last initiation of the year for new members.  The new "crew" takes over April 1st ... and won't they be surprised to find I'm going to be gone a lot and not available for all those WOULD YOU events!!  It's time they start doing a little more themselves.  


  1. You go girl!! Plumber Nancy you just saved yourself at least 150.00 bucks!
    Rain here too.
    Happy Thursday!

  2. You did great!! This non quilter wouldn't and didn't notice your booboo. 😄 Cooper is a cutie, wet or not. 💕
    At 4 am it can rain all it wants here, I'm sleeping! Haha.

  3. Your rain will be arriving here in Phoenix area tonight and tomorrow.......OH ISH. Maybe I'll just stay home!
    You did GREAT on your repair!! Any ideas on slow drain in kitchen sink? Always something huh? :) Cooper is ALWAYS cute!
