This springing forward and falling back is a joke some politician thought he would play on us all. Apparently the idea was to move the hours of human activity to make the best use of daylight hours.
That was back when it took all day to plow the field with horses. Not that it made any difference, because having lived on a ranch most of my life, ANY rancher knows you go to work when the sun comes up and quit when the sun goes down. It doesn't matter one bit what TIME it is.
The next excuse was the trains running on time ... and even when we all voted to stop this nonsense, it continues today. I was shown the documents yesterday that explain why California still continues to do this. The West Coast will only follow the STOP IT law we voted on if both Oregon and Washington do the same.
Yes, Washington voted to stop it ... but OREGON ... they don't want to see their beautiful sunsets at 4:30 pm for a few weeks, so they refused to follow the crowd. Yup ... that's what it said.
And so last night we SPRANG forward ... SPRUNG forward ... and generally screwed up everyone's sleep habits for the next month. It's hard trying to go to sleep at 8:00 pm.
It didn't bother Cooper much, but now I'm getting up an hour late and not getting things done.
Neither is Clyde. His name seems to change often depending on whether he's alive, dead, or in a coma. On this morning he was dead as a doornail. He seems to lose his internet connection quite often. Apparently the last time I docked him unceremoniously, he wasn't on point.
Lucky for him, he does such a good job, he has NOT been kicked out the door. After a considerable time, probably due to the time change, he came alive and went to work. He just forgot to spring forward. And truly, the floor is not that dirty ... that's a shadow from the chair.
Back to sewing, you can't imagine how frustrating this is for a MATH MAJOR. There are 20 pieces of paper laying around that look like this. And I STILL didn't get it right.
I spent most of the day working on this. OOOHHHHH it can be so maddening! I really do not like this pattern ... but maybe when it's done it will be better. After two HOURS worth of math and drawing pictures, I finally made all the little squares an inch too big, then cut them down until they fit.
What to do with it now, I have no idea. Borders I suppose, but I don't know what SIZE they want these to be. At this point it is barely big enough for a lap quilt.
I took a break and realized it was 2:00 ... way too late for lunch ... so I just heated up a piece of pizza and called it good. It wasn't, but a peanut butter cookie saved the day.
About that time, I was surprised to see Mr. Jonathan (or Miss Jonathan) taking a bath. I guess that means it really IS spring time, because this rarely happens in the winter. His head is stuck all the way down in the water bowl. When he comes up, he flings his head around giving himself a nice shower.
I tried using a spray bottle once, because they really do like to take a bath, but it scared him too much. A mud puddle would probably suit him just fine. A dirty water bowl is second best.
Trying to catch up on a couple of quilts for the meeting coming up, I figured I could whip this one out in no time. WRONG! I found that every one of these square panels are NOT equal. This one is half an inch bigger ... meaning none of my hard fought calculations worked.
Yessiree ... I cut the panel down to fit. You would think the company that makes all these would make them the same size. Today I'll look for some simple free patterns I can use. Surely there is something in writing out there somewhere.
In the meantime, I'm changing my clocks around. It's pretty hard work for an old lady. I'm already two hours behind and getting behinder all the time. Yes that's a word.
Here's to a warm sunny day, even though we all feel like we lost an hours sleep, because we are staring straight into the face of four solid days of rain!! Won't that be fun!
Those quilts look good to me.
ReplyDeleteJonathan is a kick...just love his beautiful colors.
Time change is kicking my butt too.
Happy Monday!
Ditto on the quilts to what Frances said.
ReplyDeleteLovely and so is my body Jonathan. 🥰
Duh, Buddy.
DeleteIt seems most people don't like the time change and talk to end it has been going on for years. Hopefully some day it will stop.
ReplyDeleteDoing Taxes + Time Change = I am SCREWED! Couldn't sleep for the life of me last night...Last year I miss-calculated the surplus (think refund) that I always put as a credit to the next year's 1st quarterly payment...the error was around $96. They (IRS) caught it, sent me a letter, I read it, put it in my 2024 file since quarterly payments are figured off of estimates anyways. Well, I cannot figure out how the hell I made such a stupid is simple math. So every time I woke up last night, looking at the clock which running an hour ahead of where it was just a couple of days ago, you bet my mind went to this $96 error which I will never be able to figure out what I did. grrrrrr