Sunday, March 9, 2025

Changing Times

 It's warming up!!  We are all the way up to 39 degrees on this lovely dark morning.  It's time for the old TIME CHANGE ... that thing we do that creates havoc with our sleep for the next three weeks.  Of course that's normal for me, but the good news is I will get home from those late night meetings an hour earlier!!  I was truly hoping President Trump would do away with this nonsense, but so far I haven't heard one way or the other.  

This practice dates back to 1918.  Supposedly, when railroads came about going hundreds of miles in a matter of hours, the time difference between destinations became unwieldy and railroads could not set reliable schedules.  I suppose that worked fine 107 years ago, but come ON!!!   In 2018 California voted to abolish the time change, but the State refused.  No surprise ... they don't do much of anything we vote for.  

Now their excuse is because kids should come home in daylight so they don't get run over, which means kids stand out on the street corner when it's pitch black to GET to school in the morning.  It would be just awesome if California could come into the 21st Century.

And so Mr. Cooper and I took our last daylight morning walk.  With all the rain, the grass is growing like crazy in spite of the cold temps.  This is our little areas attempt at wildflowers.  Yes they are just as tiny as they look!  We stick to the roads so the stickers don't stick to Cooper.

Here's Jonathan, chortling like crazy as he massacres the stick.  This stuff is pretty soft, so I may have to find some a little bit harder.

In five minutes it was a pile of kindling on the floor of the cage.  This is what happens to your furniture if you leave them out of the cage.  One day on the ranch, she got out.  A little escape artist of epic proportions.  I had a snap lock on the outside of the cage door ... and she was actually able to hold it open and pull it off the door clips ... OUTSIDE the cage.  A Magician I tell you.  And so I had to move on to padlocks.  

While out, she flew up to the curtain rod on the window, where she destroyed the rod, the curtain AND the window sill.  Luckily the kitchen table survived.

Since it was a lazy day for me, though I did want to go get that fabric, I got WAY too involved in this quilt.  Some of you may have seen it on Yellowstone.  Beth Dutton was wrapped up in it.  Not exactly the same, but close.  I've been wanting to make it ... and found some of the fabric when I got my machine repaired.

Not quite the same ... and I'm not happy with the gray.  There is no pattern for this one, I'm winging it!!  The more I looked at the original quilt in a picture from the show, the more I didn't like the fabric I have.  I  scrounged around and found a few more pieces of red ... but the gray just won't work.  By the time I figured that out, it was too late to head to the quilt store, and of course they are closed today.  Maybe I'll look online.

On to the next project ... one of those veteran quilts.  There are two kinds.  One is a Quilt of Valor, which must be made using specific patterns, which I don't have.  THESE are made for the Elks Veterans and also have a fairly specific pattern, NOT in writing of course.  

There are no measurements for anything.  My first attempt at winging it ended in failure and a yard of ruined fabric.  I'm not liking this ONE BIT!!  I finally figured it out and got this far.

The next piece that goes both on the top and bottom is another problem child.  I found these in the box, but they are too small.  I have no clue what size to cut the blocks in order to end UP with the right 9-1/4" size.  At least this time I tried it with some old scrap fabric that I didn't care got ruined.  And ruined it did.  First time ... too big.  Second time ... too small.  

I threw my hands in the air and gave up.  How frustrating to not have an actual pattern for these.  If I can figure this out, then I only need a couple of borders to complete it.  Hopefully then I can whip out four or five in a hurry, since the meeting is on the 17th of this month.  Time is short!!

When in doubt and frustrated ..... eat PIZZA.  Ice cream is better, but it's dinner time.  I needed to use up the rest of the pepperoni and olives, so pizza it was.  Not as good this time ... I really don't know why.  Maybe I was in the mood for ice cream instead.

That was it ... the entire day spent making sewing mistakes right and left.  TOMORROW I'll be standing at the door when they open.  

That is if I can switch the time in my little brain back to NORMAL.


  1. Bless your heart for making quilts for the Vetrans.
    Happy Sunday!

  2. Try putting cheese on top of the pepperoni, too. Can't have too much cheese, but you can have too much ice cream and get a brain freeze. Remember those when you were a kid?

  3. I have said it before, I HATE THIS TIME CHANGE BS!!!! That said, why is it that when we are driving out on the open road, it does not bother me going from time zone to time zone????

  4. Nancy, you need the cheat sheet for these hour glass blocks. Google: where you will find directions and a chart for making these blocks in many sizes. You can download the charts. For a finished 9 1/2" block, you start with 11" squares and go from there. Oversized so you can trim to correct finished size. Good luck.
